function [resids, grad, state_out, E, M_, out] = match_function(err_0, obs_list,current_obs, opts_simul,... M_, oo_, options_) % function [resids, grad, stateout, E, M_, out] = match_function(err_0, obs_list,current_obs, opts_simul,... % M_, oo_, options_) % Outputs: % - resids [double] [n_exo by 1] vector of residuals % - grad [double] [n by n_exo] gradient (response of observables to shocks) % - state_out [double] [ny by 1] value of endogenous variables % - E [double] response of endogenous variables to shocks % - M_ [structure] Matlab's structure describing the model (M_). % - out [structure] Occbin's results structure % % Inputs % - err_ [double] value of shocks % - obs_list [cell] names of observables % - current_obs [double] [1 by n_obs] current value of observables % - opts_simul [structure] Structure with simulation options % - M_ [structure] Matlab's structure describing the model (M_). % - oo_ [structure] Matlab's structure containing the results (oo_). % - options_ [structure] Matlab's structure describing the current options (options_). % Original authors: Pablo Cuba-Borda, Luca Guerrieri, Matteo Iacoviello, and Molin Zhong % Original file downloaded from: % % Adapted for Dynare by Dynare Team. % % This code is in the public domain and may be used freely. % However the authors would appreciate acknowledgement of the source by % citation of any of the following papers: % % Pablo Cuba-Borda, Luca Guerrieri, Matteo Iacoviello, and Molin Zhong (2019): "Likelihood evaluation of models % with occasionally binding constraints", Journal of Applied Econometrics, % 34(7), 1073-1085 opts_simul.SHOCKS = err_0'; options_.occbin.simul=opts_simul; options_.occbin.simul.full_output=1; options_.noprint = 1; [~, out, ss] = occbin.solver(M_,oo_,options_); state_out= out.piecewise(1,:)' - out.ys; E = ss.R(:,opts_simul.exo_pos); grad = ss.R(opts_simul.varobs_id,opts_simul.exo_pos); nobs = size(obs_list,1); resids = zeros(nobs,1); if ~out.error_flag % -- add observation block in model ---% % % put in model file resids = (out.piecewise(1,opts_simul.varobs_id)-current_obs)'; %-out.endo_ss.(obs_list{this_obs}); else resids = resids+100; end end