// Copyright 2004, Ondra Kamenik #include "kord_exception.hh" #include "decision_rule.hh" #include "dynamic_model.hh" #include "SymSchurDecomp.hh" #include #include #include template <> int DRFixPoint::max_iter = 10000; template <> int DRFixPoint::max_iter = 10000; template <> double DRFixPoint::tol = 1.e-10; template <> double DRFixPoint::tol = 1.e-10; template <> int DRFixPoint::max_newton_iter = 50; template <> int DRFixPoint::max_newton_iter = 50; template <> int DRFixPoint::newton_pause = 100; template <> int DRFixPoint::newton_pause = 100; // |FoldDecisionRule| conversion from |UnfoldDecisionRule| FoldDecisionRule::FoldDecisionRule(const UnfoldDecisionRule &udr) : DecisionRuleImpl(ctraits::Tpol(udr.nrows(), udr.nvars()), udr.ypart, udr.nu, udr.ysteady) { for (const auto & it : udr) { insert(new ctraits::Ttensym(*(it.second))); } } // |UnfoldDecisionRule| conversion from |FoldDecisionRule| UnfoldDecisionRule::UnfoldDecisionRule(const FoldDecisionRule &fdr) : DecisionRuleImpl(ctraits::Tpol(fdr.nrows(), fdr.nvars()), fdr.ypart, fdr.nu, fdr.ysteady) { for (const auto & it : fdr) { insert(new ctraits::Ttensym(*(it.second))); } } SimResults::~SimResults() { for (int i = 0; i < getNumSets(); i++) { delete data[i]; delete shocks[i]; } } /* This runs simulations with an output to journal file. Note that we report how many simulations had to be thrown out due to Nan or Inf. */ void SimResults::simulate(int num_sim, const DecisionRule &dr, const Vector &start, const TwoDMatrix &vcov, Journal &journal) { JournalRecordPair paa(journal); paa << "Performing " << num_sim << " stochastic simulations for " << num_per << " periods burning " << num_burn << " initial periods" << endrec; simulate(num_sim, dr, start, vcov); int thrown = num_sim - data.size(); if (thrown > 0) { JournalRecord rec(journal); rec << "I had to throw " << thrown << " simulations away due to Nan or Inf" << endrec; } } /* This runs a given number of simulations by creating |SimulationWorker| for each simulation and inserting them to the thread group. */ void SimResults::simulate(int num_sim, const DecisionRule &dr, const Vector &start, const TwoDMatrix &vcov) { std::vector rsrs; rsrs.reserve(num_sim); THREAD_GROUP gr; for (int i = 0; i < num_sim; i++) { RandomShockRealization sr(vcov, system_random_generator.int_uniform()); rsrs.push_back(sr); THREAD *worker = new SimulationWorker(*this, dr, DecisionRule::horner, num_per+num_burn, start, rsrs.back()); gr.insert(worker); } gr.run(); } /* This adds the data with the realized shocks. It takes only periods which are not to be burnt. If the data is not finite, the both data and shocks are thrown away. */ bool SimResults::addDataSet(TwoDMatrix *d, ExplicitShockRealization *sr) { KORD_RAISE_IF(d->nrows() != num_y, "Incompatible number of rows for SimResults::addDataSets"); KORD_RAISE_IF(d->ncols() != num_per+num_burn, "Incompatible number of cols for SimResults::addDataSets"); bool ret = false; if (d->isFinite()) { data.push_back(new TwoDMatrix((const TwoDMatrix &) (*d), num_burn, num_per)); shocks.push_back(new ExplicitShockRealization( ConstTwoDMatrix(sr->getShocks(), num_burn, num_per))); ret = true; } delete d; delete sr; return ret; } void SimResults::writeMat(const char *base, const char *lname) const { char matfile_name[100]; sprintf(matfile_name, "%s.mat", base); mat_t *matfd = Mat_Create(matfile_name, NULL); if (matfd != NULL) { writeMat(matfd, lname); Mat_Close(matfd); } } /* This save the results as matrices with given prefix and with index appended. If there is only one matrix, the index is not appended. */ void SimResults::writeMat(mat_t *fd, const char *lname) const { char tmp[100]; for (int i = 0; i < getNumSets(); i++) { if (getNumSets() > 1) sprintf(tmp, "%s_data%d", lname, i+1); else sprintf(tmp, "%s_data", lname); ConstTwoDMatrix m(*(data[i])); m.writeMat(fd, tmp); } } void SimResultsStats::simulate(int num_sim, const DecisionRule &dr, const Vector &start, const TwoDMatrix &vcov, Journal &journal) { SimResults::simulate(num_sim, dr, start, vcov, journal); { JournalRecordPair paa(journal); paa << "Calculating means from the simulations." << endrec; calcMean(); } { JournalRecordPair paa(journal); paa << "Calculating covariances from the simulations." << endrec; calcVcov(); } } /* Here we do not save the data itself, we save only mean and vcov. */ void SimResultsStats::writeMat(mat_t *fd, const char *lname) const { char tmp[100]; sprintf(tmp, "%s_mean", lname); ConstTwoDMatrix m(num_y, 1, mean.base()); m.writeMat(fd, tmp); sprintf(tmp, "%s_vcov", lname); ConstTwoDMatrix(vcov).writeMat(fd, tmp); } void SimResultsStats::calcMean() { mean.zeros(); if (data.size()*num_per > 0) { double mult = 1.0/data.size()/num_per; for (auto & i : data) { for (int j = 0; j < num_per; j++) { ConstVector col(*i, j); mean.add(mult, col); } } } } void SimResultsStats::calcVcov() { if (data.size()*num_per > 1) { vcov.zeros(); double mult = 1.0/(data.size()*num_per - 1); for (auto & i : data) { const TwoDMatrix &d = *i; for (int j = 0; j < num_per; j++) { for (int m = 0; m < num_y; m++) { for (int n = m; n < num_y; n++) { double s = (d.get(m, j)-mean[m])*(d.get(n, j)-mean[n]); vcov.get(m, n) += mult*s; if (m != n) vcov.get(n, m) += mult*s; } } } } } else { vcov.infs(); } } void SimResultsDynamicStats::simulate(int num_sim, const DecisionRule &dr, const Vector &start, const TwoDMatrix &vcov, Journal &journal) { SimResults::simulate(num_sim, dr, start, vcov, journal); { JournalRecordPair paa(journal); paa << "Calculating means of the conditional simulations." << endrec; calcMean(); } { JournalRecordPair paa(journal); paa << "Calculating variances of the conditional simulations." << endrec; calcVariance(); } } void SimResultsDynamicStats::writeMat(mat_t *fd, const char *lname) const { char tmp[100]; sprintf(tmp, "%s_cond_mean", lname); ConstTwoDMatrix(mean).writeMat(fd, tmp); sprintf(tmp, "%s_cond_variance", lname); ConstTwoDMatrix(variance).writeMat(fd, tmp); } void SimResultsDynamicStats::calcMean() { mean.zeros(); if (data.size() > 0) { double mult = 1.0/data.size(); for (int j = 0; j < num_per; j++) { Vector meanj(mean, j); for (auto & i : data) { ConstVector col(*i, j); meanj.add(mult, col); } } } } void SimResultsDynamicStats::calcVariance() { if (data.size() > 1) { variance.zeros(); double mult = 1.0/(data.size()-1); for (int j = 0; j < num_per; j++) { ConstVector meanj(mean, j); Vector varj(variance, j); for (auto & i : data) { Vector col(ConstVector((*i), j)); col.add(-1.0, meanj); for (int k = 0; k < col.length(); k++) col[k] = col[k]*col[k]; varj.add(mult, col); } } } else { variance.infs(); } } void SimResultsIRF::simulate(const DecisionRule &dr, Journal &journal) { JournalRecordPair paa(journal); paa << "Performing " << control.getNumSets() << " IRF simulations for " << num_per << " periods; shock=" << ishock << ", impulse=" << imp << endrec; simulate(dr); int thrown = control.getNumSets() - data.size(); if (thrown > 0) { JournalRecord rec(journal); rec << "I had to throw " << thrown << " simulations away due to Nan or Inf" << endrec; } calcMeans(); calcVariances(); } void SimResultsIRF::simulate(const DecisionRule &dr) { THREAD_GROUP gr; for (int idata = 0; idata < control.getNumSets(); idata++) { THREAD *worker = new