function oo_ = convert_oo_(M_, options_, oo_, from_ver, to_ver) %function oo_ = convert_oo_(M_, options_, oo_, from_ver, to_ver) % Converts oo_ from oo_.dynare_version to ver % % INPUTS % M_ [struct] dynare model struct % options_ [struct] dynare options struct % oo_ [struct] dynare output struct % from_ver [string] original oo_ output version % to_ver [string] desired oo_ output version % % OUTPUTS % oo_ [struct] dynare output struct % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright (C) 2015 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along = with Dynare. If not, see . check_valid_ver(to_ver); check_valid_ver(from_ver); MIN_VER = '4.4'; MAX_VER = '4.5'; if ver_less_than(to_ver, MIN_VER) error(['Can only convert as far back as Dynare ' MIN_VER '. All versions before have the same oo_ structure.']); end if ver_greater_than(to_ver, MAX_VER) error(['Can only convert up to Dynare ' MAX_VER]); end min_ver = strsplit(MIN_VER, {'.', '-'}); max_ver = strsplit(MAX_VER, {'.', '-'}); from_ver_split = strsplit(from_ver, {'.', '-'}); to_ver_split = strsplit(to_ver, {'.', '-'}); if length(from_ver_split) ~= 2 || length(to_ver_split) ~= 2 error('The version numbers may only be of the form X.Y'); end if to_ver_split{2} > from_ver_split{2} new_to_ver = [to_ver_split{1} '.' num2str(str2double(to_ver_split{2})-1)]; else new_to_ver = [to_ver_split{1} '.' num2str(str2double(to_ver_split{2})+1)]; end if strcmp(from_ver, to_ver) return end if ver_greater_than(to_ver, from_ver) moving_up = 1; else moving_up = -1; end oo_ = convert_oo_(M_, options_, oo_, from_ver, new_to_ver) if abs(to_ver_split{2} - (from_ver_split{2} - moving_up)) > 1 new_from_ver = [to_ver_split{1} '.' num2str(str2double(to_ver_split{2}) - moving_up)]; else new_from_ver = from_ver; end eval(['oo_ = convert_dyn_' strrep(new_from_ver, '.', '') '_to_' ... strrep(to_ver, '.', '') '(M_, options_, oo_);']); end