function [post_mean, post_median, post_var, hpd_interval, post_deciles, density] = posterior_moments(xx,info) % [09-09-2005] % Computes posterior mean, median, variance, HPD interval, deciles, and density from posterior draws. global options_ xx = xx(:); xx = sort(xx); post_mean = mean(xx); post_median = median(xx); post_var = var(xx); n = length(xx); m = round((1-options_.mh_conf_sig)*n); k = zeros(m,1); jj = n-m; for ii = 1:m k(ii) = xx(jj)-xx(ii); jj = jj + 1; end [kmin,idx] = min(k); hpd_interval = [xx(idx) xx(idx)+kmin]; post_deciles = xx([round(0.1*n) ... round(0.2*n)... round(0.3*n)... round(0.4*n)... round(0.5*n)... round(0.6*n)... round(0.7*n)... round(0.8*n)... round(0.9*n)]); if ~info density = []; else number_of_grid_points = 2^9; % 2^9 = 512 !... Must be a power of two. bandwidth = 0; % Rule of thumb optimal bandwidth parameter. kernel_function = 'gaussian'; % Gaussian kernel for Fast Fourrier Transform approximaton. optimal_bandwidth = mh_optimal_bandwidth(xx,length(xx),bandwidth,kernel_function); [density(:,1),density(:,2)] = kernel_density_estimate(xx,number_of_grid_points,optimal_bandwidth,kernel_function); end