function dynare_estimation_1(var_list_,dname) % function dynare_estimation_1(var_list_,dname) % runs the estimation of the model % % INPUTS % var_list_: selected endogenous variables vector % dname: alternative directory name % % OUTPUTS % none % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright (C) 2003-2013 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global M_ options_ oo_ estim_params_ bayestopt_ dataset_ dataset_info % Set particle filter flag. if options_.order > 1 if options_.particle.status && options_.order==2 skipline() disp('Estimation using a non linear filter!') skipline() if ~options_.nointeractive && ismember(options_.mode_compute,[1,3,4]) % Known gradient-based optimizers disp('You are using a gradient-based mode-finder. Particle filtering introduces discontinuities in the') disp('objective function w.r.t the parameters. Thus, should use a non-gradient based optimizer.') fprintf('\nPlease choose a mode-finder:\n') fprintf('\t 0 - Continue using gradient-based method (it is most likely that you will no get any sensible result).\n') fprintf('\t 6 - Monte Carlo based algorithm\n') fprintf('\t 7 - Nelder-Mead simplex based optimization routine (Matlab optimization toolbox required)\n') fprintf('\t 8 - Nelder-Mead simplex based optimization routine (Dynare''s implementation)\n') fprintf('\t 9 - CMA-ES (Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy) algorithm\n') choice = []; while isempty(choice) choice = input('Please enter your choice: '); if isnumeric(choice) && isint(choice) && ismember(choice,[0 6 7 8 9]) if choice options_.mode_compute = choice; end else fprintf('\nThis is an invalid choice (you have to choose between 0, 6, 7, 8 and 9).\n') choice = []; end end end elseif options_.particle.status && options_.order>2 error(['Non linear filter are not implemented with order ' int2str(options_.order) ' approximation of the model!']) elseif ~options_.particle.status && options_.order==2 error('For estimating the model with a second order approximation using a non linear filter, one should have options_.particle.status=1;') else error(['Cannot estimate a model with an order ' int2str(options_.order) ' approximation!']) end end if ~options_.dsge_var if options_.particle.status objective_function = str2func('non_linear_dsge_likelihood'); else objective_function = str2func('dsge_likelihood'); end else objective_function = str2func('dsge_var_likelihood'); end [dataset_,dataset_info, xparam1, hh, M_, options_, oo_, estim_params_, bayestopt_] = ... dynare_estimation_init(var_list_, dname, [], M_, options_, oo_, estim_params_, bayestopt_); if options_.dsge_var check_dsge_var_model(M_, estim_params_, bayestopt_); end %check for calibrated covariances before updating parameters if ~isempty(estim_params_) estim_params_=check_for_calibrated_covariances(xparam1,estim_params_,M_); end %%read out calibration that was set in mod-file and can be used for initialization xparam1_calib=get_all_parameters(estim_params_,M_); %get calibrated parameters if ~any(isnan(xparam1_calib)) %all estimated parameters are calibrated full_calibration_detected=1; else full_calibration_detected=0; end if options_.use_calibration_initialization %set calibration as starting values [xparam1,estim_params_]=do_parameter_initialization(estim_params_,xparam1_calib,xparam1); %get explicitly initialized parameters that have precedence to calibrated values try check_prior_bounds(xparam1,[ bayestopt_.ub],M_,estim_params_,options_,bayestopt_); %check whether calibration satisfies prior bounds catch e = lasterror(); fprintf('Cannot use parameter values from calibration as they violate the prior bounds.') rethrow(e); end end % Set sigma_e_is_diagonal flag (needed if the shocks block is not declared in the mod file). M_.sigma_e_is_diagonal = 1; if estim_params_.ncx || any(nnz(tril(M_.Correlation_matrix,-1))) || isfield(estim_params_,'calibrated_covariances') M_.sigma_e_is_diagonal = 0; end data =; rawdata =; data_index = dataset_info.missing.aindex; missing_value = dataset_info.missing.state; % Set number of observations gend = dataset_.nobs; % Set the number of observed variables. n_varobs = length(options_.varobs); % Get the number of parameters to be estimated. nvx = estim_params_.nvx; % Variance of the structural innovations (number of parameters). nvn = estim_params_.nvn; % Variance of the measurement innovations (number of parameters). ncx = estim_params_.ncx; % Covariance of the structural innovations (number of parameters). ncn = estim_params_.ncn; % Covariance of the measurement innovations (number of parameters). np = ; % Number of deep parameters. nx = nvx+nvn+ncx+ncn+np; % Total number of parameters to be estimated. %% Set the names of the priors. pnames = [' ';'beta ';'gamm ';'norm ';'invg ';'unif ';'invg2']; %% Set parameters bounds lb =; ub = bayestopt_.ub; dr = oo_.dr; % load optimal_mh_scale parameter if previous run was with mode_compute=6 mh_scale_fname = [M_.fname '_optimal_mh_scale_parameter.mat']; if exist(mh_scale_fname) if options_.mode_compute == 0 tmp = load(mh_scale_fname,'Scale'); bayestopt_.mh_jscale = tmp.Scale; clear tmp; else % remove the file if mode_compute ~= 0 delete(mh_scale_fname) end end if ~isempty(estim_params_) M_ = set_all_parameters(xparam1,estim_params_,M_); end % compute sample moments if needed (bvar-dsge) if options_.dsge_var if dataset_info.missing.state error('I cannot estimate a DSGE-VAR model with missing observations!') end if options_.noconstant evalin('base',... ['[mYY,mXY,mYX,mXX,Ydata,Xdata] = ' ... 'var_sample_moments(options_.first_obs,' ... 'options_.first_obs+options_.nobs-1,options_.dsge_varlag,-1,' ... 'options_.datafile, options_.varobs,options_.xls_sheet,options_.xls_range);']) else% The steady state is non zero ==> a constant in the VAR is needed! evalin('base',['[mYY,mXY,mYX,mXX,Ydata,Xdata] = ' ... 'var_sample_moments(options_.first_obs,' ... 'options_.first_obs+options_.nobs-1,options_.dsge_varlag,0,' ... 'options_.datafile, options_.varobs,options_.xls_sheet,options_.xls_range);']) end end %% perform initial estimation checks; try oo_ = initial_estimation_checks(objective_function,xparam1,dataset_,dataset_info,M_,estim_params_,options_,bayestopt_,oo_); catch % if check fails, provide info on using calibration if present e = lasterror(); if full_calibration_detected %calibrated model present and no explicit starting values skipline(1); fprintf('ESTIMATION_CHECKS: There was an error in computing the likelihood for initial parameter values.\n') fprintf('ESTIMATION_CHECKS: You should try using the calibrated version of the model as starting values. To do\n') fprintf('ESTIMATION_CHECKS: this, add an empty estimated_params_init-block with use_calibration option immediately before the estimation\n') fprintf('ESTIMATION_CHECKS: command (and after the estimated_params-block so that it does not get overwritten):\n'); skipline(2); end rethrow(e); end if isequal(options_.mode_compute,0) && isempty(options_.mode_file) && options_.mh_posterior_mode_estimation==0 if options_.smoother == 1 [atT,innov,measurement_error,updated_variables,ys,trend_coeff,aK,T,R,P,PK,decomp] = DsgeSmoother(xparam1,gend,data,data_index,missing_value); oo_.Smoother.SteadyState = ys; oo_.Smoother.TrendCoeffs = trend_coeff; if options_.filter_covariance oo_.Smoother.Variance = P; end i_endo = bayestopt_.smoother_saved_var_list; if options_.nk ~= 0 oo_.FilteredVariablesKStepAhead = ... aK(options_.filter_step_ahead,i_endo,:); if ~isempty(PK) oo_.FilteredVariablesKStepAheadVariances = ... PK(options_.filter_step_ahead,i_endo,i_endo,:); end if ~isempty(decomp) oo_.FilteredVariablesShockDecomposition = ... decomp(options_.filter_step_ahead,i_endo,:,:); end end for i=bayestopt_.smoother_saved_var_list' i1 = dr.order_var(bayestopt_.smoother_var_list(i)); eval(['oo_.SmoothedVariables.' deblank(M_.endo_names(i1,:)) ... ' = atT(i,:)'';']); if options_.nk > 0 eval(['oo_.FilteredVariables.' deblank(M_.endo_names(i1,:)) ... ' = squeeze(aK(1,i,:));']); end eval(['oo_.UpdatedVariables.' deblank(M_.endo_names(i1,:)) ' = updated_variables(i,:)'';']); end for i=1:M_.exo_nbr eval(['oo_.SmoothedShocks.' deblank(M_.exo_names(i,:)) ' = innov(i,:)'';']); end end return end % Estimation of the posterior mode or likelihood mode if ~isequal(options_.mode_compute,0) && ~options_.mh_posterior_mode_estimation switch options_.mode_compute case 1 if isoctave error('Option mode_compute=1 is not available under Octave') elseif ~user_has_matlab_license('optimization_toolbox') error('Option mode_compute=1 requires the Optimization Toolbox') end % Set default optimization options for fmincon. optim_options = optimset('display','iter', 'LargeScale','off', 'MaxFunEvals',100000, 'TolFun',1e-8, 'TolX',1e-6); if isfield(options_,'optim_opt') eval(['optim_options = optimset(optim_options,' options_.optim_opt ');']); end if options_.analytic_derivation, optim_options = optimset(optim_options,'GradObj','on','TolX',1e-7); end [xparam1,fval,exitflag,output,lamdba,grad,hessian_fmincon] = ... fmincon(objective_function,xparam1,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,[],optim_options,dataset_,dataset_info,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,oo_); case 2 error('ESTIMATION: mode_compute=2 option (Lester Ingber''s Adaptive Simulated Annealing) is no longer available') case 3 if isoctave && ~user_has_octave_forge_package('optim') error('Option mode_compute=3 requires the optim package') elseif ~isoctave && ~user_has_matlab_license('optimization_toolbox') error('Option mode_compute=3 requires the Optimization Toolbox') end % Set default optimization options for fminunc. optim_options = optimset('display','iter','MaxFunEvals',100000,'TolFun',1e-8,'TolX',1e-6); if isfield(options_,'optim_opt') eval(['optim_options = optimset(optim_options,' options_.optim_opt ');']); end if options_.analytic_derivation, optim_options = optimset(optim_options,'GradObj','on'); end if ~isoctave [xparam1,fval,exitflag] = fminunc(objective_function,xparam1,optim_options,dataset_,dataset_info_,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,oo_); else % Under Octave, use a wrapper, since fminunc() does not have a 4th arg func = @(x) objective_function(x, dataset_,dataset_info,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,oo_); [xparam1,fval,exitflag] = fminunc(func,xparam1,optim_options); end case 4 % Set default options. H0 = 1e-4*eye(nx); crit = 1e-7; nit = 1000; verbose = 2; numgrad = options_.gradient_method; epsilon = options_.gradient_epsilon; % Change some options. if isfield(options_,'optim_opt') options_list = read_key_value_string(options_.optim_opt); for i=1:rows(options_list) switch options_list{i,1} case 'MaxIter' nit = options_list{i,2}; case 'InitialInverseHessian' H0 = eval(options_list{i,2}); case 'TolFun' crit = options_list{i,2}; case 'NumgradAlgorithm' numgrad = options_list{i,2}; case 'NumgradEpsilon' epsilon = options_list{i,2}; otherwise warning(['csminwel: Unknown option (' options_list{i,1} ')!']) end end end % Set flag for analytical gradient. if options_.analytic_derivation analytic_grad=1; else analytic_grad=[]; end % Call csminwell. [fval,xparam1,grad,hessian_csminwel,itct,fcount,retcodehat] = ... csminwel1(objective_function, xparam1, H0, analytic_grad, crit, nit, numgrad, epsilon, dataset_, dataset_info, options_, M_, estim_params_, bayestopt_, oo_); % Disp value at the mode. disp(sprintf('Objective function at mode: %f',fval)) case 5 if isfield(options_,'hess') flag = options_.hess; else flag = 1; end if isfield(options_,'ftol') crit = options_.ftol; else crit = 1.e-5; end if options_.analytic_derivation, analytic_grad=1; ana_deriv = options_.analytic_derivation; options_.analytic_derivation = -1; crit = 1.e-7; flag = 0; else analytic_grad=0; end if isfield(options_,'nit') nit = options_.nit; else nit=1000; end [xparam1,hh,gg,fval,invhess] = newrat(objective_function,xparam1,analytic_grad,crit,nit,flag,dataset_, dataset_info, options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,oo_); if options_.analytic_derivation, options_.analytic_derivation = ana_deriv; end parameter_names =; save([M_.fname '_mode.mat'],'xparam1','hh','gg','fval','invhess','parameter_names'); case 6 % Set default options gmhmaxlikOptions = options_.gmhmaxlik; if ~isempty(hh); gmhmaxlikOptions.varinit = 'previous'; else gmhmaxlikOptions.varinit = 'prior'; end if isfield(options_,'optim_opt') options_list = read_key_value_string(options_.optim_opt); for i=1:rows(options_list) switch options_list{i,1} case 'NumberOfMh' gmhmaxlikOptions.iterations = options_list{i,2}; case 'ncov-mh' gmhmaxlikOptions.number = options_list{i,2}; case 'nscale' gmhmaxlikOptions.nscale = options_list{i,2}; case 'nclimb' gmhmaxlikOptions.nclimb = options_list{i,2}; case 'InitialCovarianceMatrix' switch options_list{i,2} case 'previous' if isempty(hh) error('gmhmaxlik: No previous estimate of the Hessian matrix available!') else gmhmaxlikOptions.varinit = 'previous' end case {'prior', 'identity'} gmhmaxlikOptions.varinit = options_list{i,2}; otherwise error('gmhmaxlik: Unknown value for option ''InitialCovarianceMatrix''!') end case 'AcceptanceRateTarget' = options_list{i,2}; if>1 || gmhmaxlikOptions.target1 flag = ''; else flag = 'LastCall'; end [xparam1,PostVar,Scale,PostMean] = ... gmhmaxlik(objective_function,xparam1,[lb ub],gmhmaxlikOptions,Scale,flag,MeanPar,CovJump,dataset_,dataset_info,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,oo_); fval = feval(objective_function,xparam1,dataset_,dataset_info,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,oo_); options_.mh_jscale = Scale; mouvement = max(max(abs(PostVar-OldPostVar))); skipline() disp('========================================================== ') disp([' Change in the covariance matrix = ' num2str(mouvement) '.']) disp([' Mode improvement = ' num2str(abs(OldMode-fval))]) disp([' New value of jscale = ' num2str(Scale)]) disp('========================================================== ') OldMode = fval; else OldPostVar = PostVar; if i posterior variance of the estimated parameters are not positive.') disp('You should try to change the initial values of the parameters using') disp('the estimated_params_init block, or use another optimization routine.') params_at_bound=find(xparam1==ub | xparam1==lb); if ~isempty(params_at_bound) for ii=1:length(params_at_bound) params_at_bound_name{ii,1}=get_the_name(params_at_bound(ii),0,M_,estim_params_,options_); end disp_string=[params_at_bound_name{1,:}]; for ii=2:size(params_at_bound_name,1) disp_string=[disp_string,', ',params_at_bound_name{ii,:}]; end fprintf('\nThe following parameters are at the prior bound: %s\n', disp_string) fprintf('Some potential solutions are:\n') fprintf(' - Check your model for mistakes.\n') fprintf(' - Check whether model and data are consistent (correct observation equation).