function [TT, RR, CC, regime_history] = check_regimes(TT, RR, CC, opts_regime, M_, oo_, options_) %-function function [TT, RR, CC, regime_history] = check_regimes(TT, RR, CC, opts_regime, M_, oo_, options_) % % INPUTS % - TT [N by N] transition matrix of state space % - RR [N by N_exo] shock impact matrix of state space % - CC [N by 1] constant of state space % - opts_regime_ [structure] structure describing the regime % - M_ [structure] Matlab's structure describing the model % - oo_ [structure] Matlab's structure containing the results % - options_ [structure] Matlab's structure describing the current options % % OUTPUTS % - TT [N by N] transition matrix of state space for each period % - RR [N by N_exo by T] shock impact matrix of state space for each period % - CC [N by N_exo by T] constant of state space for each period % - regime_history [structure] contains the regime history % Copyright (C) 2021 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . binding_indicator = opts_regime.binding_indicator; regime_history = opts_regime.regime_history; gend = size(binding_indicator,1); if gend ==0 gend = length(regime_history)+1; end if M_.occbin.constraint_nbr==1 base_regime.regime = 0; base_regime.regimestart = 1; else base_regime.regime1 = 0; base_regime.regimestart1 = 1; base_regime.regime2 = 0; base_regime.regimestart2 = 1; end if isempty(regime_history) % set default unconstrained regimes regime_history = base_regime; regime_history(2:gend-1) = base_regime; end init_=0; if ndim(TT)==2 CC = zeros([size(RR,1),gend ]); TT = repmat(TT, [1 1 gend]); RR = repmat(RR, [1 1 gend]); init_=1; end opts_simul = options_.occbin.simul; opts_simul.full_output=0; opts_simul.piecewise_only=1; for tp=1:gend-1 change_it = 0; if ~isempty(binding_indicator) if M_.occbin.constraint_nbr==1 if regime_history(tp).regime(1) > binding_indicator(tp+1,1) regime_history(tp).regime = [0 regime_history(tp).regime]; regime_history(tp).regimestart = [1 regime_history(tp).regimestart+1]; change_it = 1; end if regime_history(tp).regime(1) < binding_indicator(tp+1,1) regime_history(tp).regime = [1 regime_history(tp).regime]; regime_history(tp).regimestart = [1 regime_history(tp).regimestart+1]; change_it = 1; end else if regime_history(tp).regime1(1) > binding_indicator(tp+1,1) regime_history(tp).regime1 = [0 regime_history(tp).regime1]; regime_history(tp).regimestart1 = [1 regime_history(tp).regimestart1+1]; change_it = 1; end if regime_history(tp).regime1(1) < binding_indicator(tp+1,1) regime_history(tp).regime1 = [1 regime_history(tp).regime1]; regime_history(tp).regimestart1 = [1 regime_history(tp).regimestart1+1]; change_it = 1; end if regime_history(tp).regime2(1) > binding_indicator(tp+1,2) regime_history(tp).regime2 = [0 regime_history(tp).regime2]; regime_history(tp).regimestart2 = [1 regime_history(tp).regimestart2+1]; change_it = 1; end if regime_history(tp).regime2(1) < binding_indicator(tp+1,2) regime_history(tp).regime2 = [1 regime_history(tp).regime2]; regime_history(tp).regimestart2 = [1 regime_history(tp).regimestart2+1]; change_it = 1; end end end if change_it || init_ check_it = 0; jt=1; while jt<=tp-1 && check_it==0 check_it = isequal(regime_history(tp),regime_history(jt)); jt = jt+1; end if ~check_it && isequal(regime_history(tp),base_regime) && init_ check_it = true; jt=1; end if check_it %|| tp==1 % the matrices for regime have been already computed TT(:,:,tp+1) = TT(:,:,jt); RR(:,:,tp+1) = RR(:,:,jt); CC(:,tp+1) = CC(:,jt); else if M_.occbin.constraint_nbr==1 nperi = max(regime_history(tp).regimestart); else nperi = max([regime_history(tp).regimestart1 regime_history(tp).regimestart2]); end opts_simul.endo_init_=zeros(size(RR,1),1); opts_simul.init_binding_indicator=[]; opts_simul.init_regime=regime_history(tp); opts_simul.SHOCKS=zeros(1,size(RR,2)); opts_simul.maxit=1; opts_simul.periods=nperi; options_.occbin.simul=opts_simul; [~, ~, ss] = occbin.solver(M_,oo_,options_); TT(:,:,tp+1) = ss.T(oo_.dr.order_var,oo_.dr.order_var); RR(:,:,tp+1) = ss.R(oo_.dr.order_var,:); CC(:,tp+1) = ss.C(oo_.dr.order_var); end end end