function [ts,results] = extended_path(initial_conditions,sample_size) % Stochastic simulation of a non linear DSGE model using the Extended Path method (Fair and Taylor 1983). A time % series of size T is obtained by solving T perfect foresight models. % % INPUTS % o initial_conditions [double] m*nlags array, where m is the number of endogenous variables in the model and % nlags is the maximum number of lags. % o sample_size [integer] scalar, size of the sample to be simulated. % % OUTPUTS % o time_series [double] m*sample_size array, the simulations. % % ALGORITHM % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global M_ options_ oo_ ep = options_.ep; options_.verbosity = ep.verbosity; verbosity = ep.verbosity+ep.debug; % Set maximum number of iterations for the deterministic solver. options_.simul.maxit = ep.maxit; % Prepare a structure needed by the matlab implementation of the perfect foresight model solver pfm = setup_stochastic_perfect_foresight_model_solver(M_,options_,oo_); endo_nbr = M_.endo_nbr; exo_nbr = M_.exo_nbr; maximum_lag = M_.maximum_lag; maximum_lead = M_.maximum_lead; epreplic_nbr = ep.replic_nbr; steady_state = oo_.steady_state; dynatol = options_.dynatol; % Set default initial conditions. if isempty(initial_conditions) if isempty(M_.endo_histval) initial_conditions = steady_state; else initial_conditions = M_.endo_histval; end end % Set the number of periods for the perfect foresight model periods = ep.periods; pfm.periods = periods; pfm.i_upd = pfm.ny+(1:pfm.periods*pfm.ny); pfm.block = options_.block; % keep a copy of pfm.i_upd i_upd = pfm.i_upd; % Set the algorithm for the perfect foresight solver options_.stack_solve_algo = ep.stack_solve_algo; % Set check_stability flag do_not_check_stability_flag = ~ep.check_stability; % Compute the first order reduced form if needed. % % REMARK. It is assumed that the user did run the same mod file with stoch_simul(order=1) and save % all the globals in a mat file called linear_reduced_form.mat; dr = struct(); if ep.init options_.order = 1; oo_.dr=set_state_space(dr,M_,options_); [dr,Info,M_,options_,oo_] = resol(0,M_,options_,oo_); end % Do not use a minimal number of perdiods for the perfect foresight solver (with bytecode and blocks) options_.minimal_solving_period = 100;%options_.ep.periods; % Initialize the output array. time_series = zeros(M_.endo_nbr,sample_size); % Set the covariance matrix of the structural innovations. variances = diag(M_.Sigma_e); positive_var_indx = find(variances>0); effective_number_of_shocks = length(positive_var_indx); stdd = sqrt(variances(positive_var_indx)); covariance_matrix = M_.Sigma_e(positive_var_indx,positive_var_indx); covariance_matrix_upper_cholesky = chol(covariance_matrix); % (re)Set exo_nbr %exo_nbr = effective_number_of_shocks; % Set seed. if ep.set_dynare_seed_to_default set_dynare_seed('default'); end % Set bytecode flag bytecode_flag = ep.use_bytecode; % Set number of replications replic_nbr = ep.replic_nbr; % Simulate shocks. switch ep.innovation_distribution case 'gaussian' shocks = transpose(transpose(covariance_matrix_upper_cholesky)* ... randn(effective_number_of_shocks,sample_size* ... replic_nbr)); shocks(:,positive_var_indx) = shocks; case 'calibrated' replic_nbr = 1; shocks = zeros(sample_size,M_.exo_nbr); for i = 1:length(M_.unanticipated_det_shocks) k = M_.unanticipated_det_shocks(i).periods; ivar = M_.unanticipated_det_shocks(i).exo_id; v = M_.unanticipated_det_shocks(i).value; if ~M_.unanticipated_det_shocks(i).multiplicative shocks(k,ivar) = v; else socks(k,ivar) = shocks(k,ivar) * v; end end otherwise error(['extended_path:: ' ep.innovation_distribution ' distribution for the structural innovations is not (yet) implemented!']) end % Set waitbar (graphic or text mode) hh = dyn_waitbar(0,'Please wait. Extended Path simulations...'); set(hh,'Name','EP simulations.'); % hybrid correction pfm.hybrid_order = ep.stochastic.hybrid_order; if pfm.hybrid_order oo_.dr = set_state_space(oo_.dr,M_,options_); options = options_; options.order = pfm.hybrid_order; pfm.dr = resol(0,M_,options,oo_); else pfm.dr = []; end % number of nonzero derivatives pfm.nnzA = M_.NNZDerivatives(1); % setting up integration nodes if order > 0 if ep.stochastic.order > 0 [nodes,weights,nnodes] = setup_integration_nodes(options_.ep,pfm); pfm.nodes = nodes; pfm.weights = weights; pfm.nnodes = nnodes; % compute number of blocks [block_nbr,pfm.world_nbr] = get_block_world_nbr(ep.stochastic.algo,nnodes,ep.stochastic.order,ep.periods); else block_nbr = ep.periods; end % set boundaries if mcp [lb,ub,pfm.eq_index] = get_complementarity_conditions(M_, options_.ramsey_policy); = repmat(lb,block_nbr,1); options_.lmmcp.ub = repmat(ub,block_nbr,1); pfm.block_nbr = block_nbr; % storage