function [x,f,exitflag,n_f_evals,n_grad_evals,n_constraint_evals,n_constraint_gradient_evals]=solvopt(x,fun,grad,func,gradc,optim,varargin) % [x,f,options]=solvopt(x,fun,grad,func,gradc,options,varargin) % % The function SOLVOPT, developed by Alexei Kuntsevich and Franz Kappe, % performs a modified version of Shor's r-algorithm in % order to find a local minimum resp. maximum of a nonlinear function % defined on the n-dimensional Euclidean space or % a solution of a nonlinear % constrained problem: % min { f(x): g(x) (<)= 0, g(x) in R(m), x in R(n) } % % Inputs: % x n-vector (row or column) of the coordinates of the starting % point, % fun name of an M-file (M-function) which computes the value % of the objective function at a point x, % synopsis: f=fun(x) % grad name of an M-file (M-function) which computes the gradient % vector of the function at a point x, % synopsis: g=grad(x) % func name of an M-file (M-function) which computes the MAXIMAL % RESIDUAL(!) for a set of constraints at a point x, % synopsis: fc=func(x) % gradc name of an M-file (M-function) which computes the gradient % vector for the maximal residual constraint at a point x, % synopsis: gc=gradc(x) % optim Options structure with fields: % optim.minimizer_indicator= H, where sign(H)=-1 resp. sign(H)=+1 means minimize % resp. maximize (valid only for unconstrained problem) % and H itself is a factor for the initial trial step size % (optim.minimizer_indicator=-1 by default), % optim.TolX= relative error for the argument in terms of the % infinity-norm (1.e-4 by default), % optim.TolFun= relative error for the function value (1.e-6 by default), % optim.MaxIter= limit for the number of iterations (15000 by default), % optim.verbosity= control of the display of intermediate results and error % resp. warning messages (default value is 0, i.e., no intermediate % output but error and warning messages, see more in the manual), % optim.TolXConstraint= admissible maximal residual for a set of constraints % (optim.TolXConstraint=1e-8 by default, see more in the manual), % *optim.SpaceDilation= the coefficient of space dilation (2.5 by default), % *optim.LBGradientStep= lower bound for the stepsize used for the difference % approximation of gradients (1e-12 by default, see more in the manual). % (* ... changes should be done with care) % % Outputs: % x optimal parameter vector (row resp. column), % f optimum function value % exitflag: the number of iterations, if positive, % or an abnormal stop code, if negative (see more in the manual), % n_f_evals: number of objective evaluations % n_grad_evals: number of gradient evaluations, % n_constraint_evals: number of constraint function evaluations, % n_constraint_gradient_evals number of constraint gradient evaluations. % % % Algorithm: Kuntsevich, A.V., Kappel, F., SolvOpt - The solver for local nonlinear optimization problems % (version 1.1, Matlab, C, FORTRAN). University of Graz, Graz, 1997. % % % Copyright (C) 1997-2008, Alexei Kuntsevich and Franz Kappel % Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Giovanni Lombardo % Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % strings: ----{ errmes='SolvOpt error:'; wrnmes='SolvOpt warning:'; error1='No function name and/or starting point passed to the function.'; error2='Argument X has to be a row or column vector of dimension > 1.'; error30=' returns an empty string.'; error31='Function