function [tadj, iff] = speed(A,B,mf,p), % [tadj, iff] = speed(A,B,mf,p), % % Part of the Sensitivity Analysis Toolbox for DYNARE % % Written by Marco Ratto, 2006 % Joint Research Centre, The European Commission, % (, % % % Disclaimer: This software is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. % It is an experimental system. The Joint Research Centre of European Commission % assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties % and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality, reliability, or any other % characteristic. We would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used. % Reference: % M. Ratto, Global Sensitivity Analysis for Macroeconomic models, MIMEO, 2006. % nvar=length(mf); nstate= size(A,1); nshock = size(B,2); nrun=size(B,3); iff=zeros(nvar,nshock,nrun); tadj=iff; disp('Computing speed of adjustement ...') h = waitbar(0,'Speed of adjustement...'); for i=1:nrun, irf=zeros(nvar,nshock); a=squeeze(A(:,:,i)); b=squeeze(B(:,:,i)); IFF=inv(eye(nstate)-a)*b; iff(:,:,i)=IFF(mf,:); IF=IFF-b; t=0; while any(any(irf<0.5)) t=t+1; IFT=((eye(nstate)-a^(t+1))*inv(eye(nstate)-a))*b-b; irf=IFT(mf,:)./(IF(mf,:)+eps); irf = irf.*(abs(IF(mf,:))>1.e-7)+(abs(IF(mf,:))<=1.e-7); %irf=ft(mf,:); tt=(irf>0.5).*t; tadj(:,:,i)=((tt-tadj(:,:,i))==tt).*tt+tadj(:,:,i); end waitbar(i/nrun,h) end disp(' ') disp('.. done !') close(h)