\n') fprintf(' - Shut off prior_trunc.\n') fprintf(' - Use a different mode_compute like 6 or 9.\n') fprintf(' - Check whether the parameters estimated are identified.\n') fprintf(' - Increase the informativeness of the prior.\n') end warning('The results below are most likely wrong!'); end end if options_.mode_check.status == 1 && ~options_.mh_posterior_mode_estimation ana_deriv = options_.analytic_derivation; options_.analytic_derivation = 0; mode_check(objective_function,xparam1,hh,dataset_,dataset_info,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,oo_); options_.analytic_derivation = ana_deriv; end oo_.posterior.optimization.mode = xparam1; oo_.posterior.optimization.Variance = []; if ~options_.mh_posterior_mode_estimation if options_.cova_compute invhess = inv(hh); stdh = sqrt(diag(invhess)); oo_.posterior.optimization.Variance = invhess; end else variances = bayestopt_.p2.*bayestopt_.p2; idInf = isinf(variances); variances(idInf) = 1; invhess = options_.mh_posterior_mode_estimation*diag(variances); xparam1 = bayestopt_.p5; idNaN = isnan(xparam1); xparam1(idNaN) = bayestopt_.p1(idNaN); end if ~options_.cova_compute stdh = NaN(length(xparam1),1); end if any(bayestopt_.pshape > 0) && ~options_.mh_posterior_mode_estimation % display results table and store parameter estimates and standard errors in results oo_=display_estimation_results_table(xparam1,stdh,M_,options_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,oo_,pnames,'Posterior','posterior'); % Laplace approximation to the marginal log density: if options_.cova_compute estim_params_nbr = size(xparam1,1); scale_factor = -sum(log10(diag(invhess))); log_det_invhess = -estim_params_nbr*log(scale_factor)+log(det(scale_factor*invhess)); likelihood = feval(objective_function,xparam1,dataset_,dataset_info,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,oo_); oo_.MarginalDensity.LaplaceApproximation = .5*estim_params_nbr*log(2*pi) + .5*log_det_invhess - likelihood; skipline() disp(sprintf('Log data density [Laplace approximation] is %f.',oo_.MarginalDensity.LaplaceApproximation)) skipline() end elseif ~any(bayestopt_.pshape > 0) && ~options_.mh_posterior_mode_estimation oo_=display_estimation_results_table(xparam1,stdh,M_,options_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,oo_,pnames,'Maximum Likelihood','mle'); end OutputDirectoryName = CheckPath('Output',M_.dname); if np > 0 pindx = estim_params_.param_vals(:,1); save([M_.fname '_params.mat'],'pindx'); end if (any(bayestopt_.pshape >0 ) && options_.mh_replic) || ... (any(bayestopt_.pshape >0 ) && options_.load_mh_file) %% not ML estimation bounds = prior_bounds(bayestopt_,options_); bounds(:,1)=max(bounds(:,1),lb); bounds(:,2)=min(bounds(:,2),ub); = bounds(:,1); bayestopt_.ub = bounds(:,2); outside_bound_pars=find(xparam1 < bounds(:,1) | xparam1 > bounds(:,2)); if ~isempty(outside_bound_pars) for ii=1:length(outside_bound_pars) outside_bound_par_names{ii,1}=get_the_name(ii,0,M_,estim_params_,options_); end disp_string=[outside_bound_par_names{1,:}]; for ii=2:size(outside_bound_par_names,1) disp_string=[disp_string,', ',outside_bound_par_names{ii,:}]; end if options_.prior_trunc>0 error(['Estimation:: Mode value(s) of ', disp_string ,' are outside parameter bounds. Potentially, you should set prior_trunc=0.']) else error(['Estimation:: Mode value(s) of ', disp_string ,' are outside parameter bounds.']) end end % runs MCMC if options_.mh_replic if options_.load_mh_file && options_.use_mh_covariance_matrix invhess = compute_mh_covariance_matrix; end ana_deriv = options_.analytic_derivation; options_.analytic_derivation = 0; if options_.cova_compute