function oo_=display_estimation_results_table(xparam1,stdh,M_,options_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,oo_,pnames,table_title,field_name) %function oo_=display_results_table(xparam1,stdh,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,oo_,pnames,table_title,field_name) % Display estimation results on screen and write them to TeX-file % % INPUTS % o xparam1 [double] (p*1) vector of estimate parameters. % o stdh [double] (p*1) vector of estimate parameters. % o M_ Matlab's structure describing the Model (initialized by dynare, see @ref{M_}). % o estim_params_ Matlab's structure describing the estimated_parameters (initialized by dynare, see @ref{estim_params_}). % o options_ Matlab's structure describing the options (initialized by dynare, see @ref{options_}). % o bayestopt_ Matlab's structure describing the priors (initialized by dynare, see @ref{bayesopt_}). % o oo_ Matlab's structure gathering the results (initialized by dynare, see @ref{oo_}). % o pnames [string] Character Array storing the names for prior distributions % o table_title [string] Title of the Table % o field_name [string] String storing the name of the fields for oo_ where the parameters are stored % % OUTPUTS % o oo_ Matlab's structure gathering the results % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % None. % Copyright (C) 2013 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . nvx = estim_params_.nvx; % Variance of the structural innovations (number of parameters). nvn = estim_params_.nvn; % Variance of the measurement innovations (number of parameters). ncx = estim_params_.ncx; % Covariance of the structural innovations (number of parameters). ncn = estim_params_.ncn; % Covariance of the measurement innovations (number of parameters). np = ; % Number of deep parameters. nx = nvx+nvn+ncx+ncn+np; % Total number of parameters to be estimated. skipline() disp(['RESULTS FROM ' upper(table_title) ' ESTIMATION']) LaTeXtitle=strrep(table_title,' ','_'); tstath = abs(xparam1)./stdh; header_width = row_header_width(M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_); if strcmp(field_name,'posterior') tit1 = sprintf('%-*s %7s %8s %7s %4s %6s\n',header_width-2,' ','prior mean', ... 'mode','s.d.','prior','pstdev'); else tit1 = sprintf('%-*s %10s %7s %6s\n',header_width-2,' ','Estimate','s.d.','t-stat'); end if np ip = nvx+nvn+ncx+ncn+1; disp('parameters') disp(tit1) for i=1:np name ={ip}; if strcmp(field_name,'posterior') fprintf('%-*s %7.3f %8.4f %7.4f %4s %6.4f \n', ... header_width,name, ... bayestopt_.p1(ip),xparam1(ip),stdh(ip), ... pnames(bayestopt_.pshape(ip)+1,:), ... bayestopt_.p2(ip)); else fprintf('%-*s %8.4f %7.4f %7.4f \n', ... header_width,name,xparam1(ip),stdh(ip),tstath(ip)); end eval(['oo_.' field_name '_mode.parameters.' name ' = xparam1(ip);']); eval(['oo_.' field_name '_std.parameters.' name ' = stdh(ip);']); ip = ip+1; end skipline() end if nvx ip = 1; disp('standard deviation of shocks') disp(tit1) for i=1:nvx k = estim_params_.var_exo(i,1); name = deblank(M_.exo_names(k,:)); if strcmp(field_name,'posterior') fprintf('%-*s %7.3f %8.4f %7.4f %4s %6.4f \n', ... header_width,name,bayestopt_.p1(ip),xparam1(ip), ... stdh(ip),pnames(bayestopt_.pshape(ip)+1,:), ... bayestopt_.p2(ip)); else fprintf('%-*s %8.4f %7.4f %7.4f \n',header_width,name,xparam1(ip),stdh(ip),tstath(ip)); end M_.Sigma_e(k,k) = xparam1(ip)*xparam1(ip); eval(['oo_.' field_name '_mode.shocks_std.' name ' = xparam1(ip);']); eval(['oo_.' field_name '_std.shocks_std.' name ' = stdh(ip);']); ip = ip+1; end skipline() end if nvn disp('standard deviation of measurement errors') disp(tit1) ip = nvx+1; for i=1:nvn name = deblank(options_.varobs(estim_params_.nvn_observable_correspondence(i,1),:)); if strcmp(field_name,'posterior') fprintf('%-*s %7.3f %8.4f %7.4f %4s %6.4f \n', ... header_width,name,bayestopt_.p1(ip), ... xparam1(ip),stdh(ip), ... pnames(bayestopt_.pshape(ip)+1,:), ... bayestopt_.p2(ip)); else fprintf('%-*s %8.4f %7.4f %7.4f \n',header_width,name,xparam1(ip),stdh(ip),tstath(ip)) end eval(['oo_.' field_name '_mode.measurement_errors_std.' name ' = xparam1(ip);']); eval(['oo_.' field_name '_std.measurement_errors_std.' name ' = stdh(ip);']); ip = ip+1; end skipline() end if ncx disp('correlation of shocks') disp(tit1) ip = nvx+nvn+1; for i=1:ncx k1 = estim_params_.corrx(i,1); k2 = estim_params_.corrx(i,2); name = [deblank(M_.exo_names(k1,:)) ',' deblank(M_.exo_names(k2,:))]; NAME = [deblank(M_.exo_names(k1,:)) '_' deblank(M_.exo_names(k2,:))]; if strcmp(field_name,'posterior') fprintf('%-*s %7.3f %8.4f %7.4f %4s %6.4f \n', ... header_width,name,bayestopt_.p1(ip),xparam1(ip),stdh(ip), ... pnames(bayestopt_.pshape(ip)+1,:), bayestopt_.p2(ip)); else fprintf('%-*s %8.4f %7.4f %7.4f \n', header_width,name,xparam1(ip),stdh(ip),tstath(ip)); end