.. default-domain:: dynare ######## Examples ######## Dynare comes with a database of example ``.mod`` files, which are designed to show a broad range of Dynare features, and are taken from academic papers for most of them. You should have these files in the ``examples`` subdirectory of your distribution. Here is a short list of the examples included. For a more complete description, please refer to the comments inside the files themselves. ``ramst.mod`` An elementary real business cycle (RBC) model, simulated in a deterministic setup. ``example1.mod`` ``example2.mod`` Two examples of a small RBC model in a stochastic setup, presented in *Collard (2001)* (see the file ``guide.pdf`` which comes with Dynare). ``example3.mod`` A small RBC model in a stochastic setup, presented in *Collard (2001)*. The steady state is solved analytically using the ``steady_state_model`` block (see :bck:`steady_state_model`). ``fs2000.mod`` A cash in advance model, estimated by *Schorfheide (2000)*. The file shows how to use Dynare for estimation. ``fs2000_nonstationary.mod`` The same model than ``fs2000.mod``, but written in non-stationary form. Detrending of the equations is done by Dynare. ``bkk.mod`` Multi-country RBC model with time to build, presented in *Backus, Kehoe and Kydland (1992)*. The file shows how to use Dynare’s macro processor. ``agtrend.mod`` Small open economy RBC model with shocks to the growth trend, presented in *Aguiar and Gopinath (2004)*. ``NK_baseline.mod`` Baseline New Keynesian Model estimated in *Fernández-Villaverde (2010)*. It demonstrates how to use an explicit steady state file to update parameters and call a numerical solver. ``Ramsey_Example.mod`` File demonstrating how to conduct optimal policy experiments in a simple New Keynesian model either under commitment (Ramsey) or using optimal simple rules (OSR) ``Ramsey_steady_file.mod`` File demonstrating how to conduct optimal policy experiments in a simple New Keynesian model under commitment (Ramsey) with a user-defined conditional steady state file