function osr_res = osr1(i_params,i_var,weights) % Compute the Optimal Simple Rules % INPUTS % i_params vector index of optimizing parameters in M_.params % i_var vector variables indices in declaration order % weights vector weights in the OSRs % % OUTPUTS % osr_res: [structure] results structure containing: % - objective_function [scalar double] value of the objective % function at the optimum % - optim_params [structure] parameter values at the optimum % % Algorithm: % % Uses Newton-type optimizer csminwel to directly solve quadratic % osr-problem % % Copyright © 2005-2019 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global M_ oo_ options_ it_ it_ = M_.maximum_lag + 1 ; osr_res.error_indicator = 1; %initialize indicator if M_.exo_nbr == 0 oo_.exo_steady_state = [] ; end if ~ M_.lead_lag_incidence(M_.maximum_lag+1,:) > 0 error ('OSR: Error in model specification: some variables don''t appear as current') ; end if M_.maximum_lead == 0 error ('OSR: Backward or static model: no point in using OSR') ; end if any(any(isinf(weights))) error ('OSR: At least one of the optim_weights is infinite.') ; end if any(isnan(M_.params(i_params))) error ('OSR: At least one of the initial parameter values for osr_params is NaN') ; end %restore backward compatibility with maxit and tolf if isfield(options_.osr,'maxit') || isfield(options_.osr,'tolf') warning('OSR: The use of maxit and tolf is now deprecated. Please use the optim-option instead.') if options_.osr.opt_algo~=4 error ('OSR: The maxit and tolf options are not supported when not using the default opt_algo=4. Use the optim-option instead.') ; else if isfield(options_.osr,'maxit') if ~isempty(options_.optim_opt) options_.optim_opt=[options_.optim_opt,',']; end options_.optim_opt=[options_.optim_opt,'''MaxIter'',',num2str(options_.osr.maxit),'']; end if isfield(options_.osr,'tolf') if ~isempty(options_.optim_opt) options_.optim_opt=[options_.optim_opt,',']; end options_.optim_opt=[options_.optim_opt,'''TolFun'',',num2str(options_.osr.tolf),'']; end end end oo_.dr = set_state_space(oo_.dr,M_,options_); np = size(i_params,1); t0 = M_.params(i_params); inv_order_var = oo_.dr.inv_order_var; %extract unique entries of covariance i_var=unique(i_var); %% do initial checks [loss,info]=osr_obj(t0,i_params,inv_order_var(i_var),weights(i_var,i_var)); if info~=0 print_info(info, options_.noprint, options_); else if ~options_.noprint fprintf('\nOSR: Initial value of the objective function: %g \n\n',loss); end end if ~options_.noprint && isinf(loss) fprintf('\nOSR: The initial value of the objective function is infinite.\n'); fprintf('\nOSR: Check whether the unconditional variance of a target variable is infinite\n'); fprintf('\nOSR: due to the presence of a unit root.\n'); error('OSR: Initial likelihood is infinite') end if isequal(options_.osr.opt_algo,5) error('OSR: OSR does not support opt_algo=5.') elseif isequal(options_.osr.opt_algo,6) error('OSR: OSR does not support opt_algo=6.') elseif isequal(options_.osr.opt_algo,10) error('OSR: OSR does not support opt_algo=10.') elseif isequal(options_.osr.opt_algo,11) error('OSR: OSR does not support opt_algo=11.') else if ~isempty(M_.osr.param_bounds) && ~(ismember(options_.osr.opt_algo,[1,2,5,9]) || ischar(options_.osr.opt_algo)) error('OSR: OSR with bounds on parameters requires a constrained optimizer, i.e. opt_algo= 1,2 or 9.') end %%do actual optimization [p, f] = dynare_minimize_objective(str2func('osr_obj'),t0,options_.osr.opt_algo,options_,M_.osr.param_bounds,M_.param_names(i_params),[],[], i_params,... inv_order_var(i_var),weights(i_var,i_var)); end osr_res.objective_function = f; M_.params(i_params)=p; %make sure optimal parameters are set (and not the last draw used in csminwel) for i=1:length(i_params) osr_res.optim_params.(M_.param_names{i_params(i)}) = p(i); end if ~options_.noprint skipline() disp('OPTIMAL VALUE OF THE PARAMETERS:') skipline() for i=1:np fprintf('%16s %16.6g\n\n', M_.param_names{i_params(i)}, p(i)); end fprintf('Objective function : %16.6g\n\n',f); skipline() end [oo_.dr,info,M_,oo_] = resol(0,M_,options_,oo_); if ~info osr_res.error_indicator=0; end