SimulationIRFWorker(*this, dr, DecisionRule::horner, num_per, idata, ishock, imp); gr.insert(worker); } gr.run(); } void SimResultsIRF::calcMeans() { means.zeros(); if (data.size() > 0) { for (auto & i : data) means.add(1.0, *i); means.mult(1.0/data.size()); } } void SimResultsIRF::calcVariances() { if (data.size() > 1) { variances.zeros(); for (auto & i : data) { TwoDMatrix d((const TwoDMatrix &)(*i)); d.add(-1.0, means); for (int j = 0; j < d.nrows(); j++) for (int k = 0; k < d.ncols(); k++) variances.get(j, k) += d.get(j, k)*d.get(j, k); d.mult(1.0/(data.size()-1)); } } else { variances.infs(); } } void SimResultsIRF::writeMat(mat_t *fd, const char *lname) const { char tmp[100]; sprintf(tmp, "%s_mean", lname); means.writeMat(fd, tmp); sprintf(tmp, "%s_var", lname); variances.writeMat(fd, tmp); } void RTSimResultsStats::simulate(int num_sim, const DecisionRule &dr, const Vector &start, const TwoDMatrix &v, Journal &journal) { JournalRecordPair paa(journal); paa << "Performing " << num_sim << " real-time stochastic simulations for " << num_per << " periods" << endrec; simulate(num_sim, dr, start, v); mean = nc.getMean(); mean.add(1.0, dr.getSteady()); nc.getVariance(vcov); if (thrown_periods > 0) { JournalRecord rec(journal); rec << "I had to throw " << thrown_periods << " periods away due to Nan or Inf" << endrec; JournalRecord rec1(journal); rec1 << "This affected " << incomplete_simulations << " out of " << num_sim << " simulations" << endrec; } } void RTSimResultsStats::simulate(int num_sim, const DecisionRule &dr, const Vector &start, const TwoDMatrix &vcov) { std::vector rsrs; rsrs.reserve(num_sim); THREAD_GROUP gr; for (int i = 0; i < num_sim; i++) { RandomShockRealization sr(vcov, system_random_generator.int_uniform()); rsrs.push_back(sr); THREAD *worker = new RTSimulationWorker(*this, dr, DecisionRule::horner, num_per, start, rsrs.back()); gr.insert(worker); } gr.run(); } void RTSimResultsStats::writeMat(mat_t *fd, const char *lname) { char tmp[100]; sprintf(tmp, "%s_rt_mean", lname); ConstTwoDMatrix m(nc.getDim(), 1, mean.base()); m.writeMat(fd, tmp); sprintf(tmp, "%s_rt_vcov", lname); ConstTwoDMatrix(vcov).writeMat(fd, tmp); } IRFResults::IRFResults(const DynamicModel &mod, const DecisionRule &dr, const SimResults &control, vector ili, Journal &journal) : model(mod), irf_list_ind(std::move(ili)) { int num_per = control.getNumPer(); JournalRecordPair pa(journal); pa << "Calculating IRFs against control for " << (int) irf_list_ind.size() << " shocks and for " << num_per << " periods" << endrec; const TwoDMatrix &vcov = mod.getVcov(); for (int ishock : irf_list_ind) { double stderror = sqrt(vcov.get(ishock, ishock)); irf_res.push_back(new SimResultsIRF(control, model.numeq(), num_per, ishock, stderror)); irf_res.push_back(new SimResultsIRF(control, model.numeq(), num_per, ishock, -stderror)); } for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < irf_list_ind.size(); ii++) { irf_res[2*ii]->simulate(dr, journal); irf_res[2*ii+1]->simulate(dr, journal); } } IRFResults::~IRFResults() { for (auto & irf_re : irf_res) delete irf_re; } void IRFResults::writeMat(mat_t *fd, const char *prefix) const { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < irf_list_ind.size(); i++) { char tmp[100]; int ishock = irf_list_ind[i]; const char *shockname = model.getExogNames().getName(ishock); sprintf(tmp, "%s_irfp_%s", prefix, shockname); irf_res[2*i]->writeMat(fd, tmp); sprintf(tmp, "%s_irfm_%s", prefix, shockname); irf_res[2*i+1]->writeMat(fd, tmp); } } void SimulationWorker::operator()() { auto *esr = new ExplicitShockRealization(sr, np); TwoDMatrix *m = dr.simulate(em, np, st, *esr); { SYNCHRO