function [z,mu,status] = pathlcp(M,q,l,u,z,A,b,t,mu) % pathlcp(M,q,l,u,z,A,b,t,mu) % % Solve the standard linear complementarity problem using PATH: % z >= 0, Mz + q >= 0, z'*(Mz + q) = 0 % % Required input: % M(n,n) - matrix % q(n) - vector % % Output: % z(n) - solution % mu(m) - multipliers (if polyhedral constraints are present) % % Optional input: % l(n) - lower bounds default: zero % u(n) - upper bounds default: infinity % z(n) - starting point default: zero % A(m,n) - polyhedral constraint matrix default: empty % b(m) - polyhedral right-hand side default: empty % t(m) - type of polyhedral constraint default: 1 % < 0: less than or equal % 0: equation % > 0: greater than or equal % mu(m) - starting value for multipliers default: zero % % The optional lower and upper bounds are used to define a linear mixed % complementarity problem (box constrained variational inequality). % l <= z <= u % where l_i < z_i < u_i => (Mz + q)_i = 0 % l_i = z => (Mz + q)_i >= 0 % u_i = z => (Mz + q)_i <= 0 % % The optional constraints are used to define a polyhedrally constrained % variational inequality. These are transformed internally to a standard % mixed complementarity problem. The polyhedral constraints are of the % form % Ax ? b % where ? can be <=, =, or >= depending on the type specified for each % constraint. Big = 1e20; if (nargin < 2) error('two input arguments required for lcp(M, q)'); end if (~issparse(M)) M = sparse(M); % Make sure M is sparse end q = full(q(:)); % Make sure q is a column vector [mm,mn] = size(M); % Get the size of the inputs n = length(q); if (mm ~= mn | mm ~= n) error('dimensions of M and q must match'); end if (n == 0) error('empty model'); end if (nargin < 3 | isempty(l)) l = zeros(n,1); end if (nargin < 4 | isempty(u)) u = Big*ones(n,1); end if (nargin < 5 | isempty(z)) z = zeros(n,1); end z = full(z(:)); l = full(l(:)); u = full(u(:)); if (length(z) ~= n | length(l) ~= n | length(u) ~= n) error('Input arguments are of incompatible sizes'); end l = max(l,-Big*ones(n,1)); u = min(u,Big*ones(n,1)); z = min(max(z,l),u); m = 0; if (nargin > 5) if (nargin < 7) error('Polyhedral constraints require A and b'); end if (~issparse(A)) A = sparse(A); end b = full(b(:)); m = length(b); if (m > 0) [am, an] = size(A); if (am ~= m | an ~= n) error('Polyhedral constraints of incompatible sizes'); end if (nargin < 8 | isempty(t)) t = ones(m,1); end if (nargin < 9 | isempty(mu)) mu = zeros(m,1); end t = full(t(:)); mu = full(mu(:)); if (length(t) ~= m | length(mu) ~= m) error('Polyhedral input arguments are of incompatible sizes'); end l_p = -Big*ones(m,1); u_p = Big*ones(m,1); idx = find(t > 0); if (length(idx) > 0) l_p(idx) = zeros(length(idx),1); end idx = find(t < 0); if (length(idx) > 0) u_p(idx) = zeros(length(idx),1); end mu = min(max(mu,l_p),u_p); M = [M -A'; A sparse(m,m)]; q = [q; -b]; z = [z; mu]; l = [l; l_p]; u = [u; u_p]; else if (nargin >= 9 & ~isempty(mu)) error('No polyhedral constraints -- multipliers set.'); end if (nargin >= 8 & ~isempty(t)) error('No polyhedral constraints -- equation types set.'); end end end idx = find(l > u); if length(idx) > 0 error('Bounds infeasible.'); end nnzJ = nnz(M); [status, ttime] = lcppath(n+m, nnzJ, z, l, u, M, q); %if (status ~= 1) % status, % error('Path fails to solve problem'); %end mu = []; if (m > 0) mu = z(n+1:n+m); z = z(1:n); end return;