function [posterior_sampler_options, options_, bayestopt_] = check_posterior_sampler_options(posterior_sampler_options, fname, dname, options_, bounds, bayestopt_) % function [posterior_sampler_options, options_, bayestopt_] = check_posterior_sampler_options(posterior_sampler_options, fname, dname, options_, bounds, bayestopt_) % initialization of posterior samplers % % INPUTS % posterior_sampler_options: posterior sampler options % fname: name of the mod-file % dname: name of directory with metropolis folder % options_: structure storing the options % bounds: structure containing prior bounds % bayestopt_: structure storing information about priors % OUTPUTS % posterior_sampler_options: checked posterior sampler options % options_: structure storing the options % bayestopt_: structure storing information about priors % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright © 2015-2023 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . init=0; if isempty(posterior_sampler_options) init=1; end if init % set default options and user defined options posterior_sampler_options.posterior_sampling_method = options_.posterior_sampler_options.posterior_sampling_method; posterior_sampler_options.bounds = bounds; switch posterior_sampler_options.posterior_sampling_method case 'random_walk_metropolis_hastings' posterior_sampler_options.parallel_bar_refresh_rate=50; posterior_sampler_options.serial_bar_refresh_rate=3; posterior_sampler_options.parallel_bar_title='RWMH'; posterior_sampler_options.serial_bar_title='RW Metropolis-Hastings'; % default options posterior_sampler_options = add_fields_(posterior_sampler_options,options_.posterior_sampler_options.rwmh); % user defined options if ~isempty(options_.posterior_sampler_options.sampling_opt) options_list = read_key_value_string(options_.posterior_sampler_options.sampling_opt); for i=1:rows(options_list) switch options_list{i,1} case 'proposal_distribution' if ~(strcmpi(options_list{i,2}, 'rand_multivariate_student') || ... strcmpi(options_list{i,2}, 'rand_multivariate_normal')) error(['initial_estimation_checks:: the proposal_distribution option to estimation takes either ' ... 'rand_multivariate_student or rand_multivariate_normal as options']); else posterior_sampler_options.proposal_distribution=options_list{i,2}; end case 'student_degrees_of_freedom' if options_list{i,2} <= 0 error('initial_estimation_checks:: the student_degrees_of_freedom takes a positive integer argument'); else posterior_sampler_options.student_degrees_of_freedom=options_list{i,2}; end case 'use_mh_covariance_matrix' % indicates to use the covariance matrix from previous iterations to % define the covariance of the proposal distribution % default = 0 posterior_sampler_options.use_mh_covariance_matrix = options_list{i,2}; options_.use_mh_covariance_matrix = options_list{i,2}; case 'scale_file' % load optimal_mh_scale parameter if previous run was with mode_compute=6 % will overwrite jscale from set_prior.m if exist(options_list{i,2},'file') || exist([options_list{i,2},'.mat'],'file') tmp = load(options_list{i,2},'Scale'); bayestopt_.mh_jscale = tmp.Scale; options_.mh_jscale = tmp.Scale; bayestopt_.jscale = ones(size(,1),1)*tmp.Scale; % options_.mh_init_scale = 2*options_.mh_jscale; else error('initial_estimation_checks:: The specified mh_scale_file does not exist.') end case 'save_tmp_file' posterior_sampler_options.save_tmp_file = options_list{i,2}; otherwise warning(['rwmh_sampler: Unknown option (' options_list{i,1} ')!']) end end end case 'tailored_random_block_metropolis_hastings' posterior_sampler_options.parallel_bar_refresh_rate=5; posterior_sampler_options.serial_bar_refresh_rate=1; posterior_sampler_options.parallel_bar_title='TaRB-MH'; posterior_sampler_options.serial_bar_title='TaRB Metropolis-Hastings'; % default options posterior_sampler_options = add_fields_(posterior_sampler_options,options_.posterior_sampler_options.tarb); % user defined options if ~isempty(options_.posterior_sampler_options.sampling_opt) options_list = read_key_value_string(options_.posterior_sampler_options.sampling_opt); for i=1:rows(options_list) switch options_list{i,1} case 'proposal_distribution' if ~(strcmpi(options_list{i,2}, 'rand_multivariate_student') || ... strcmpi(options_list{i,2}, 'rand_multivariate_normal')) error(['initial_estimation_checks:: the proposal_distribution option to estimation takes either ' ... 