/*! \file DynareMain.cc \par Main file of Dynare Parser. */ using namespace std; #include "ParsingDriver.hh" #include "ModFile.hh" /*! \brief Main function of Dynare. \param argc Number of command line argumetns from runtime system \param argv Command line arguments from runtime system */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc < 2) { cerr << "Missing model file" << endl; cerr << "Dynare usage: dynare model_file [debug]" << endl; exit(-1); } ParsingDriver p; bool clear_all = true; // Parse options for (int arg = 2; arg < argc; arg++) { if (string(argv[arg]) == string("debug")) { p.trace_scanning = true; p.trace_parsing = true; } else if (string(argv[arg]) == string("noclearall")) clear_all = false; } cout << "Starting Dynare ..." << endl; cout << "Parsing your model file ..." << endl; // Launch parsing ModFile *mod_file = p.parse(argv[1]); // Run checking pass mod_file->checkPass(); // Do computations mod_file->computingPass(); // FIXME string basename = argv[1]; basename.erase(basename.size() - 4, 4); mod_file->writeOutputFiles(basename, clear_all); delete mod_file; cout << "Parsing done" << endl; cout << "Starting Matlab computing ..." << endl; return 0; }