function [fval, info, exit_flag, df, junk1, oo_, M_, options_mom_] = objective_function(xparam1, Bounds, oo_, estim_params_, M_, options_mom_) % [fval, info, exit_flag, df, junk1, oo_, M_, options_mom_] = objective_function(xparam1, Bounds, oo_, estim_params_, M_, options_mom_) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function evaluates the objective function for GMM/SMM estimation % ========================================================================= % INPUTS % o xparam1: current value of estimated parameters as returned by set_prior() % o Bounds: structure containing parameter bounds % o oo_: structure for results % o estim_params_: structure describing the estimated_parameters % o M_ structure describing the model % o options_mom_: structure information about all settings (specified by the user, preprocessor, and taken from global options_) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % OUTPUTS % o fval: value of the quadratic form of the moment difference (except for lsqnonlin, where this is done implicitly) % o info: vector storing error code and penalty % o exit_flag: 0 if error, 1 if no error % o df: analytical parameter Jacobian of the quadratic form of the moment difference (for GMM only) % o junk1: empty matrix required for optimizer interface (Hessian would go here) % o oo_: structure containing the results with the following updated fields: % - mom.model_moments [numMom x 1] vector with model moments % - mom.Q value of the quadratic form of the moment difference % - mom.model_moments_params_derivs % [numMom x numParams] Jacobian matrix of derivatives of model_moments with respect to estimated parameters % (only for GMM with analytical derivatives) % o M_: Matlab's structure describing the model % o options_mom_: structure information about all settings (specified by the user, preprocessor, and taken from global options_) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function is called by % o % o dynare_minimize_objective.m % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function calls % o check_bounds_and_definiteness_estimation % o pruned_state_space_system % o resol % o set_all_parameters % ========================================================================= % Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Author(s): % o Willi Mutschler ( % o Johannes Pfeifer ( % ========================================================================= %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % 0. Initialization of the returned variables and others... %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if && if options_mom_.vector_output == 1 if df = nan(size(,1)+length(xparam1),length(xparam1)); else df = nan(size(,1),length(xparam1)); end else df = nan(1,length(xparam1)); end else df=[]; %required to be empty by e.g. newrat end junk1 = []; junk2 = []; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 1. Get the structural parameters & define penalties %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ensure that xparam1 is a column vector; particleswarm.m requires this. xparam1 = xparam1(:); M_ = set_all_parameters(xparam1, estim_params_, M_); [fval,info,exit_flag]=check_bounds_and_definiteness_estimation(xparam1, M_, estim_params_, Bounds); if info(1) if options_mom_.vector_output == 1 % lsqnonlin requires vector output fval = ones(size(,1),1)*options_mom_.huge_number; end return end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 2. call resol to compute steady state and model solution %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Compute linear approximation around the deterministic steady state [dr, info, M_, oo_] = resol(0, M_, options_mom_, oo_); % Return, with endogenous penalty when possible, if resol issues an error code if info(1) if info(1) == 3 || info(1) == 4 || info(1) == 5 || info(1)==6 ||info(1) == 19 ||... info(1) == 20 || info(1) == 21 || info(1) == 23 || info(1) == 26 || ... info(1) == 81 || info(1) == 84 || info(1) == 85 || info(1) == 86 %meaningful second entry of output that can be used fval = Inf; info(4) = info(2); exit_flag = 0; if options_mom_.vector_output == 1 % lsqnonlin requires vector output fval = ones(size(,1),1)*options_mom_.huge_number; end return else fval = Inf; info(4) = 0.1; exit_flag = 0; if options_mom_.vector_output == 1 % lsqnonlin requires vector output fval = ones(size(,1),1)*options_mom_.huge_number; end return end end if strcmp(,'GMM') %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 3. Set up pruned state-space system and compute model moments %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if && ( || ) indpmodel = []; %initialize index for model parameters if ~isempty(estim_params_.param_vals) indpmodel = estim_params_.param_vals(:,1); %values correspond to parameters declaration order, row number corresponds to order in estimated_params end indpstderr=[]; %initialize index for stderr parameters if ~isempty(estim_params_.var_exo) indpstderr = estim_params_.var_exo(:,1); %values correspond to varexo declaration order, row number corresponds to order in estimated_params end indpcorr=[]; %initialize matrix for corr paramters if ~isempty(estim_params_.corrx) indpcorr = estim_params_.corrx(:,1:2); %values correspond to varexo declaration order, row number corresponds to order in estimated_params end if estim_params_.nvn || estim_params_.ncn %nvn is number of stderr parameters and ncn is number of corr parameters of measurement innovations as declared in estimated_params error('Analytic computation of standard errrors does not (yet) support measurement errors.