function [ys,check] = NK_baseline_steadystate(ys,exo) % function [ys,check] = NK_baseline_steadystate(ys,exo) % computes the steady state for the NK_baseline.mod and uses a numerical % solver to do so % Inputs: % - ys [vector] vector of initial values for the steady state of % the endogenous variables % - exo [vector] vector of values for the exogenous variables % % Output: % - ys [vector] vector of steady state values fpr the the endogenous variables % - check [scalar] set to 0 if steady state computation worked and to % 1 of not (allows to impos restriction on parameters) global M_ % read out parameters to access them with their name NumberOfParameters = M_.param_nbr; for ii = 1:NumberOfParameters paramname = M_.param_names{ii}; eval([ paramname ' = M_.params(' int2str(ii) ');']); end % initialize indicator check = 0; %% Enter model equations here options=optimset(); % set options for numerical solver % the steady state computation follows FV (2006), section 4.1 PI=PIbar; u=1; q=1; d=1; phi=1; m=0; zeta=1; LambdaYd= (LambdaA+alppha*Lambdamu)/(1-alppha); mu_z=exp(LambdaYd); mu_I=exp(Lambdamu); mu_A=exp(LambdaA); %set the parameter Lambdax Lambdax=mu_z; %set the parameter gammma1 gammma1=mu_z*mu_I/betta-(1-delta); if gammma1<0 % parameter violates restriction; Preventing this cannot be implemented via prior restriction as it is a composite of different parameters and the valid prior region has unknown form check=1; %set failure indicator return; %return without updating steady states end r=1*gammma1; R=1+(PI*mu_z/betta-1); %set Rbar Rbar=R; PIstar=((1-thetap*PI^(-(1-epsilon)*(1-chi)))/(1-thetap))^(1/(1-epsilon)); PIstarw=((1-thetaw*PI^(-(1-chiw)*(1-eta))*mu_z^(-(1-eta)))/(1-thetaw))^(1/(1-eta)); mc=(epsilon-1)/epsilon*(1-betta*thetap*PI^((1-chi)*epsilon))/(1-betta*thetap*PI^(-(1-epsilon)*(1-chi)))*PIstar; w=(1-alppha)*(mc*(alppha/r)^alppha)^(1/(1-alppha)); wstar=w*PIstarw; vp=(1-thetap)/(1-thetap*PI^((1-chi)*epsilon))*PIstar^(-epsilon); vw=(1-thetaw)/(1-thetaw*PI^((1-chiw)*eta)*mu_z^eta)*PIstarw^(-eta); tempvaromega=alppha/(1-alppha)*w/r*mu_z*mu_I; [ld,fval,exitflag]=fzero(@(ld)(1-betta*thetaw*mu_z^(eta-1)*PI^(-(1-chiw)*(1-eta)))/(1-betta*thetaw*mu_z^(eta*(1+gammma))*PI^(eta*(1-chiw)*(1+gammma)))... -(eta-1)/eta*wstar/(varpsi*PIstarw^(-eta*gammma)*ld^gammma)*((1-h*mu_z^(-1))^(-1)-betta*h*(mu_z-h)^(-1))*... ((mu_A*mu_z^(-1)*vp^(-1)*tempvaromega^alppha-tempvaromega*(1-(1-delta)*(mu_z*mu_I)^(-1)))*ld-vp^(-1)*Phi)^(-1),0.25,options); if exitflag <1 %indicate the SS computation was not sucessful; this would also be detected by Dynare %setting the indicator here shows how to use this functionality to %filter out parameter draws check=1; %set failure indicator return; %return without updating steady states end l=vw*ld; k=tempvaromega*ld; x=(1-(1-delta)*(mu_z*mu_I)^(-1))*k; yd=(mu_A/mu_z*k^alppha*ld^(1-alppha)-Phi)/vp; c=(mu_A*mu_z^(-1)*vp^(-1)*tempvaromega^alppha-tempvaromega*(1-(1-delta)*(mu_z*mu_I)^(-1)))*ld-vp^(-1)*Phi; lambda=(1-h*betta*mu_z^(-1))*(1-h/mu_z)^(-1)/c; F=yd-1/(1-alppha)*w*ld; f=(eta-1)/eta*wstar*PIstarw^(-eta)*lambda*ld/(1-betta*thetaw*mu_z^(eta-1)*PI^(-(1-chiw)*(1-eta))); f2=varpsi*d*phi*PIstarw^(-eta*(1+gammma))*ld^(1+gammma)/(1-betta*thetaw*(PI^chiw/PI)^(-eta*(1+gammma))*(wstar/wstar*mu_z)^(eta*(1+gammma))); g1=lambda*mc*yd/(1-betta*thetap*PI^((1-chi)*epsilon)); g2=epsilon/(epsilon-1)*g1; %% end own model equations for iter = 1:length(M_.params) %update parameters set in the file <<<<<<< HEAD eval([ 'M_.params(' num2str(iter) ') = ' M_.param_names(iter,:) ';' ]) ======= eval([ 'M_.params(' num2str(iter) ') = ' M_.param_names{iter} ';' ]) >>>>>>> master end NumberOfEndogenousVariables = M_.orig_endo_nbr; %auxiliary variables are set automatically for ii = 1:NumberOfEndogenousVariables <<<<<<< HEAD varname = deblank(M_.endo_names(ii,:)); eval(['ys(' int2str(ii) ') = ' varname ';']); ======= varname = M_.endo_names{ii}; eval(['ys(' int2str(ii) ') = ' varname ';']); >>>>>>> master end