M_.Sigma_e(k1,k2) = xparam1(ip)*sqrt(M_.Sigma_e(k1,k1)*M_.Sigma_e(k2,k2)); M_.Sigma_e(k2,k1) = M_.Sigma_e(k1,k2); eval(['oo_.' field_name '_mode.shocks_corr.' NAME ' = xparam1(ip);']); eval(['oo_.' field_name '_std.shocks_corr.' NAME ' = stdh(ip);']); ip = ip+1; end skipline() end if ncn disp('correlation of measurement errors') disp(tit1) ip = nvx+nvn+ncx+1; for i=1:ncn k1 = estim_params_.corrn(i,1); k2 = estim_params_.corrn(i,2); name = [deblank(M_.endo_names(k1,:)) ',' deblank(M_.endo_names(k2,:))]; NAME = [deblank(M_.endo_names(k1,:)) '_' deblank(M_.endo_names(k2,:))]; if strcmp(field_name,'posterior') fprintf('%-*s %7.3f %8.4f %7.4f %4s %6.4f \n', ... header_width,name,bayestopt_.p1(ip),xparam1(ip),stdh(ip), ... pnames(bayestopt_.pshape(ip)+1,:), bayestopt_.p2(ip)); else fprintf('%-*s %8.4f %7.4f %7.4f \n',header_width,name,xparam1(ip),stdh(ip),tstath(ip)); end eval(['oo_.' field_name '_mode.measurement_errors_corr.' NAME ' = xparam1(ip);']); eval(['oo_.' field_name '_std.measurement_errors_corr.' NAME ' = stdh(ip);']); ip = ip+1; end skipline() end OutputDirectoryName = CheckPath('Output',M_.dname); if any(bayestopt_.pshape > 0) && options_.TeX %% Bayesian estimation (posterior mode) Latex output if np filename = [OutputDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_Posterior_Mode_1.TeX']; fidTeX = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX-table generated by dynare_estimation (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% RESULTS FROM POSTERIOR MAXIMIZATION (parameters)\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0)]); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{longtable}{l|lcccc} \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Results from posterior maximization (parameters)}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Table:Posterior:1}\\\\\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Prior distribution & Prior mean & Prior s.d. & Posterior mode & s.d. \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endfirsthead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{(continued)}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Table:Posterior:1}\\\\\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Prior distribution & Prior mean & Prior s.d. & Posterior mode & s.d. \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endhead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\multicolumn{6}{r}{(Continued on next page)} \\\\ \\hline \\endfoot \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\hline \\endlastfoot \n'); ip = nvx+nvn+ncx+ncn+1; for i=1:np fprintf(fidTeX,'$%s$ & %s & %7.3f & %6.4f & %8.4f & %7.4f \\\\ \n',... M_.param_names_tex(estim_params_.param_vals(i,1),:),... deblank(pnames(bayestopt_.pshape(ip)+1,:)),... bayestopt_.p1(ip),... bayestopt_.p2(ip),... xparam1(ip),... stdh(ip)); ip = ip + 1; end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{longtable}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End of TeX file.\n'); fclose(fidTeX); end if nvx TeXfile = [OutputDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_Posterior_Mode_2.TeX']; fidTeX = fopen(TeXfile,'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX-table generated by dynare_estimation (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% RESULTS FROM POSTERIOR MAXIMIZATION (standard deviation of structural shocks)\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0)]); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{longtable}{l|lcccc} \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Results from posterior maximization (standard deviation of structural shocks)}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Table:Posterior:2}\\\\\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Prior distribution & Prior mean & Prior s.d. & Posterior mode & s.d. \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endfirsthead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{(continued)}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Table:Posterior:2}\\\\\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Prior distribution & Prior mean & Prior s.d. & Posterior mode & s.d. \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endhead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\multicolumn{6}{r}{(Continued on next page)} \\\\ \\hline \\endfoot \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\hline \\endlastfoot \n'); ip = 1; for i=1:nvx k = estim_params_.var_exo(i,1); fprintf(fidTeX,[ '$%s$ & %4s & %7.3f & %6.4f & %8.4f & %7.4f \\\\ \n'],... deblank(M_.exo_names_tex(k,:)),... deblank(pnames(bayestopt_.pshape(ip)+1,:)),... bayestopt_.p1(ip),... bayestopt_.p2(ip),... xparam1(ip), ... stdh(ip)); ip = ip+1; end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{longtable}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End of TeX file.