function [X, info] = cycle_reduction(A0, A1, A2, cvg_tol, ch) % --*-- Unitary tests --*-- %@info: %! @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{X}, @var{info}] =} cycle_reduction (@var{A0},@var{A1},@var{A2},@var{cvg_tol},@var{ch}) %! @anchor{cycle_reduction} %! @sp 1 %! Solves the quadratic matrix equation A2*X^2 + A1*X + A0 = 0. %! @sp 2 %! @strong{Inputs} %! @sp 1 %! @table @ @var %! @item A0 %! Square matrix of doubles, n*n. %! @item A1 %! Square matrix of doubles, n*n. %! @item A2 %! Square matrix of doubles, n*n. %! @item cvg_tol %! Scalar double, tolerance parameter. %! @item ch %! Any matlab object, if not empty the solution is checked. %! @end table %! @sp 1 %! @strong{Outputs} %! @sp 1 %! @table @ @var %! @item X %! Square matrix of doubles, n*n, solution of the matrix equation. %! @item info %! Scalar integer, if nonzero the algorithm failed in finding the solution of the matrix equation. %! @end table %! @sp 2 %! @strong{This function is called by:} %! @sp 2 %! @strong{This function calls:} %! @sp 2 %! @strong{References:} %! @sp 1 %! D.A. Bini, G. Latouche, B. Meini (2002), "Solving matrix polynomial equations arising in queueing problems", Linear Algebra and its Applications 340, pp. 222-244 %! @sp 1 %! D.A. Bini, B. Meini (1996), "On the solution of a nonlinear matrix equation arising in queueing problems", SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 17, pp. 906-926. %! @sp 2 %! @end deftypefn %@eod: % Copyright (C) 2013 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . max_it = 300; it = 0; info = 0; X = []; crit = Inf; A0_0 = A0; Ahat1 = A1; if (nargin == 5 && ~isempty(ch) ) A1_0 = A1; A2_0 = A2; end n = length(A0); id0 = 1:n; id2 = id0+n; cont = 1; while cont tmp = ([A0; A2]/A1)*[A0 A2]; A1 = A1 - tmp(id0,id2) - tmp(id2,id0); A0 = -tmp(id0,id0); A2 = -tmp(id2,id2); Ahat1 = Ahat1 -tmp(id2,id0); crit = norm(A0,1); if crit < cvg_tol % keep iterating until condition on A2 is met if norm(A2,1) < cvg_tol cont = 0; end elseif isnan(crit) || it == max_it if crit < cvg_tol info(1) = 4; info(2) = log(norm(A2,1)); else info(1) = 3; info(2) = log(norm(A1,1)); end return end it = it + 1; end X = -Ahat1\A0_0; if (nargin == 5 && ~isempty(ch) ) %check the solution res = A0_0 + A1_0 * X + A2_0 * X * X; if (sum(sum(abs(res))) > cvg_tol) disp(['the norm residual of the residu ' num2str(res) ' compare to the tolerance criterion ' num2str(cvg_tol)]); end end %@test:1 %$ %$ t = zeros(3,1); %$ %$ % Set the dimension of the problem to be solved. %$ n = 500; %$ %$ % Set the equation to be solved %$ A = eye(n); %$ B = diag(30*ones(n,1)); B(1,1) = 20; B(end,end) = 20; B = B - diag(10*ones(n-1,1),-1); B = B - diag(10*ones(n-1,1),1); %$ C = diag(15*ones(n,1)); C = C - diag(5*ones(n-1,1),-1); C = C - diag(5*ones(n-1,1),1); %$ %$ % Solve the equation with the cycle reduction algorithm %$ try %$ tic; X1 = cycle_reduction(C,B,A,1e-7); elapsedtime = toc; %$ disp(['Elapsed time for cycle reduction algorithm is: ' num2str(elapsedtime) ' (n=' int2str(n) ').']) %$ t(1) = 1; %$ catch %$ % nothing to do here. %$ end %$ %$ % Solve the equation with the logarithmic reduction algorithm %$ try %$ tic; X2 = logarithmic_reduction(A,B,C,1e-16,100); elapsedtime = toc; %$ disp(['Elapsed time for logarithmic reduction algorithm is: ' num2str(elapsedtime) ' (n=' int2str(n) ').']) %$ t(2) = 1; %$ catch %$ % nothing to do here. %$ end %$ %$ % Check the results. %$ if t(1) && t(2) %$ t(3) = dassert(X1,X2,1e-12); %$ end %$ %$ T = all(t); %@eof:1