'rand_multivariate_student or rand_multivariate_normal as options']); else posterior_sampler_options.proposal_distribution=options_list{i,2}; end case 'student_degrees_of_freedom' if options_list{i,2} <= 0 error('initial_estimation_checks:: the student_degrees_of_freedom takes a positive integer argument'); else posterior_sampler_options.student_degrees_of_freedom=options_list{i,2}; end case 'mode_compute' posterior_sampler_options.mode_compute=options_list{i,2}; case 'optim' posterior_sampler_options.optim_opt=options_list{i,2}; case 'new_block_probability' if options_list{i,2}<0 || options_list{i,2}>1 error('check_posterior_sampler_options:: The tarb new_block_probability must be between 0 and 1!') else posterior_sampler_options.new_block_probability=options_list{i,2}; end case 'scale_file' % load optimal_mh_scale parameter if previous run was with mode_compute=6 % will overwrite jscale from set_prior.m if exist(options_list{i,2},'file') || exist([options_list{i,2},'.mat'],'file') tmp = load(options_list{i,2},'Scale'); bayestopt_.mh_jscale = tmp.Scale; options_.mh_jscale = tmp.Scale; bayestopt_.jscale = ones(size(,1),1)*tmp.Scale; % options_.mh_init_scale = 2*options_.mh_jscale; else error('initial_estimation_checks:: The specified scale_file does not exist.') end case 'save_tmp_file' posterior_sampler_options.save_tmp_file = options_list{i,2}; otherwise warning(['tarb_sampler: Unknown option (' options_list{i,1} ')!']) end end end case 'independent_metropolis_hastings' posterior_sampler_options.parallel_bar_refresh_rate=50; posterior_sampler_options.serial_bar_refresh_rate=3; posterior_sampler_options.parallel_bar_title='IMH'; posterior_sampler_options.serial_bar_title='Ind. Metropolis-Hastings'; % default options posterior_sampler_options = add_fields_(posterior_sampler_options,options_.posterior_sampler_options.imh); % user defined options if ~isempty(options_.posterior_sampler_options.sampling_opt) options_list = read_key_value_string(options_.posterior_sampler_options.sampling_opt); for i=1:rows(options_list) switch options_list{i,1} case 'proposal_distribution' if ~(strcmpi(options_list{i,2}, 'rand_multivariate_student') || ... strcmpi(options_list{i,2}, 'rand_multivariate_normal')) error(['initial_estimation_checks:: the proposal_distribution option to estimation takes either ' ... 'rand_multivariate_student or rand_multivariate_normal as options']); else posterior_sampler_options.proposal_distribution=options_list{i,2}; end case 'student_degrees_of_freedom' if options_list{i,2} <= 0 error('initial_estimation_checks:: the student_degrees_of_freedom takes a positive integer argument'); else posterior_sampler_options.student_degrees_of_freedom=options_list{i,2}; end case 'use_mh_covariance_matrix' % indicates to use the covariance matrix from previous iterations to % define the covariance of the proposal distribution % default = 0 posterior_sampler_options.use_mh_covariance_matrix = options_list{i,2}; options_.use_mh_covariance_matrix = options_list{i,2}; case 'save_tmp_file' posterior_sampler_options.save_tmp_file = options_list{i,2}; otherwise warning(['imh_sampler: Unknown option (' options_list{i,1} ')!']) end end end case 'slice' posterior_sampler_options.parallel_bar_refresh_rate=1; posterior_sampler_options.serial_bar_refresh_rate=1; posterior_sampler_options.parallel_bar_title='SLICE'; posterior_sampler_options.serial_bar_title='SLICE'; % default options posterior_sampler_options = add_fields_(posterior_sampler_options,options_.posterior_sampler_options.slice); % user defined options if ~isempty(options_.posterior_sampler_options.sampling_opt) options_list = read_key_value_string(options_.posterior_sampler_options.sampling_opt); for i=1:rows(options_list) switch options_list{i,1} case 'rotated' % triggers rotated slice iterations using a covariance % matrix from initial burn-in iterations % must be associated with: % or % default = 0 posterior_sampler_options.rotated = options_list{i,2}; case 'mode' % for multimodal posteriors, provide the list of modes as a % matrix, ordered by column, i.e. [x1 x2 x3] for three % modes x1 x2 x3 % MR note: not sure this is possible with the % read_key_value_string ??? % if this is not possible does to job in any case % This will automatically trigger % default = [] tmp_mode = options_list{i,2}; for j=1:size(tmp_mode,2) posterior_sampler_options.mode(j).m = tmp_mode(:,j); end case 'mode_files' % for multimodal posteriors provide the name of % a file containing a variable array xparams = [nparam * nmodes] % one column per mode. With this info, the code will automatically % set the option. % This will automatically trigger % default = [] posterior_sampler_options.mode_files = options_list{i,2}; case 'slice_initialize_with_mode' % the default for slice is to set mode_compute = 0 in the % preprocessor and start the chain(s) from a random location in the prior. % This option first runs the optimizer and then starts the % chain from the mode. Associated with optios , it will % use invhess from the mode to perform rotated slice % iterations. % default = 0 posterior_sampler_options.slice_initialize_with_mode = options_list{i,2}; case 'initial_step_size' % sets the initial size of the interval in the STEPPING-OUT PROCEDURE % the initial_step_size must be a real number in [0, 1], % and it sets the size as a proportion of the prior bounds, % i.e. the size will be initial_step_size*(UB-LB) % slice sampler requires prior_truncation > 0! % default = 0.8 if options_list{i,2}<=0 || options_list{i,2}>=1 error('check_posterior_sampler_options:: slice initial_step_size must be between 0 and 1') else posterior_sampler_options.initial_step_size=options_list{i,2}; end case 'use_mh_covariance_matrix' % in association with indicates to use the % covariance matrix from previous iterations to define the % rotated slice % default = 0 posterior_sampler_options.use_mh_covariance_matrix = options_list{i,2}; options_.use_mh_covariance_matrix = options_list{i,2}; case 'save_tmp_file' posterior_sampler_options.save_tmp_file = options_list{i,2}; otherwise warning(['slice_sampler: Unknown option (' options_list{i,1} ')!']) end end end % slice posterior sampler does not require mode or hessian to run % needs to be set to 1 to skip parts in dynare_estimation_1.m % requiring posterior maximization/calibrated smoother before MCMC options_.mh_posterior_mode_estimation=true; if ~ posterior_sampler_options.slice_initialize_with_mode % by default, slice sampler should trigger % mode_compute=0 and % mh_replic=100 (much smaller than the default mh_replic=20000 of RWMH) options_.mode_compute = 0; options_.cova_compute = 0; else if (isequal(options_.mode_compute,0) && isempty(options_.mode_file) ) skipline() disp('check_posterior_sampler_options:: You have specified the option "slice_initialize_with_mode"') disp('check_posterior_sampler_options:: to initialize the slice sampler using mode information') disp('check_posterior_sampler_options:: but no mode file nor posterior maximization is selected,') error('check_posterior_sampler_options:: The option "slice_initialize_with_mode" is inconsistent with mode_compute=0 or empty mode_file.') else options_.mh_posterior_mode_estimation=false; end end if any(isinf( || any(isinf(bounds.ub)) skipline() disp('some priors are unbounded and prior_trunc is set to zero') error('The option "slice" is inconsistent with prior_trunc=0.') end % moreover slice must be associated to: % options_.mh_posterior_mode_estimation = false; % this is done below, but perhaps preprocessing should do this? if ~isempty(posterior_sampler_options.mode) % multimodal case posterior_sampler_options.rotated = 1; posterior_sampler_options.WR=[]; end % posterior_sampler_options = set_default_option(posterior_sampler_options,'mode_files',[]); posterior_sampler_options.W1=posterior_sampler_options.initial_step_size*(; if options_.load_mh_file posterior_sampler_options.slice_initialize_with_mode = 0; else if ~posterior_sampler_options.slice_initialize_with_mode posterior_sampler_options.invhess=[]; end end if ~isempty(posterior_sampler_options.mode_files) % multimodal case modes = posterior_sampler_options.mode_files; % these can be also mean files from previous parallel slice chains load(modes, 'xparams') if size(xparams,2)<2 error(['check_posterior_sampler_options:: Variable xparams loaded in file <' modes '> has size [' int2str(size(xparams,1)) 'x' int2str(size(xparams,2)) ']: it must contain at least two columns, to allow multi-modal sampling.']) end for j=1:size(xparams,2) mode(j).m=xparams(:,j); end posterior_sampler_options.mode = mode; posterior_sampler_options.rotated = 1; posterior_sampler_options.WR=[]; end otherwise error('check_posterior_sampler_options:: Unknown posterior_sampling_method option %s ',posterior_sampler_options.posterior_sampling_method); end return end % here are all samplers requiring a proposal distribution if ~strcmp(posterior_sampler_options.posterior_sampling_method,'slice') if ~options_.cova_compute && ~(options_.load_mh_file && posterior_sampler_options.use_mh_covariance_matrix) if strcmp('hessian',options_.MCMC_jumping_covariance) skipline() disp('check_posterior_sampler_options:: I cannot start the MCMC because the Hessian of the posterior kernel at the mode was not computed') disp('check_posterior_sampler_options:: or there is no previous MCMC to load ') error('check_posterior_sampler_options:: MCMC cannot start') end end end if options_.load_mh_file && posterior_sampler_options.use_mh_covariance_matrix [~, invhess] = compute_mh_covariance_matrix(bayestopt_,fname,dname); posterior_sampler_options.invhess = invhess; end % check specific options for slice sampler if strcmp(posterior_sampler_options.posterior_sampling_method,'slice') invhess = posterior_sampler_options.invhess; if posterior_sampler_options.rotated if isempty(posterior_sampler_options.mode_files) && isempty(posterior_sampler_options.mode) % rotated unimodal if ~options_.cova_compute && ~(options_.load_mh_file && posterior_sampler_options.use_mh_covariance_matrix) skipline() disp('check_posterior_sampler_options:: I cannot start rotated slice sampler because') disp('check_posterior_sampler_options:: there is no previous MCMC to load ') disp('check_posterior_sampler_options:: or the Hessian at the mode is not computed.') error('check_posterior_sampler_options:: Rotated slice cannot start') end if isempty(invhess) error('check_posterior_sampler_options:: This error should not occur, please contact developers.') end % % % if options_.load_mh_file && options_.use_mh_covariance_matrix, % % % [~, invhess] = compute_mh_covariance_matrix(bayestopt_,M_.fname,M_.dname)); % % % posterior_sampler_options.invhess = invhess; % % % end [V1, D]=eig(invhess); posterior_sampler_options.V1=V1; posterior_sampler_options.WR=sqrt(diag(D))*3; end else if ~options_.load_mh_file && ~posterior_sampler_options.slice_initialize_with_mode posterior_sampler_options.invhess=[]; end end % needs to be re-set to zero otherwise posterior analysis is filtered % out in dynare_estimation_1.m options_.mh_posterior_mode_estimation = false; end return function posterior_sampler_options = add_fields_(posterior_sampler_options, sampler_options) fnam = fieldnames(sampler_options); for j=1:length(fnam) posterior_sampler_options.(fnam{j}) = sampler_options.(fnam{j}); end