/* Mod file tests the correctness of the conditional_forecast command when used together with initval by * - checking whether the unconditional forecast from the conditional_forecast-command * coincides with the one from the forecast command * - checking whether the conditional forecast coincides with the path of * capital derived when simulating the model with simult_ and the computed exogenous instruments * - initval should not play a role as initial conditions need to be set with histval; with initval * the subsequently computed steady state is used */ var m P c e W R k d n l gy_obs gp_obs y dA; varexo e_a e_m; parameters alp bet gam mst rho psi del; alp = 0.33; bet = 0.99; gam = 0.003; mst = 1.011; rho = 0.7; psi = 0.787; del = 0.02; model; dA = exp(gam+e_a); log(m) = (1-rho)*log(mst) + rho*log(m(-1))+e_m; -P/(c(+1)*P(+1)*m)+bet*P(+1)*(alp*exp(-alp*(gam+log(e(+1))))*k^(alp-1)*n(+1)^(1-alp)+(1-del)*exp(-(gam+log(e(+1)))))/(c(+2)*P(+2)*m(+1))=0; W = l/n; -(psi/(1-psi))*(c*P/(1-n))+l/n = 0; R = P*(1-alp)*exp(-alp*(gam+e_a))*k(-1)^alp*n^(-alp)/W; 1/(c*P)-bet*P*(1-alp)*exp(-alp*(gam+e_a))*k(-1)^alp*n^(1-alp)/(m*l*c(+1)*P(+1)) = 0; c+k = exp(-alp*(gam+e_a))*k(-1)^alp*n^(1-alp)+(1-del)*exp(-(gam+e_a))*k(-1); P*c = m; m-1+d = l; e = exp(e_a); y = k(-1)^alp*n^(1-alp)*exp(-alp*(gam+e_a)); gy_obs = dA*y/y(-1); gp_obs = (P/P(-1))*m(-1)/dA; end; initval; k = 6; m = mst; P = 2.25; c = 0.45; e = 1; W = 4; R = 1.02; d = 0.85; n = 0.19; l = 0.86; y = 0.6; gy_obs = exp(gam); gp_obs = exp(-gam); dA = exp(gam); end; shocks; var e_a; stderr 0.014; var e_m; stderr 0.005; end; steady; check; stoch_simul(irf=0); conditional_forecast_paths; var gy_obs; periods 1 2 3:5; values 0.01 -0.02 0; var gp_obs; periods 1 2 3:5; values 1 1.04 0.98; end; %set capital to non-steady state value initval; k = 6; end; conditional_forecast(periods=100,parameter_set=calibration,replic=10000, controlled_varexo=(e_m,e_a)); plot_conditional_forecast(periods=100) gy_obs gp_obs k; forecast(periods=100); %compare unconditional forecasts cond_forecast=oo_.conditional_forecast; if max(abs(cond_forecast.uncond.Mean.k(2:end)-oo_.forecast.Mean.k))>1e-8 error('Unconditional Forecasts do not match') end %compare conditional forecasts; initval should not play a role as initial %conditions need to be set with histval; initial_condition_states = oo_.dr.ys; shock_matrix = zeros(options_cond_fcst_.periods ,M_.exo_nbr); %create shock matrix with found controlled shocks shock_matrix(1:5,strmatch('e_a',M_.exo_names,'exact')) = cond_forecast.controlled_exo_variables.Mean.e_a; %set controlled shocks to their values shock_matrix(1:5,strmatch('e_m',M_.exo_names,'exact')) = cond_forecast.controlled_exo_variables.Mean.e_m; %set controlled shocks to their values y_simult = simult_(M_,options_,initial_condition_states,oo_.dr,shock_matrix,1); if max(abs(y_simult(strmatch('k',M_.endo_names,'exact'),:)'-cond_forecast.cond.Mean.k))>1e-8 error('Unconditional Forecasts do not match') end