function [ds, json] = evaluate(ds, eqtags, firstperiod, lastperiod, json) % Copyright (C) 2019 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global M_ debug = false; if ischar(eqtags) eqtags = {eqtags}; end list_of_expression_tokens = {'+', '-', '*', '/', '^', ... 'exp(', 'log(', 'sqrt(', 'abs(', 'sign(', ... 'sin(', 'cos(', 'tan(', 'asin(', 'acos(', 'atan(', ... 'min(', 'max(', ... 'normcdf(', 'normpdf(', 'erf(', ... 'diff(', 'adl(', ')'}; if ismember(nargin, [4, 5]) if isempty(firstperiod) && isempty(lastperiod) range = ds.dates(1):ds.dates(end); elseif isempty(firstperiod) && ~isempty(lastperiod) range = ds.dates(1):lastperiod; elseif ~isempty(firstperiod) && isempty(lastperiod) range = firstperiod:ds.dates(end); else range = firstperiod:lastperiod; end elseif isequal(nargin, 3) if isempty(firstperiod) range = ds.dates(1):ds.dates(end); else range = firstperiod:ds.dates(end); end elseif isequal(nargin, 2) range = ds.dates(1):ds.dates(end); else error('This routine admits 2, 3, 4, or 5 input arguments.') end for i=1:length(eqtags) % Get equation if isequal(i, 1) if nargin<5 [LHS, RHS, json] = get_lhs_and_rhs(eqtags{i}, M_, true); else [LHS, RHS] = get_lhs_and_rhs(eqtags{i}, M_, true, json); end else [LHS, RHS] = get_lhs_and_rhs(eqtags{i}, M_, true, json); end % Parse equation and return list of parameters, endogenous and exogenous variables. [pnames, enames, xnames] = get_variables_and_parameters_in_equation(LHS, RHS, M_); % Load parameter values. if ~isempty(pnames) commands = sprintf('%s = %s;', pnames{1}, num2str(M_.params(strcmp(pnames{1}, M_.param_names)), 16)); for j=2:length(pnames) commands = sprintf('%s %s = %s;', commands, pnames{j}, num2str(M_.params(strcmp(pnames{j}, M_.param_names)), 16)); end eval(commands) end % Remove repetitions in enames enames = unique(enames); % Test if LHS is an endogenous variable is_lhs_expression = ~ismember(LHS, enames); if is_lhs_expression variable = strsplit(LHS, list_of_expression_tokens); variable(cellfun(@(x) all(isempty(x)), variable)) = []; if length(variable)>1 error('It is not possible to have an expression with more than one variable on the LHS (%s).', LHS) else if isequal(LHS, sprintf('log(%s)', variable{1})) transform = {'exp'}; elseif isequal(LHS, sprintf('diff(%s)', variable{1})) transform = {'cumsum'}; elseif isequal(LHS, sprintf('diff(log(%s))', variable{1})) transform = {'cumsum', 'exp'}; elseif isequal(LHS, sprintf('diff(diff(%s))', variable{1})) transform = {'cumsum', 'cumsum'}; elseif isequal(LHS, sprintf('diff(diff(log(%s)))', variable{1})) transform = {'cumsum', 'cumsum', 'exp'}; else error('Cannot proceed with provided LHS (%s in %s)', LHS, eqtags{i}) end lhs = variable{1}; end else lhs = LHS; transform = {}; end % Throw an error if the equation is dynamic. if exactcontains(RHS, lhs) error('RHS cannot contain LHS variable (%s in %s)', lhs, eqtags{i}) end % Substitute endogenous variable x with ds. for j=1:length(enames) if ismember(enames{j}, RHS = exactstrrep(RHS, enames{j}, sprintf('ds(range).%s', enames{j})); else RHS = exactstrrep(RHS, sprintf('(%s\\((\\-)*\\d\\)|%s)', enames{j}, enames{j}), '0'); if debug warning off backtrace warning('Endogenous variable %s is unknown in dseries objet. Assign zero value.', enames{j}) warning on backtrace end end end % Substitute exogenous variable x with ds.x, except if if ~isfield(M_, 'simulation_exo_names') M_.simulation_exo_names = M_.exo_names; end xnames = unique(xnames); for j=1:length(xnames) if ismember(xnames{j}, M_.simulation_exo_names) if ismember(xnames{j}, RHS = exactstrrep(RHS, xnames{j}, sprintf('ds(range).%s', xnames{j})); else RHS = exactstrrep(RHS, xnames{j}, '0'); if debug warning off backtrace warning('Exogenous variable %s is unknown in dseries objet. Assign zero value.', xnames{j}) warning on backtrace end end else RHS = regexprep(RHS, sprintf('(\\ *)(+)(\\ *)%s', xnames{j}), ''); end end if isempty(transform) ds{LHS} = eval(RHS); else tmp = eval(RHS); switch length(transform) case 1 if isequal(transform{1}, 'cumsum') ds{lhs} = cumsum(tmp)+ds{lhs}(range(1)-1).data; else ds{lhs} = feval(transform{1}, tmp); end case 2 if isequal(transform{2}, 'cumsum') % Squared first difference. t2 = zeros(length(range), 1); for t = 1:length(range) t2(t) = 2*ds{lhs}(range(t)-1).data-ds{lhs}(range(t)-2).data+tmp(range(t)).data; end ds{lhs} = dseries(t2, range(1)); else t2 = zeros(length(range), 1); for t = 1:length(range) t1 = feval(transform{2}, log(ds{lhs}(range(t)-1))+tmp(range(t)).data ); t2(t) =; end ds{lhs} = dseries(t2, range(1)); % $$$ % The commented version below is more efficient but the discrepancy with what is returned by simulating % $$$ % the model is much bigger (see pac/trend-component-28/example4.mod). % $$$ tmp = cumsum(tmp)+log(ds{lhs}(range(1)-1).data); % $$$ ds{lhs} = feval(transform{2}, tmp); end case 3 t2 = zeros(length(range), 1); for t = 1:length(range) t2(t) = feval(transform{3}, 2*log(ds{lhs}(range(t)-1).data)-log(ds{lhs}(range(t)-2).data)+tmp(range(t)).data); end ds{lhs} = dseries(t2, range(1)); otherwise error('More than 3 unary ops. in LHS not implemented.') end end end