\nInstead, define them explicitly as varexo and provide measurement equations in the model definition.\nAlternatively, use numerical standard errors.') end modparam_nbr =; % number of model parameters as declared in estimated_params stderrparam_nbr = estim_params_.nvx; % number of stderr parameters corrparam_nbr = estim_params_.ncx; % number of corr parameters totparam_nbr = stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+modparam_nbr; dr.derivs = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M_, options_mom_, estim_params_, oo_, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, 0); %analytic derivatives of perturbation matrices = NaN(,totparam_nbr); pruned_state_space = pruned_state_space_system(M_, options_mom_, dr, oo_.dr.obs_var,, 0, 1); else pruned_state_space = pruned_state_space_system(M_, options_mom_, dr, oo_.dr.obs_var,, 0, 0); end = NaN(,1); for jm = 1:size(M_.matched_moments,1) % First moments if ~options_mom_.prefilter && (sum(M_.matched_moments{jm,3}) == 1) idx1 = (oo_.dr.obs_var == find(oo_.dr.order_var==M_.matched_moments{jm,1}) );,1) = pruned_state_space.E_y(idx1); if && ( || ),:) = pruned_state_space.dE_y(idx1,:); end end % Second moments if (sum(M_.matched_moments{jm,3}) == 2) idx1 = (oo_.dr.obs_var == find(oo_.dr.order_var==M_.matched_moments{jm,1}(1)) ); idx2 = (oo_.dr.obs_var == find(oo_.dr.order_var==M_.matched_moments{jm,1}(2)) ); if nnz(M_.matched_moments{jm,2}) == 0 % Covariance if options_mom_.prefilter,1) = pruned_state_space.Var_y(idx1,idx2); if && ( || ),:) = pruned_state_space.dVar_y(idx1,idx2,:); end else,1) = pruned_state_space.Var_y(idx1,idx2) + pruned_state_space.E_y(idx1)*pruned_state_space.E_y(idx2)'; if && ( || ) for jp=1:totparam_nbr,jp) = pruned_state_space.dVar_y(idx1,idx2,jp) + pruned_state_space.dE_y(idx1,jp)*pruned_state_space.E_y(idx2)' + pruned_state_space.E_y(idx1)*pruned_state_space.dE_y(idx2,jp)'; end end end else % Autocovariance lag = -M_.matched_moments{jm,2}(2); %note that leads/lags in matched_moments are transformed such that first entry is always 0 and the second is a lag if options_mom_.prefilter,1) = pruned_state_space.Var_yi(idx1,idx2,lag); if && ( || ),:) = pruned_state_space.dVar_yi(idx1,idx2,lag,:); end else,1) = pruned_state_space.Var_yi(idx1,idx2,lag) + pruned_state_space.E_y(idx1)*pruned_state_space.E_y(idx2)'; if && ( || ) for jp=1:totparam_nbr,jp) = vec( pruned_state_space.dVar_yi(idx1,idx2,lag,jp) + pruned_state_space.dE_y(idx1,jp)*pruned_state_space.E_y(idx2)' + pruned_state_space.E_y(idx1)*pruned_state_space.dE_y(idx2,jp)'); end end end end end end elseif strcmp(,'SMM') %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % 3. Compute Moments of the model solution for normal innovations %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % create shock series with correct covariance matrix from iid standard normal shocks i_exo_var = setdiff(1:M_.exo_nbr, find(diag(M_.Sigma_e) == 0 )); %find singular entries in covariance chol_S = chol(M_.Sigma_e(i_exo_var,i_exo_var)); scaled_shock_series = zeros(size(; %initialize scaled_shock_series(:,i_exo_var) =,i_exo_var)*chol_S; %set non-zero entries % simulate series y_sim = simult_(M_, options_mom_, dr.ys, dr, scaled_shock_series, options_mom_.order); % provide meaningful penalty if data is nan or inf if any(any(isnan(y_sim))) || any(any(isinf(y_sim))) if options_mom_.mode_compute==13 fval = Inf(size(,1),1); else fval = Inf; end info(1)=180; info(4) = 0.1; exit_flag = 0; if options_mom_.mode_compute == 13 fval = ones(size(,1),1)*options_mom_.huge_number; end return end % Remove burn-in and focus on observables (note that y_sim is in declaration order) y_sim = y_sim(oo_.dr.order_var(oo_.dr.obs_var) ,'; if ~all(diag(M_.H)==0) i_ME = setdiff([1:size(M_.H,1)],find(diag(M_.H) == 0)); % find ME with 0 variance chol_S = chol(M_.H(i_ME,i_ME)); %decompose rest shock_mat=zeros(size(; %initialize shock_mat(:,i_ME),i_ME)*chol_S; y_sim = y_sim+shock_mat; end % Remove mean if centered moments if options_mom_.prefilter y_sim = bsxfun(@minus, y_sim, mean(y_sim,1)); end = mom.data_moments(y_sim, oo_, M_.matched_moments, options_mom_); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 4. Compute quadratic target function %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- moments_difference = -; residuals = sqrt(**moments_difference; = residuals'*residuals; if options_mom_.vector_output == 1 % lsqnonlin requires vector output fval = residuals; if fval=[fval;(xparam1-oo_.prior.mean)./sqrt(diag(oo_.prior.variance))]; end else fval =; if fval=fval+(xparam1-oo_.prior.mean)'/oo_.prior.variance*(xparam1-oo_.prior.mean); end end if && if dxparam1 = eye(length(xparam1)); end for jp=1:length(xparam1) dmoments_difference = -,jp); dresiduals = sqrt(**dmoments_difference; if options_mom_.vector_output == 1 % lsqnonlin requires vector output if df(:,jp)=[dresiduals;dxparam1(:,jp)./sqrt(diag(oo_.prior.variance))]; else df(:,jp) = dresiduals; end else df(:,jp) = dresiduals'*residuals + residuals'*dresiduals; if df(:,jp)=df(:,jp)+(dxparam1(:,jp))'/oo_.prior.variance*(xparam1-oo_.prior.mean)+(xparam1-oo_.prior.mean)'/oo_.prior.variance*(dxparam1(:,jp)); end end end end end%main function end