\n'); fclose(fidTeX); end if nvn TeXfile = [OutputDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_Posterior_Mode_3.TeX']; fidTeX = fopen(TeXfile,'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX-table generated by dynare_estimation (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% RESULTS FROM POSTERIOR MAXIMIZATION (standard deviation of measurement errors)\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0)]); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{longtable}{l|lcccc} \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Results from posterior maximization (standard deviation of measurement errors)}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Table:Posterior:3}\\\\\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Prior distribution & Prior mean & Prior s.d. & Posterior mode & s.d. \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endfirsthead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{(continued)}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Table:Posterior:3}\\\\\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Prior distribution & Prior mean & Prior s.d. & Posterior mode & s.d. \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endhead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\multicolumn{6}{r}{(Continued on next page)} \\\\ \\hline \\endfoot \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\hline \\endlastfoot \n'); ip = nvx+1; for i=1:nvn idx = strmatch(options_.varobs(estim_params_.nvn_observable_correspondence(i,1),:),M_.endo_names); fprintf(fidTeX,'$%s$ & %4s & %7.3f & %6.4f & %8.4f & %7.4f \\\\ \n',... deblank(M_.endo_names_tex(idx,:)), ... deblank(pnames(bayestopt_.pshape(ip)+1,:)), ... bayestopt_.p1(ip), ... bayestopt_.p2(ip),... xparam1(ip),... stdh(ip)); ip = ip+1; end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{longtable}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End of TeX file.\n'); fclose(fidTeX); end if ncx TeXfile = [OutputDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_Posterior_Mode_4.TeX']; fidTeX = fopen(TeXfile,'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX-table generated by dynare_estimation (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% RESULTS FROM POSTERIOR MAXIMIZATION (correlation of structural shocks)\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0)]); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{longtable}{l|lcccc} \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Results from posterior parameters (correlation of structural shocks)}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Table:Posterior:4}\\\\\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Prior distribution & Prior mean & Prior s.d. & Posterior mode & s.d. \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endfirsthead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{(continued)}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Table:Posterior:4}\\\\\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Prior distribution & Prior mean & Prior s.d. & Posterior mode & s.d. \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endhead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\multicolumn{6}{r}{(Continued on next page)} \\\\ \\hline \\endfoot \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\hline \\endlastfoot \n'); ip = nvx+nvn+1; for i=1:ncx k1 = estim_params_.corrx(i,1); k2 = estim_params_.corrx(i,2); fprintf(fidTeX,[ '$%s$ & %s & %7.3f & %6.4f & %8.4f & %7.4f \\\\ \n'],... [deblank(M_.exo_names_tex(k1,:)) ',' deblank(M_.exo_names_tex(k2,:))], ... deblank(pnames(bayestopt_.pshape(ip)+1,:)), ... bayestopt_.p1(ip), ... bayestopt_.p2(ip), ... xparam1(ip), ... stdh(ip)); ip = ip+1; end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{longtable}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End of TeX file.\n'); fclose(fidTeX); end if ncn TeXfile = [OutputDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_Posterior_Mode_5.TeX']; fidTeX = fopen(TeXfile,'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX-table generated by dynare_estimation (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% RESULTS FROM POSTERIOR MAXIMIZATION (correlation of measurement errors)\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0)]); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{longtable}{l|lcccc} \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Results from posterior parameters (correlation of measurement errors)}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Table:Posterior:5}\\\\\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Prior distribution & Prior mean & Prior s.d. & Posterior mode & s.d. \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endfirsthead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{(continued)}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Table:Posterior:5}\\\\\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Prior