feval(options_.posterior_sampling_method,objective_function,options_.proposal_distribution,xparam1,invhess,bounds,dataset_,dataset_info,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,oo_); else error('I Cannot start the MCMC because the Hessian of the posterior kernel at the mode was not computed.') end options_.analytic_derivation = ana_deriv; end if options_.mh_posterior_mode_estimation CutSample(M_, options_, estim_params_); return else if ~options_.nodiagnostic && options_.mh_replic>0 oo_= McMCDiagnostics(options_, estim_params_, M_,oo_); end %% Here i discard first half of the draws: CutSample(M_, options_, estim_params_); %% Estimation of the marginal density from the Mh draws: if options_.mh_replic [marginal,oo_] = marginal_density(M_, options_, estim_params_, ... oo_); % Store posterior statistics by parameter name oo_ = GetPosteriorParametersStatistics(estim_params_, M_, options_, bayestopt_, oo_); if ~options_.nograph oo_ = PlotPosteriorDistributions(estim_params_, M_, options_, bayestopt_, oo_); end % Store posterior mean in a vector and posterior variance in % a matrix [oo_.posterior.metropolis.mean,oo_.posterior.metropolis.Variance] ... = GetPosteriorMeanVariance(M_,options_.mh_drop); else load([M_.fname '_results'],'oo_'); end error_flag = metropolis_draw(1); if options_.bayesian_irf if error_flag error('Estimation::mcmc: I cannot compute the posterior IRFs!') end PosteriorIRF('posterior'); end if options_.moments_varendo if error_flag error('Estimation::mcmc: I cannot compute the posterior moments for the endogenous variables!') end oo_ = compute_moments_varendo('posterior',options_,M_,oo_,var_list_); end if options_.smoother || ~isempty(options_.filter_step_ahead) || options_.forecast if error_flag error('Estimation::mcmc: I cannot compute the posterior statistics!') end prior_posterior_statistics('posterior',dataset_); end xparam = get_posterior_parameters('mean'); M_ = set_all_parameters(xparam,estim_params_,M_); end end if options_.particle.status return end if (~((any(bayestopt_.pshape > 0) && options_.mh_replic) || (any(bayestopt_.pshape ... > 0) && options_.load_mh_file)) ... || ~options_.smoother ) && options_.partial_information == 0 % to be fixed %% ML estimation, or posterior mode without metropolis-hastings or metropolis without bayesian smooth variable [atT,innov,measurement_error,updated_variables,ys,trend_coeff,aK,T,R,P,PK,decomp] = DsgeSmoother(xparam1,dataset_.nobs,transpose(,dataset_info.missing.aindex,dataset_info.missing.state); oo_.Smoother.SteadyState = ys; oo_.Smoother.TrendCoeffs = trend_coeff; oo_.Smoother.Variance = P; i_endo = bayestopt_.smoother_saved_var_list; if options_.nk ~= 0 oo_.FilteredVariablesKStepAhead = aK(options_.filter_step_ahead, ... i_endo,:); if isfield(options_,'kalman_algo') if ~isempty(PK) oo_.FilteredVariablesKStepAheadVariances = ... PK(options_.filter_step_ahead,i_endo,i_endo,:); end if ~isempty(decomp) oo_.FilteredVariablesShockDecomposition = ... decomp(options_.filter_step_ahead,i_endo,:,:); end end end for i=bayestopt_.smoother_saved_var_list' i1 = dr.order_var(bayestopt_.smoother_var_list(i)); eval(['oo_.SmoothedVariables.' deblank(M_.endo_names(i1,:)) ' = ' ... 