value does not exist (NaN is returned).'; error32='Function equals infinity at the point.'; error40=' returns an improper matrix. Check the dimension.'; error41='Gradient does not exist (NaN is returned by ).'; error42='Gradient equals infinity at the starting point.'; error43='Gradient equals zero at the starting point.'; error50=' returns an empty string.'; error51=' returns NaN at the point.'; error52=' returns infinite value at the point.'; error60=' returns an improper vector. Check the dimension'; error61=' returns NaN at the point.'; error62=' returns infinite vector at the point.'; error63=' returns zero vector at an infeasible point.'; error5='Function is unbounded.'; error6='Choose another starting point.'; warn1= 'Gradient is zero at the point, but stopping criteria are not fulfilled.'; warn20='Normal re-setting of a transformation matrix.' ; warn21='Re-setting due to the use of a new penalty coefficient.' ; warn4= 'Iterations limit exceeded.'; warn31='The function is flat in certain directions.'; warn32='Trying to recover by shifting insensitive variables.'; warn09='Re-run from recorded point.'; warn08='Ravine with a flat bottom is detected.'; termwarn0='SolvOpt: Normal termination.'; termwarn1='SolvOpt: Termination warning:'; appwarn='The above warning may be reasoned by inaccurate gradient approximation'; endwarn=[... 'Premature stop is possible. Try to re-run the routine from the obtained point. ';... 'Result may not provide the optimum. The function apparently has many extremum points. ';... 'Result may be inaccurate in the coordinates. The function is flat at the optimum. ';... 'Result may be inaccurate in a function value. The function is extremely steep at the optimum.']; % ----} % ARGUMENTS PASSED ----{ if nargin<2 % Function and/or starting point are not specified exitflag=-1; disp(errmes); disp(error1); return end if nargin<3 app=1; % No user-supplied gradients elseif isempty(grad) app=1; else app=0; % Exact gradients are supplied end % OPTIONS ----{ doptions.minimizer_indicator=1; doptions.TolX=1e-6; %accuracy of argument doptions.TolFun=1e-6; %accuracy of function (see Solvopt p.29) doptions.MaxIter=15000; doptions.verbosity=1; doptions.TolXConstraint=1.e-8; doptions.SpaceDilation=2.5; doptions.LBGradientStep=1.e-11; if nargin<4 optim=doptions; elseif isempty(optim) optim=doptions; end % Check the values: optim.TolX=max(optim.TolX,1.e-12); optim.TolFun=max(optim.TolFun,1.e-12); optim.TolX=max(optim.LBGradientStep*1.e2,optim.TolX); optim.TolX=min(optim.TolX,1); optim.TolFun=min(optim.TolFun,1); optim.TolXConstraint=max(optim.TolXConstraint,1e-12); optim.SpaceDilation=max([optim.SpaceDilation,1.5]); optim.LBGradientStep=max(optim.LBGradientStep,1e-11); % ----} if isempty(func) constr=0; else constr=1; % Constrained problem if isempty(gradc) appconstr=1; else appconstr=0; % Exact gradients of constraints are supplied end end % ----} % STARTING POINT ----{ if max(size(x))<=1 disp(errmes); disp(error2); exitflag=-2; return elseif size(x,2)==1 n=size(x,1); x=x'; trx=1; elseif size(x,1)==1 n=size(x,2); trx=0; else disp(errmes); disp(error2); exitflag=-2; return end % ----} % WORKING CONSTANTS AND COUNTERS ----{ n_f_evals=0; n_grad_evals=0; % function and gradient calculations if constr n_constraint_evals=0; n_constraint_gradient_evals=0; % same for constraints end epsnorm=1.e-15; epsnorm2=1.e-30; % epsilon & epsilon^2 if constr, h1=-1 % NLP: restricted to minimization cnteps=optim.TolXConstraint; % Max. admissible residual else h1=sign(optim.minimizer_indicator); % Minimize resp. maximize a function end k=0; % Iteration counter wdef=1/optim.SpaceDilation-1; % Default space transf. coeff. %Gamma control ---{ ajb=1+.1/n^2; % Base I ajp=20; ajpp=ajp; % Start value for the power ajs=1.15; % Base II knorms=0; gnorms=zeros(1,10); % Gradient norms stored %---} %Display control ---{ if optim.verbosity<=0, dispdata=0 if optim.verbosity==-1 dispwarn=0; else dispwarn=1; end else dispdata=round(optim.verbosity); dispwarn=1; end ld=dispdata; %---} %Stepsize control ---{ dq=5.1; % Step divider (at f_{i+1}>gamma*f_{i}) du20=2;du10=1.5;du03=1.05; % Step multipliers (at certain steps made) kstore=3;nsteps=zeros(1,kstore); % Steps made at the last 'kstore' iterations if app des=6.3; % Desired number of steps per 1-D search else des=3.3; end mxtc=3; % Number of trial cycles (steep wall detect) %---} termx=0; limxterm=50; % Counter and limit for x-criterion ddx =max(1e-11,optim.LBGradientStep); % stepsize for gradient approximation low_bound=-1+1e-4; % Lower bound cosine used to detect a ravine ZeroGrad=n*1.e-16; % Lower bound for a gradient norm nzero=0; % Zero-gradient events counter % Lower bound for values of variables taking into account lowxbound=max([optim.TolX,1e-3]); % Lower bound for function values to be considered as making difference lowfbound=optim.TolFun^2; krerun=0; % Re-run events counter detfr=optim.TolFun*100; % relative error for f/f_{record} detxr=optim.TolX*10; % relative error for norm(x)/norm(x_{record}) warnno=0; % the number of warn.mess. to end with kflat=0; % counter for points of flatness stepvanish=0; % counter for vanished steps stopf=0; % ----} End of setting constants % ----} End of the preamble % COMPUTE THE FUNCTION ( FIRST TIME ) ----{ if trx f=feval(fun,x',varargin{:}); else f=feval(fun,x,varargin{:}); end n_f_evals=n_f_evals+1; if isempty(f) if dispwarn disp(errmes) disp(error30) end exitflag=-3; if trx x=x'; end return elseif isnan(f) if dispwarn disp(errmes) disp(error31) disp(error6) end exitflag=-3; if trx x=x'; end return elseif abs(f)==Inf if dispwarn disp(errmes) disp(error32) disp(error6) end exitflag=-3; if trx x=x'; end return end xrec=x; frec=f; % record point and function value % Constrained problem if constr, fp=f; kless=0 if trx fc=feval(func,x'); else fc=feval(func,x); end if isempty(fc) if dispwarn disp(errmes) disp(error50) end exitflag=-5; if trx x=x'; end return elseif isnan(fc) if dispwarn disp(errmes) disp(error51) disp(error6) end exitflag=-5; if trx x=x'; end return elseif abs(fc)==Inf if dispwarn disp(errmes) disp(error52) disp(error6) end exitflag=-5; if trx x=x'; end return end n_constraint_evals=n_constraint_evals+1; PenCoef=1; % first rough approximation if fc<=cnteps FP=1; fc=0; % feasible point else FP=0; % infeasible point end f=f+PenCoef*fc; end % ----} % COMPUTE THE GRADIENT ( FIRST TIME ) ----{ if app deltax=h1*ddx*ones(size(x)); if constr if trx g=apprgrdn(x',fp,fun,deltax',1,varargin{:}); else g=apprgrdn(x ,fp,fun,deltax,1,varargin{:}); end else if trx g=apprgrdn(x',f,fun,deltax',1,varargin{:}); else g=apprgrdn(x ,f,fun,deltax,1,varargin{:}); end end n_f_evals=n_f_evals+n; else if trx g=feval(grad,x',varargin{:}); else g=feval(grad,x,varargin{:}); end n_grad_evals=n_grad_evals+1; end