for failed draws oo_.ep.failures.periods = []; oo_.ep.failures.previous_period = cell(0); oo_.ep.failures.shocks = cell(0); % Initializes some variables. t = 1; tsimul = 1; for k = 1:replic_nbr results{k} = zeros(endo_nbr,sample_size+1); results{k}(:,1) = initial_conditions; end make_ex_; exo_simul_ = zeros(maximum_lag+sample_size+maximum_lead,exo_nbr); exo_simul_(1:size(oo_.exo_simul,1),1:size(oo_.exo_simul,2)) = oo_.exo_simul; % Main loop. while (t <= sample_size) if ~mod(t,10) dyn_waitbar(t/sample_size,hh,'Please wait. Extended Path simulations...'); end % Set period index. t = t+1; if replic_nbr > 1 && ep.parallel_1 parfor k = 1:replic_nbr exo_simul = repmat(oo_.exo_steady_state',periods+2,1); % exo_simul(1:sample_size+3-t,:) = exo_simul_(t:end,:); exo_simul(2,:) = exo_simul_(M_.maximum_lag+t,:) + ... shocks((t-2)*replic_nbr+k,:); initial_conditions = results{k}(:,t-1); [results{k}(:,t), info_convergence] = extended_path_core(ep.periods,endo_nbr,exo_nbr,positive_var_indx, ... exo_simul,ep.init,initial_conditions,... maximum_lag,maximum_lead,steady_state, ... ep.verbosity,bytecode_flag,ep.stochastic.order,... M_.params,pfm,ep.stochastic.algo,ep.solve_algo,ep.stack_solve_algo,... options_.lmmcp,options_,oo_); end else for k = 1:replic_nbr exo_simul = repmat(oo_.exo_steady_state',periods+maximum_lag+ ... maximum_lead,1); % exo_simul(1:sample_size+maximum_lag+maximum_lead-t+1,:) = ... % exo_simul_(t:end,:); exo_simul(maximum_lag+1,:) = ... exo_simul_(maximum_lag+t,:) + shocks((t-2)*replic_nbr+k,:); initial_conditions = results{k}(:,t-1); [results{k}(:,t), info_convergence] = extended_path_core(ep.periods,endo_nbr,exo_nbr,positive_var_indx, ... exo_simul,ep.init,initial_conditions,... maximum_lag,maximum_lead,steady_state, ... ep.verbosity,bytecode_flag,ep.stochastic.order,... M_,pfm,ep.stochastic.algo,ep.solve_algo,ep.stack_solve_algo,... options_.lmmcp,options_,oo_); end end if verbosity if info_convergence disp(['Time: ' int2str(t) '. Convergence of the perfect foresight model solver!']) else disp(['Time: ' int2str(t) '. No convergence of the perfect foresight model solver!']) end end end% (while) loop over t dyn_waitbar_close(hh); if isnan(options_.initial_period) initial_period = dates(1,1); else initial_period = options_.initial_period; end if nargout if ~isnan(results{1}) ts = dseries(transpose([results{1}]), ... initial_period,cellstr(M_.endo_names)); else ts = NaN; end else if ~isnan(results{1}) oo_.endo_simul = results{1}; ts = dseries(transpose(results{1}),initial_period, ... cellstr(M_.endo_names)); else oo_.endo_simul = NaN; ts = NaN; end end assignin('base', 'Simulated_time_series', ts); function [y, info_convergence] = extended_path_core(periods,endo_nbr,exo_nbr,positive_var_indx, ... exo_simul,init,initial_conditions,... maximum_lag,maximum_lead,steady_state, ... verbosity,bytecode_flag,order,M,pfm,algo,solve_algo,stack_solve_algo,... olmmcp,options,oo) ep = options.ep; if init% Compute first order solution (Perturbation)... endo_simul = simult_(initial_conditions,oo.dr,exo_simul(2:end,:),1); else endo_simul = [initial_conditions repmat(steady_state,1,periods+1)]; end oo.endo_simul = endo_simul; oo_.endo_simul = endo_simul; % Solve a perfect foresight model. % Keep a copy of endo_simul_1 if verbosity save ep_test_1 endo_simul exo_simul end if bytecode_flag && ~ep.stochastic.order [flag,tmp] = bytecode('dynamic',endo_simul,exo_simul, M_.params, endo_simul, periods); else flag = 1; end if flag if order == 0 options.periods = periods; options.block = pfm.block; oo.endo_simul = endo_simul; oo.exo_simul = exo_simul; oo.steady_state = steady_state; options.bytecode = bytecode_flag; options.lmmcp = olmmcp; options.solve_algo = solve_algo; options.stack_solve_algo = stack_solve_algo; [tmp,flag] = perfect_foresight_solver_core(M,options,oo); if ~flag && ~options.no_homotopy exo_orig = oo.exo_simul; endo_simul = repmat(steady_state,1,periods+1); for i = 1:10 weight = i/10; oo.endo_simul = [weight*initial_conditions + (1-weight)*steady_state ... endo_simul]; oo.exo_simul = repmat((1-weight)*oo.exo_steady_state', ... size(oo.exo_simul,1),1) + weight*exo_orig; [tmp,flag] = perfect_foresight_solver_core(M,options,oo); disp([i,flag]) if ~flag break end endo_simul = tmp.endo_simul; end end info_convergence = flag; else switch(algo) case 0 [flag,endo_simul] = ... solve_stochastic_perfect_foresight_model(endo_simul,exo_simul,pfm,ep.stochastic.quadrature.nodes,ep.stochastic.order); case 1 [flag,endo_simul] = ... solve_stochastic_perfect_foresight_model_1(endo_simul,exo_simul,options_,pfm,ep.stochastic.order); end tmp.endo_simul = endo_simul; info_convergence = ~flag; end end if info_convergence y = tmp.endo_simul(:,2); else y = NaN(size(endo_nbr,1)); end