function [R,indef, E, P]=chol_SE(A,pivoting) % [R,indef, E, P]=chol_SE(A,pivoting) % Performs a (modified) Cholesky factorization of the form % % P'*A*P + E = R'*R % % As detailed in Schnabel/Eskow (1990), the factorization has 2 phases: % Phase 1: While A can still be positive definite, pivot on the maximum diagonal element. % Check that the standard Cholesky update would result in a positive diagonal % at the current iteration. If so, continue with the normal Cholesky update. % Otherwise switch to phase 2. % If A is safely positive definite, stage 1 is never left, resulting in % the standard Cholesky decomposition. % % Phase 2: Pivot on the minimum of the negatives of the lower Gershgorin bound % estimates. To prevent negative diagonals, compute the amount to add to the % pivot element and add this. Then, do the Cholesky update and update the estimates of the % Gershgorin bounds. % % Notes: % - During factorization, L=R' is stored in the lower triangle of the original matrix A, % miminizing the memory requirements % - Conforming with the original Schnabel/Eskow (1990) algorithm: % - at each iteration the updated Gershgorin bounds are estimated instead of recomputed, % reducing the computational requirements from o(n^3) to o (n^2) % - For the last 2 by 2 submatrix, an eigenvalue-based decomposition is used % - While pivoting is not necessary, it improves the size of E, the add-on on to the diagonal. But this comes at % the cost of introduding a permutation. % % % Inputs % A [n*n] Matrix to be factorized % pivoting [scalar] dummy whether pivoting is used % % Outputs % R [n*n] originally stored in lower triangular portion of A, including the main diagonal % % E [n*1] Elements added to the diagonal of A % P [n*1] record of how the rows and columns of the matrix were permuted while % performing the decomposition % % REFERENCES: % This implementation is based on % % Robert B. Schnabel and Elizabeth Eskow. 1990. "A New Modified Cholesky % Factorization," SIAM Journal of Scientific Statistical Computating, % 11, 6: 1136-58. % % Elizabeth Eskow and Robert B. Schnabel 1991. "Algorithm 695 - Software for a New Modified Cholesky % Factorization," ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol 17, No 3: 306-312 % % % Author: Johannes Pfeifer based on Eskow/Schnabel (1991) % % Copyright (C) 2015 Johannes Pfeifer % Copyright (C) 2015 Dynare Team % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . if sum(sum(abs(A-A'))) > 0 error('A is not symmetric') end if nargin==1 pivoting=0; end n=size(A,1); tau1=eps^(1/3); %tolerance parameter for determining when to switch phase 2 tau2=eps^(1/3); %tolerance used for determining the maximum condition number of the final 2X2 submatrix. phase1 = 1; delta = 0; P=1:n; g=zeros(n,1); E=zeros(n,1); % Find the maximum magnitude of the diagonal elements. If any diagonal element is negative, then phase1 is false. gammma=max(diag(A)); if any(diag(A)) < 0 phase1 = 0; end taugam = tau1*gammma; % If not in phase1, then calculate the initial Gershgorin bounds needed for the start of phase2. if ~phase1 g=gersh_nested(A,1,n); end % check for n=1 if n==1 delta = tau2*abs(A(1,1)) - A(1,1); if delta > 0 E(1) = delta; end if A(1,1) == 0 E(1) = tau2; end A(1,1)=sqrt(A(1,1)+E(1)); end for j = 1:n-1 % PHASE 1 if phase1 if pivoting==1 % Find index of maximum diagonal element A(i,i) where i>=j [tmp,imaxd] = max(diag(A(j:n,j:n))); imaxd=imaxd+j-1; % Pivot to the top the row and column with the max diag if (imaxd ~= j) % Swap row j with row of max diag for ii = 1:j-1 temp = A(j,ii); A(j,ii) = A(imaxd,ii); A(imaxd,ii) = temp; end % Swap colj and row maxdiag between j and maxdiag for ii = j+1:imaxd-1 temp = A(ii,j); A(ii,j) = A(imaxd,ii); A(imaxd,ii) = temp; end % Swap column j with column of max diag for ii = imaxd+1:n temp = A(ii,j); A(ii,j) = A(ii,imaxd); A(ii,imaxd) = temp; end % Swap diag elements temp = A(j,j); A(j,j) = A(imaxd,imaxd); A(imaxd,imaxd) = temp; % Swap elements of the permutation vector itemp = P(j); P(j) = P(imaxd); P(imaxd) = itemp; end end % check to see whether the normal Cholesky update for this % iteration would result in a positive diagonal, % and if not then switch to phase 2. jp1 = j+1; if A(j,j)>0 if min((diag(A(j+1:n,j+1:n)) - A(j+1:n,j).