module SteadyState ## # Copyright (C) 2016 Dynare Team # # This file is part of Dynare. # # Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Dynare. If not, see . ## using NLsolve import DynareModel.Model import DynareOutput.Output export steady, steady! export steady_state, steady_state! function steady(model::Model, oo::Output) if model.analytical_steady_state || model.user_written_analytical_steady_state steadystate = zeros(length(model.endo)) model.steady_state(steadystate, oo.exo_steady_state, model.params) return steadystate else error("You have to provide a closed form solution for the steady state, or declare a guess\nfor the steady state as a third input argument.") end end function steady!(model::Model, oo::Output) if model.analytical_steady_state || model.user_written_analytical_steady_state model.steady_state(oo.steady_state, oo.exo_steady_state, model.params) return else error("You have to provide a closed form solution for the steady state, or declare a guess\nfor the steady state as a third input argument.") end end function steady(model::Model, oo::Output, yinit::Vector{Float64}) ojectivefunction!(y::Vector{Float64}, fval::Vector{Float64}, fjac::Array{Float64}) = model.static(y, oo.exo_steady_state, model.params, fval, fjac) r = nlsolve(only_fg!(ojectivefunction!), yinit, show_trace=false) if converged(r) return else return fill(nan(Float64), length(yinit)) end end function steady!(model::Model, oo::Output, yinit::Vector{Float64}) ojectivefunction!(y::Vector{Float64}, fval::Vector{Float64}, fjac::Array{Float64}) = model.static(y, oo.exo_steady_state, model.params, fval, fjac) r = nlsolve(only_fg!(ojectivefunction!), yinit, show_trace=false) if converged(r) oo.steady_state = else oo.steady_state = fill(nan(Float64), length(yinit)) end end function steady_state(model::Model, oo::Output) ys = steady(model, oo) display_steady_state(model, oo, ys) end function steady_state!(model::Model, oo::Output) steady!(model, oo) display_steady_state(model, oo, oo.steady_state) end function display_steady_state(model::Model, oo::Output, ys::Vector{Float64}) println("\n\nSTEADY STATE:\n") for i = 1:length(model.endo) println(string(model.endo[i].name, " = ", ys[i])) end end function issteadystate(model::Model, oo::Output, ys::Vector{Float64}) residuals = zeros(Float64, length(ys)) compute_static_model_residuals!(model, oo, ys, residuals) return maximum(abs(residuals))<1e-6 end function compute_static_model_residuals!(model::Model, oo::Output, ys::Vector{Float64}, residuals::Vector{Float64}) model.static(ys, oo.exo_steady_state, model.params, residuals) end end