distribution & Prior mean & Prior s.d. & Posterior mode & s.d. \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endhead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\multicolumn{6}{r}{(Continued on next page)} \\\\ \\hline \\endfoot \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\hline \\endlastfoot \n'); ip = nvx+nvn+ncx+1; for i=1:ncn k1 = estim_params_.corrn(i,1); k2 = estim_params_.corrn(i,2); fprintf(fidTeX,'$%s$ & %s & %7.3f & %6.4f & %8.4f & %7.4f \\\\ \n',... [deblank(M_.endo_names_tex(k1,:)) ',' deblank(M_.endo_names_tex(k2,:))], ... pnames(bayestopt_.pshape(ip)+1,:), ... bayestopt_.p1(ip), ... bayestopt_.p2(ip), ... xparam1(ip), ... stdh(ip)); ip = ip+1; end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{longtable}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End of TeX file.\n'); fclose(fidTeX); end elseif all(bayestopt_.pshape == 0) && options_.TeX %% MLE and GMM Latex output if np filename = [OutputDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_' LaTeXtitle '_Mode_1.TeX']; fidTeX = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX-table generated by dynare_estimation (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% RESULTS FROM ' table_title ' MAXIMIZATION (parameters)\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0)]); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{longtable}{l|lcc} \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['\\caption{Results from ' table_title ' maximization (parameters)}\n ']); fprintf(fidTeX,['\\label{Table:' LaTeXtitle ':1}\\\\\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Mode & s.d. & t-stat\\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endfirsthead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{(continued)}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,['\\label{Table:' LaTeXtitle ':1}\\\\\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Mode & s.d. & t-stat\\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endhead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\multicolumn{4}{r}{(Continued on next page)} \\\\ \\hline \\endfoot \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\hline \\endlastfoot \n'); ip = nvx+nvn+ncx+ncn+1; for i=1:np fprintf(fidTeX,'$%s$ & %8.4f & %7.4f & %7.4f\\\\ \n',... M_.param_names_tex(estim_params_.param_vals(i,1),:),... xparam1(ip),... stdh(ip),... tstath(ip)); ip = ip + 1; end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{longtable}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End of TeX file.\n'); fclose(fidTeX); end if nvx filename = [OutputDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_' LaTeXtitle '_Mode_2.TeX']; fidTeX = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX-table generated by dynare_estimation (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% RESULTS FROM ' table_title ' MAXIMIZATION (standard deviation of structural shocks)\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0)]); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{longtable}{l|lcc} \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['\\caption{Results from ' table_title ' maximization (standard deviation of structural shocks)}\n ']); fprintf(fidTeX,['\\label{Table:' LaTeXtitle ':2}\\\\\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Mode & s.d. & t-stat\\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endfirsthead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{(continued)}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,['\\label{Table:' LaTeXtitle ':2}\\\\\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Mode & s.d. & t-stat\\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endhead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\multicolumn{4}{r}{(Continued on next page)} \\\\ \\hline \\endfoot \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\hline \\endlastfoot \n'); ip = 1; for i=1:nvx k = estim_params_.var_exo(i,1); fprintf(fidTeX,[ '$%s$ & %8.4f & %7.4f & %7.4f\\\\ \n'],... deblank(M_.exo_names_tex(k,:)),... xparam1(ip), ... stdh(ip),... tstath(ip)); ip = ip+1; end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{longtable}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End of TeX file.