^2/A(j,j))) < taugam %test whether stage 2 is required phase1=0; end else phase1 = 0; end if phase1 % Do the normal cholesky update if still in phase 1 A(j,j) = sqrt(A(j,j)); tempjj = A(j,j); for ii = jp1: n A(ii,j) = A(ii,j)/tempjj; end for ii=jp1:n temp=A(ii,j); for k = jp1:ii A(ii,k) = A(ii,k)-(temp * A(k,j)); end end if j == n-1 A(n,n)=sqrt(A(n,n)); end else % Calculate the negatives of the lower Gershgorin bounds g=gersh_nested(A,j,n); end end % PHASE 2 if ~phase1 if j ~= n-1 if pivoting % Find the minimum negative Gershgorin bound [tmp,iming] = min(g(j:n)); iming=iming+j-1; % Pivot to the top the row and column with the % minimum negative Gershgorin bound if iming ~= j % Swap row j with row of min Gershgorin bound for ii = 1:j-1 temp = A(j,ii); A(j,ii) = A(iming,ii); A(iming,ii) = temp; end % Swap col j with row iming from j to iming for ii = j+1:iming-1 temp = A(ii,j); A(ii,j) = A(iming,ii); A(iming,ii) = temp; end % Swap column j with column of min Gershgorin bound for ii = iming+1:n temp = A(ii,j); A(ii,j) = A(ii,iming); A(ii,iming) = temp; end % Swap diagonal elements temp = A(j,j); A(j,j) = A(iming,iming); A(iming,iming) = temp; % Swap elements of the permutation vector itemp = P(j); P(j) = P(iming); P(iming) = itemp; % Swap elements of the negative Gershgorin bounds vector temp = g(j); g(j) = g(iming); g(iming) = temp; end end % Calculate delta and add to the diagonal. delta=max{0,-A(j,j) + max{normj,taugam},delta_previous} % where normj=sum of |A(i,j)|,for i=1,n, delta_previous is the delta computed at the previous iter and taugam is tau1*gamma. normj=sum(abs(A(j+1:n,j))); delta = max([0;delta;-A(j,j)+normj;-A(j,j)+taugam]); % get adjustment based on formula on bottom of p. 309 of Eskow/Schnabel (1991) E(j) = delta; A(j,j) = A(j,j) + E(j); % Update the Gershgorin bound estimates (note: g(i) is the negative of the Gershgorin lower bound.) if A(j,j) ~= normj temp = (normj/A(j,j)) - 1; for ii = j+1:n g(ii) = g(ii) + abs(A(ii,j)) * temp; end end % Do the cholesky update A(j,j) = sqrt(A(j,j)); tempjj = A(j,j); for ii = j+1:n A(ii,j) = A(ii,j) / tempjj; end for ii = j+1:n temp = A(ii,j); for k = j+1: ii A(ii,k) = A(ii,k) - (temp * A(k,j)); end end else % Find eigenvalues of final 2 by 2 submatrix % Find delta such that: % 1. the l2 condition number of the final 2X2 submatrix + delta*I <= tau2 % 2. delta >= previous delta, % 3. min(eigvals) + delta >= tau2 * gamma, where min(eigvals) is the smallest eigenvalue of the final 2X2 submatrix A(n-1,n)=A(n,n-1); %set value above diagonal for computation of eigenvalues eigvals = eig(A(n-1:n,n-1:n)); delta = max([ 0 ; delta ; -min(eigvals)+tau2*max((max(eigvals)-min(eigvals))/(1-tau1),gammma) ]); %Formula 5.3.2 of Schnabel/Eskow (1990) if delta > 0 A(n-1,n-1) = A(n-1,n-1) + delta; A(n,n) = A(n,n) + delta; E(n-1) = delta; E(n) = delta; end % Final update A(n-1,n-1) = sqrt(A(n-1,n-1)); A(n,n-1) = A(n,n-1)/A(n-1,n-1); A(n,n) = A(n,n) - (A(n,n-1)^2); A(n,n) = sqrt(A(n,n)); end end end R=(tril(A))'; indef=~phase1; Pprod=zeros(n,n); Pprod(sub2ind([n,n],P,1:n))=1; P=Pprod; end function g=gersh_nested(A,j,n) g=zeros(n,1); for ii = j:n if ii == 1 sum_up_to_i = 0; else sum_up_to_i = sum(abs(A(ii,j:(ii-1)))); end if ii == n sum_after_i = 0; else sum_after_i = sum(abs(A((ii+1):n,ii))); end g(ii) = sum_up_to_i + sum_after_i- A(ii,ii); end end