function random_walk_metropolis_hastings(TargetFun,ProposalFun,xparam1,vv,mh_bounds,dataset_,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,oo_) %function record=random_walk_metropolis_hastings(TargetFun,ProposalFun,xparam1,vv,mh_bounds,dataset_,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,oo_) % Random walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. % % INPUTS % o TargetFun [char] string specifying the name of the objective % function (posterior kernel). % o xparam1 [double] (p*1) vector of parameters to be estimated (initial values). % o vv [double] (p*p) matrix, posterior covariance matrix (at the mode). % o mh_bounds [double] (p*2) matrix defining lower and upper bounds for the parameters. % o dataset_ data structure % o options_ options structure % o M_ model structure % o estim_params_ estimated parameters structure % o bayestopt_ estimation options structure % o oo_ outputs structure % % ALGORITHM % Metropolis-Hastings. % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % None. % % PARALLEL CONTEXT % The most computationally intensive part of this function may be executed % in parallel. The code sutable to be executed in % parallel on multi core or cluster machine (in general a 'for' cycle), % is removed from this function and placed in random_walk_metropolis_hastings_core.m funtion. % Then the DYNARE parallel package contain a set of pairs matlab functions that can be executed in % parallel and called name_function.m and name_function_core.m. % In addition in parallel package we have second set of functions used % to manage the parallel computation. % % This function was the first function to be parallelized, later other % functions have been parallelized using the same methodology. % Then the comments write here can be used for all the other pairs of % parallel functions and also for management funtions. % Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % In Metropolis, we set penalty to Inf to as to reject all parameter sets triggering error in target density computation global objective_function_penalty_base objective_function_penalty_base = Inf; % Initialization of the random walk metropolis-hastings chains. [ ix2, ilogpo2, ModelName, MetropolisFolder, fblck, fline, npar, nblck, nruns, NewFile, MAX_nruns, d ] = ... metropolis_hastings_initialization(TargetFun, xparam1, vv, mh_bounds,dataset_,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,oo_); InitSizeArray = min([repmat(MAX_nruns,nblck,1) fline+nruns-1],[],2); % Load last mh history file load_last_mh_history_file(MetropolisFolder, ModelName); % Only for test parallel results!!! % To check the equivalence between parallel and serial computation! % First run in serial mode, and then comment the follow line. % save('recordSerial.mat','-struct', 'record'); % For parllel runs after serial runs with the abobe line active. % TempRecord=load('recordSerial.mat'); % record.Seeds=TempRecord.Seeds; % Snapshot of the current state of computing. It necessary for the parallel % execution (i.e. to execute in a corretct way portion of code remotely or % on many core). The mandatory variables for local/remote parallel % computing are stored in localVars struct. localVars = struct('TargetFun', TargetFun, ... 'ProposalFun', ProposalFun, ... 'xparam1', xparam1, ... 'vv', vv, ... 'mh_bounds', mh_bounds, ... 'ix2', ix2, ... 'ilogpo2', ilogpo2, ... 'ModelName', ModelName, ... 'fline', fline, ... 'npar', npar, ... 'nruns', nruns, ... 'NewFile', NewFile, ... 'MAX_nruns', MAX_nruns, ... 'd', d, ... 'InitSizeArray',InitSizeArray, ... 'record', record, ... 'dataset_', dataset_, ... 'options_', options_, ... 'M_',M_, ... 'bayestopt_', bayestopt_, ... 'estim_params_', estim_params_, ... 'oo_', oo_,... 'varargin',[]); % The user don't want to use parallel computing, or want to compute a % single chain. In this cases Random walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is % computed sequentially. if isnumeric(options_.parallel) || (nblck-fblck)==0, fout = random_walk_metropolis_hastings_core(localVars, fblck, nblck, 0); record = fout.record; % Parallel in Local or remote machine. else % Global variables for parallel routines. globalVars = struct(); % which files have to be copied to run remotely NamFileInput(1,:) = {'',[ModelName '_static.m']}; NamFileInput(2,:) = {'',[ModelName '_dynamic.m']}; if options_.steadystate_flag, NamFileInput(length(NamFileInput)+1,:)={'',[ModelName '_steadystate.m']}; end if (options_.load_mh_file~=0) && any(fline>1) , NamFileInput(length(NamFileInput)+1,:)={[M_.dname '/metropolis/'],[ModelName '_mh' int2str(NewFile(1)) '_blck*.mat']}; end if exist([ModelName '_optimal_mh_scale_parameter.mat']) NamFileInput(length(NamFileInput)+1,:)={'',[ModelName '_optimal_mh_scale_parameter.mat']}; end % from where to get back results % NamFileOutput(1,:) = {[M_.dname,'/metropolis/'],'*.*'}; [fout, nBlockPerCPU, totCPU] = masterParallel(options_.parallel, fblck, nblck,NamFileInput,'random_walk_metropolis_hastings_core', localVars, globalVars, options_.parallel_info); for j=1:totCPU, offset = sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j-1))+fblck-1; record.LastLogPost(offset+1:sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j)))=fout(j).record.LastLogPost(offset+1:sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j))); record.LastParameters(offset+1:sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j)),:)=fout(j).record.LastParameters(offset+1:sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j)),:); record.AcceptanceRatio(offset+1:sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j)))=fout(j).record.AcceptanceRatio(offset+1:sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j))); record.LastSeeds(offset+1:sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j)))=fout(j).record.LastSeeds(offset+1:sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j))); end end irun = fout(1).irun; NewFile = fout(1).NewFile; update_last_mh_history_file(MetropolisFolder, ModelName, record); skipline() disp(['Estimation::mcmc: Number of mh files: ' int2str(NewFile(1)) ' per block.']) disp(['Estimation::mcmc: Total number of generated files: ' int2str(NewFile(1)*nblck) '.']) disp(['Estimation::mcmc: Total number of iterations: ' int2str((NewFile(1)-1)*MAX_nruns+irun-1) '.']) disp(['Estimation::mcmc: Current acceptance ratio per chain: ']) for i=1:nblck if i<10 disp([' Chain ' num2str(i) ': ' num2str(100*record.AcceptanceRatio(i)) '%']) else disp([' Chain ' num2str(i) ': ' num2str(100*record.AcceptanceRatio(i)) '%']) end end