\n'); fclose(fidTeX); end if nvn filename = [OutputDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_' LaTeXtitle '_Mode_3.TeX']; fidTeX = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX-table generated by dynare_estimation (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% RESULTS FROM ' table_title ' MAXIMIZATION (standard deviation of measurement errors)\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0)]); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{longtable}{l|lcc} \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['\\caption{Results from ' table_title ' maximization (standard deviation of measurement errors)}\n ']); fprintf(fidTeX,['\\label{Table:' LaTeXtitle ':3}\\\\\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Mode & s.d. & t-stat\\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endfirsthead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{(continued)}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,['\\label{Table:' LaTeXtitle ':3}\\\\\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Mode & s.d. & t-stat\\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endhead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\multicolumn{4}{r}{(Continued on next page)} \\\\ \\hline \\endfoot \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\hline \\endlastfoot \n'); ip = nvx+1; for i=1:nvn idx = strmatch(options_.varobs(estim_params_.nvn_observable_correspondence(i,1),:),M_.endo_names); fprintf(fidTeX,'$%s$ & %8.4f & %7.4f & %7.4f \\\\ \n',... deblank(M_.endo_names_tex(idx,:)), ... xparam1(ip),... stdh(ip),... tstath(ip)); ip = ip+1; end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{longtable}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End of TeX file.\n'); fclose(fidTeX); end if ncx filename = [OutputDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_' LaTeXtitle '_Mode_4.TeX']; fidTeX = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX-table generated by dynare_estimation (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% RESULTS FROM ' table_title ' MAXIMIZATION (correlation of structural shocks)\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0)]); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{longtable}{l|lcc} \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['\\caption{Results from ' table_title ' maximization (correlation of structural shocks)}\n ']); fprintf(fidTeX,['\\label{Table:' LaTeXtitle ':4}\\\\\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Mode & s.d. & t-stat\\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endfirsthead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{(continued)}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,['\\label{Table:' LaTeXtitle ':4}\\\\\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Mode & s.d. & t-stat\\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endhead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\multicolumn{4}{r}{(Continued on next page)} \\\\ \\hline \\endfoot \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\hline \\endlastfoot \n'); ip = nvx+nvn+1; for i=1:ncx k1 = estim_params_.corrx(i,1); k2 = estim_params_.corrx(i,2); fprintf(fidTeX,[ '$%s$ & %8.4f & %7.4f & %7.4f \\\\ \n'],... [deblank(M_.exo_names_tex(k1,:)) ',' deblank(M_.exo_names_tex(k2,:))], ... xparam1(ip), ... stdh(ip),... tstath(ip)); ip = ip+1; end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{longtable}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End of TeX file.\n'); fclose(fidTeX); end if ncn filename = [OutputDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_' LaTeXtitle '_Mode_5.TeX']; fidTeX = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX-table generated by dynare_estimation (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% RESULTS FROM ' table_title ' MAXIMIZATION (correlation of measurement errors)\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0)]); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{longtable}{l|lcc} \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['\\caption{Results from ' table_title ' maximization (correlation of measurement errors)}\n ']); fprintf(fidTeX,['\\label{Table:' LaTeXtitle ':5}\\\\\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Mode & s.d. & t-stat\\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endfirsthead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{(continued)}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,['\\label{Table:' LaTeXtitle ':5}\\\\\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Mode & s.d. & t-stat\\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endhead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\multicolumn{4}{r}{(Continued on next page)} \\\\ \\hline \\endfoot \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\hline \\endlastfoot \n'); ip = nvx+nvn+ncx+1; for i=1:ncn k1 = estim_params_.corrn(i,1); k2 = estim_params_.corrn(i,2); fprintf(fidTeX,'$%s$ & %8.4f & %7.4f & %7.4f \\\\ \n',... [deblank(M_.endo_names_tex(k1,:)) ',' deblank(M_.endo_names_tex(k2,:))], ... xparam1(ip), ... stdh(ip),... tstath(ip)); ip = ip+1; end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{longtable}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End of TeX file.\n'); fclose(fidTeX); end end