syn(&res, "simulation"); res.addDataSet(m, esr); } } /* Here we create a new instance of |ExplicitShockRealization| of the corresponding control, add the impulse, and simulate. */ void SimulationIRFWorker::operator()() { auto *esr = new ExplicitShockRealization(res.control.getShocks(idata)); esr->addToShock(ishock, 0, imp); const TwoDMatrix &data = res.control.getData(idata); ConstVector st(data, res.control.getNumBurn()); TwoDMatrix *m = dr.simulate(em, np, st, *esr); m->add(-1.0, res.control.getData(idata)); { SYNCHRO syn(&res, "simulation"); res.addDataSet(m, esr); } } void RTSimulationWorker::operator()() { NormalConj nc(res.nc.getDim()); const PartitionY &ypart = dr.getYPart(); int nu = dr.nexog(); const Vector &ysteady = dr.getSteady(); // initialize vectors and subvectors for simulation Vector dyu(ypart.nys()+nu); ConstVector ystart_pred(ystart, ypart.nstat, ypart.nys()); ConstVector ysteady_pred(ysteady, ypart.nstat, ypart.nys()); Vector dy(dyu, 0, ypart.nys()); Vector u(dyu, ypart.nys(), nu); Vector y(nc.getDim()); ConstVector ypred(y, ypart.nstat, ypart.nys()); // simulate the first real-time period int ip = 0; dy = ystart_pred; dy.add(-1.0, ysteady_pred); sr.get(ip, u); dr.eval(em, y, dyu); if (ip >= res.num_burn) nc.update(y); // simulate other real-time periods@>= while (y.isFinite() && ip < res.num_burn + res.num_per) { ip++; dy = ypred; sr.get(ip, u); dr.eval(em, y, dyu); if (ip >= res.num_burn) nc.update(y); } { SYNCHRO syn(&res, "rtsimulation"); res.nc.update(nc); if (res.num_per-ip > 0) { res.incomplete_simulations++; res.thrown_periods += res.num_per-ip; } } } /* This calculates factorization $FF^T=V$ in the Cholesky way. It does not work for semidefinite matrices. */ void RandomShockRealization::choleskyFactor(const TwoDMatrix &v) { factor = v; lapack_int rows = factor.nrows(); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) for (int j = i+1; j < rows; j++) factor.get(i, j) = 0.0; lapack_int info; dpotrf("L", &rows, factor.base(), &rows, &info); KORD_RAISE_IF(info != 0, "Info!=0 in RandomShockRealization::choleskyFactor"); } /* This calculates $FF^T=V$ factorization by symmetric Schur decomposition. It works for semidifinite matrices. */ void RandomShockRealization::schurFactor(const TwoDMatrix &v) { SymSchurDecomp ssd(v); ssd.getFactor(factor); } void RandomShockRealization::get(int n, Vector &out) { KORD_RAISE_IF(out.length() != numShocks(), "Wrong length of out vector in RandomShockRealization::get"); Vector d(out.length()); for (int i = 0; i < d.length(); i++) { d[i] = mtwister.normal(); } out.zeros(); factor.multaVec(out, ConstVector(d)); } ExplicitShockRealization::ExplicitShockRealization(ShockRealization &sr, int num_per) : shocks(sr.numShocks(), num_per) { for (int j = 0; j < num_per; j++) { Vector jcol(shocks, j); sr.get(j, jcol); } } void ExplicitShockRealization::get(int n, Vector &out) { KORD_RAISE_IF(out.length() != numShocks(), "Wrong length of out vector in ExplicitShockRealization::get"); int i = n % shocks.ncols(); ConstVector icol(shocks, i); out = icol; } void ExplicitShockRealization::addToShock(int ishock, int iper, double val) { KORD_RAISE_IF(ishock < 0 || ishock > numShocks(), "Wrong index of shock in ExplicitShockRealization::addToShock"); int j = iper % shocks.ncols(); shocks.get(ishock, j) += val; } void GenShockRealization::get(int n, Vector &out) { KORD_RAISE_IF(out.length() != numShocks(), "Wrong length of out vector in GenShockRealization::get"); ExplicitShockRealization::get(n, out); Vector r(numShocks()); RandomShockRealization::get(n, r); for (int j = 0; j < numShocks(); j++) if (!isfinite(out[j])) out[j] = r[j]; }