function plan = basic_plan(plan, exogenous, expectation_type, date, value) % Adds a simple shock to the forecast scenario plan % % INPUTS % o plan [structure] A structure describing the different shocks and the implied variables, the date of the shocks and the path of the shock (forecast scenario). % The plan structure is created by the functions init_plan, basic_plan and flip_plan % o exogenous [string] A string containing the name of the exognous shock. % o expectation_type [string] A string indicating the type of expectation: 'surprise' for an unexpected shock, and 'perfect_foresight' for a perfectly anticpated shock. % o date [dates] The period of the shock % o value [array of double] A vector of double containing the values of the exogenous variable % % % OUTPUTS % plan [structure] Returns a structure containing the updated forecast scenario. % % % Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . if ~ischar(expectation_type) || size(expectation_type,1) ~= 1 error(['in basic_plan the third argument should be a string containing the simulation type (''perfect_foresight'' or ''surprise'')']); end exogenous = strtrim(exogenous); ix = find(strcmp(exogenous, plan.exo_names)); if isempty(ix) error(['in basic_plan the second argument ' exogenous ' is not an exogenous variable']); end; sdate = length(date); if sdate > 1 if date(1) < || date(end) > error(['in basic_plan the fourth argument (date=' date ') must lay inside the ']); end else if date < || date > error(['in basic_plan the fourth argument (date=' date ') must lay iside the ']); end end if length(date) ~= length(value) error(['in basic_plan the number of dates (' int2str(length(date)) ') is not equal to the numbers of shock (' int2str(length(value)) ') for exogenous variable ' exogenous]); end if ~isempty(plan.options_cond_fcst_.controlled_varexo) common_var = find(ix == plan.options_cond_fcst_.controlled_varexo); if ~isempty(common_var) common_date = intersect(date, plan.constrained_date_{common_var}); if ~isempty(common_date) date = setdiff(date, common_date); if common_date.length > 1 the_dates = [cell2mat(strings(common_date(1))) ':' cell2mat(strings(common_date(end)))]; else the_dates = cell2mat(strings(common_date)); end warning(['Impossible case: ' plan.exo_names{plan.options_cond_fcst_.controlled_varexo(common_var)} ' is used both as a shock and as an endogenous variable to control the path of ' plan.endo_names{plan.constrained_vars_(common_var)} ' at the dates ' the_dates]); end end end if isempty(plan.shock_vars_) plan.shock_vars_ = ix; if strcmp(expectation_type, 'perfect_foresight') plan.shock_perfect_foresight_ = 1; else plan.shock_perfect_foresight_ = 0; end else plan.shock_vars_ = [plan.shock_vars_ ; ix]; if strcmp(expectation_type, 'perfect_foresight') plan.shock_perfect_foresight_ = [plan.shock_perfect_foresight_ ; 1]; else plan.shock_perfect_foresight_ = [plan.shock_perfect_foresight_ ; 0]; end end plan.shock_date_{length(plan.shock_date_) + 1} = date; plan.shock_paths_{length(plan.shock_paths_) + 1} = value;