'atT(i,:)'';']); if options_.nk > 0 eval(['oo_.FilteredVariables.' deblank(M_.endo_names(i1,:)) ... ' = squeeze(aK(1,i,:));']); end eval(['oo_.UpdatedVariables.' deblank(M_.endo_names(i1,:)) ... ' = updated_variables(i,:)'';']); end for i=1:M_.exo_nbr eval(['oo_.SmoothedShocks.' deblank(M_.exo_names(i,:)) ' = innov(i,:)'';']); end if ~options_.nograph, [nbplt,nr,nc,lr,lc,nstar] = pltorg(M_.exo_nbr); if options_.TeX fidTeX = fopen([M_.fname '_SmoothedShocks.TeX'],'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX eps-loader file generated by dynare_estimation.m (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0) '\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); end for plt = 1:nbplt, fh = dyn_figure(options_,'Name','Smoothed shocks'); NAMES = []; if options_.TeX, TeXNAMES = []; end nstar0=min(nstar,M_.exo_nbr-(plt-1)*nstar); if gend==1 marker_string{1,1}='-ro'; marker_string{2,1}='-ko'; else marker_string{1,1}='-r'; marker_string{2,1}='-k'; end for i=1:nstar0, k = (plt-1)*nstar+i; subplot(nr,nc,i); plot([1 gend],[0 0],marker_string{1,1},'linewidth',.5) hold on plot(1:gend,innov(k,:),marker_string{2,1},'linewidth',1) hold off name = deblank(M_.exo_names(k,:)); if isempty(NAMES) NAMES = name; else NAMES = char(NAMES,name); end if ~isempty(options_.XTick) set(gca,'XTick',options_.XTick) set(gca,'XTickLabel',options_.XTickLabel) end if gend>1 xlim([1 gend]) end if options_.TeX texname = M_.exo_names_tex(k,:); if isempty(TeXNAMES) TeXNAMES = ['$ ' deblank(texname) ' $']; else TeXNAMES = char(TeXNAMES,['$ ' deblank(texname) ' $']); end end title(name,'Interpreter','none') end dyn_saveas(fh,[M_.fname '_SmoothedShocks' int2str(plt)],options_); if options_.TeX fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{figure}[H]\n'); for jj = 1:nstar0 fprintf(fidTeX,'\\psfrag{%s}[1][][0.5][0]{%s}\n',deblank(NAMES(jj,:)),deblank(TeXNAMES(jj,:))); end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\centering \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{%s_SmoothedShocks%s}\n',M_.fname,int2str(plt)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Smoothed shocks.}'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Fig:SmoothedShocks:%s}\n',int2str(plt)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{figure}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\n'); end end if options_.TeX fprintf(fidTeX,'\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End of TeX file.\n'); fclose(fidTeX); end end %% %% Smooth observational errors... %% if options_.prefilter == 1 yf = atT(,:)+repmat(dataset_info.descriptive.mean',1,gend); elseif options_.loglinear == 1 gend bayestopt_.mfys ys yf = atT(,:)+repmat(log(ys(bayestopt_.mfys)),1,gend)+... trend_coeff*[1:gend]; else yf = atT(,:)+repmat(ys(bayestopt_.mfys),1,gend)+... trend_coeff*[1:gend]; end if nvn number_of_plots_to_draw = 0; index = []; for i=1:n_varobs if max(abs(measurement_error)) > 0.000000001 number_of_plots_to_draw = number_of_plots_to_draw + 1; index = cat(1,index,i); end eval(['oo_.SmoothedMeasurementErrors.' options_.varobs{i} ' = measurement_error(i,:)'';']); end if ~options_.nograph [nbplt,nr,nc,lr,lc,nstar] = pltorg(number_of_plots_to_draw); if options_.TeX fidTeX = fopen([M_.fname '_SmoothedObservationErrors.TeX'],'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX eps-loader file generated by dynare_estimation.m (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0) '\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); end for plt = 1:nbplt fh = dyn_figure(options_,'Name','Smoothed observation errors'); NAMES = []; if options_.TeX, TeXNAMES = []; end nstar0=min(nstar,number_of_plots_to_draw-(nbplt-1)*nstar); if gend==1 marker_string{1,1}='-ro'; marker_string{2,1}='-ko'; else marker_string{1,1}='-r'; marker_string{2,1}='-k'; end for i=1:nstar0 k = (plt-1)*nstar+i; subplot(nr,nc,i); plot([1 gend],[0 0],marker_string{1,1},'linewidth',.5) hold on plot(1:gend,measurement_error(index(k),:),marker_string{2,1},'linewidth',1) hold off name = options_.varobs{index(k)}; if gend>1 xlim([1 gend]) end if isempty(NAMES) NAMES = name; else NAMES = char(NAMES,name); end if ~isempty(options_.XTick) set(gca,'XTick',options_.XTick) set(gca,'XTickLabel',options_.XTickLabel) end if options_.TeX idx = strmatch(options_.varobs{index(k)},M_.endo_names,'exact'); texname = M_.endo_names_tex(idx,:); if isempty(TeXNAMES) TeXNAMES = ['$ ' deblank(texname) ' $']; else TeXNAMES = char(TeXNAMES,['$ ' deblank(texname) ' $']); end end title(name,'Interpreter','none') end dyn_saveas(fh,[M_.fname '_SmoothedObservationErrors' int2str(plt)],options_); if options_.TeX fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{figure}[H]\n'); for jj = 1:nstar0 fprintf(fidTeX,'\\psfrag{%s}[1][][0.5][0]{%s}\n',deblank(NAMES(jj,:)),deblank(TeXNAMES(jj,:))); end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\centering \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{%s_SmoothedObservationErrors%s}\n',M_.fname,int2str(plt)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Smoothed observation errors.}'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Fig:SmoothedObservationErrors:%s}\n',int2str(plt)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{figure}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\n'); end end if options_.TeX fprintf(fidTeX,'\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End of TeX file.\n'); fclose(fidTeX); end end end %% %% Historical and smoothed variabes %% if ~options_.nograph [nbplt,nr,nc,lr,lc,nstar] = pltorg(n_varobs); if options_.TeX fidTeX = fopen([M_.fname '_HistoricalAndSmoothedVariables.TeX'],'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX eps-loader file generated by dynare_estimation.m (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0) '\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); end for plt = 1:nbplt, fh = dyn_figure(options_,'Name','Historical and smoothed variables'); NAMES = []; if options_.TeX, TeXNAMES = []; end nstar0=min(nstar,n_varobs-(plt-1)*nstar); if gend==1 marker_string{1,1}='-ro'; marker_string{2,1}='--ko'; else marker_string{1,1}='-r'; marker_string{2,1}='--k'; end for i=1:nstar0, k = (plt-1)*nstar+i; subplot(nr,nc,i); plot(1:gend,yf(k,:),marker_string{1,1},'linewidth',1) hold on plot(1:gend,rawdata(:,k),marker_string{2,1},'linewidth',1) hold off name = options_.varobs{k}; if isempty(NAMES) NAMES = name; else NAMES = char(NAMES,name); end if ~isempty(options_.XTick) set(gca,'XTick',options_.XTick) set(gca,'XTickLabel',options_.XTickLabel) end if gend>1 xlim([1 gend]) end if options_.TeX idx = strmatch(options_.varobs{k},M_.endo_names,'exact'); texname = M_.endo_names_tex(idx,:); if isempty(TeXNAMES) TeXNAMES = ['$ ' deblank(texname) ' $']; else TeXNAMES = char(TeXNAMES,['$ ' deblank(texname) ' $']); end end title(name,'Interpreter','none') end dyn_saveas(fh,[M_.fname '_HistoricalAndSmoothedVariables' int2str(plt)],options_); if options_.TeX fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{figure}[H]\n'); for jj = 1:nstar0, fprintf(fidTeX,'\\psfrag{%s}[1][][0.5][0]{%s}\n',deblank(NAMES(jj,:)),deblank(TeXNAMES(jj,:))); end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\centering \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{%s_HistoricalAndSmoothedVariables%s}\n',M_.fname,int2str(plt)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Historical and smoothed variables.}'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Fig:HistoricalAndSmoothedVariables:%s}\n',int2str(plt)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{figure}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\n'); end end if options_.TeX fprintf(fidTeX,'\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End of TeX file.\n'); fclose(fidTeX); end end end if options_.forecast > 0 && options_.mh_replic == 0 && ~options_.load_mh_file dyn_forecast(var_list_,'smoother'); end if np > 0 pindx = estim_params_.param_vals(:,1); save([M_.fname '_pindx.mat'] ,'pindx'); end