if size(g,2)==1, g=g'; end ng=norm(g); if size(g,2)~=n if dispwarn disp(errmes) disp(error40) end exitflag=-4; if trx x=x'; end return elseif isnan(ng) if dispwarn disp(errmes) disp(error41) disp(error6) end exitflag=-4; if trx x=x'; end return elseif ng==Inf if dispwarn disp(errmes) disp(error42) disp(error6) end exitflag=-4; if trx x=x'; end return elseif ng2*kd kd=kd+1; warnno=1; if any(abs(x-xx)epsnorm*norm(gt)) z=z/nrmz; g1=gt+w*(z*gt')*z; B=B+w*(B*z')*z; else z=zeros(1,n); nrmz=0; g1=gt; end d1=norm(g1); g0=(g1/d1)*B'; % ----} % RESETTING ----{ if kcheck>1 idx=find(abs(g)>ZeroGrad); numelem=size(idx,2); if numelem>0, grbnd=epsnorm*numelem^2 if all(abs(g1(idx))<=abs(g(idx))*grbnd) || nrmz==0 if dispwarn disp(wrnmes) disp(warn20) end if abs(fst-f)1.2*PenCoef PenCoef=PenCoefNew; Reset=1; kless=0; f=f+PenCoef*fc; break end end end end f=f+PenCoef*fc; end if abs(f)==Inf || isnan(f) if dispwarn, disp(wrnmes) if isnan(f) disp(error31) else disp(error32) end end if ksm || kc>=mxtc exitflag=-3; if trx x=x'; end return else k2=k2+1; k1=0; hp=hp/dq; x=x1; f=f1; knan=1; if constr FP=FP1; fp=fp1; end end % STEP SIZE IS ZERO TO THE EXTENT OF EPSNORM elseif all(abs(x-x1)=5 exitflag=-14; if dispwarn disp(termwarn1) disp(endwarn(4,:)) end if trx x=x'; end return else x=x1; f=f1; hp=hp*10; ksm=1; if constr FP=FP1; fp=fp1; end end % USE SMALLER STEP elseif h1*f=mxtc, break, end % 1-D OPTIMIZER IS LEFT BEHIND else if h1*f<=h1*f1 break end % USE LARGER STEP k1=k1+1; if k2>0 kc=kc+1; end k2=0; if k1>=20 hp=du20*hp; elseif k1>=10 hp=du10*hp; elseif k1>=3 hp=du03*hp; end end end % ----} End of 1-D search % ADJUST THE TRIAL STEP SIZE ----{ dx=norm(xopt-x); if kg=2 nsteps(2:kg)=nsteps(1:kg-1); end nsteps(1)=dx/(abs(h)*norm(g0)); kk=sum(nsteps(1:kg).*[kg:-1:1])/sum([kg:-1:1]); if kk>des if kg==1 h=h*(kk-des+1); else h=h*sqrt(kk-des+1); end elseif kk=20 PenCoef=PenCoef/10; Reset=1; kless=0; end else kless=0; end if appconstr deltax=sign(x); idx=find(deltax==0); deltax(idx)=ones(size(idx)); deltax=ddx*deltax; if trx gc=apprgrdn(x',fc,func,deltax',0); else gc=apprgrdn(x ,fc,func,deltax ,0); end n_constraint_evals=n_constraint_evals+n; else if trx gc=feval(gradc,x'); else gc=feval(gradc,x ); end n_constraint_gradient_evals=n_constraint_gradient_evals+1; end if size(gc,2)==1 gc=gc'; end ngc=norm(gc); if isnan(ngc) if dispwarn disp(errmes) disp(error61) end exitflag=-6; if trx x=x'; end return elseif ngc==Inf if dispwarn disp(errmes) disp(error62) end exitflag=-6; if trx x=x'; end return elseif ngch1*frec frec=f; xrec=x; grec=g; end % ----} if ng>ZeroGrad if knorms<10 knorms=knorms+1; end if knorms>=2 gnorms(2:knorms)=gnorms(1:knorms-1); end gnorms(1)=ng; nng=(prod(gnorms(1:knorms)))^(1/knorms); end % DISPLAY THE CURRENT VALUES ----{ if k==ld disp('Iter.# ..... Function ... Step Value ... Gradient Norm '); disp(sprintf('%5i %13.5e %13.5e %13.5e',k,f,dx,ng)); ld=k+dispdata; end %----} % CHECK THE STOPPING CRITERIA ----{ termflag=1; if constr if ~FP termflag=0; end end if kcheck<=5 termflag=0; end if knan termflag=0 end if kc>=mxtc termflag=0; end % ARGUMENT if termflag idx=find(abs(x)>=lowxbound); if isempty(idx) || all(abs(xopt(idx)-x(idx))<=optim.TolX*abs(x(idx))) termx=termx+1; % FUNCTION if abs(f-frec)> detfr * abs(f) && ... abs(f-fopt)<=optim.TolFun*abs(f) && ... krerun<=3 && ... ~constr if any(abs(xrec(idx)-x(idx))> detxr * abs(x(idx))) if dispwarn disp(wrnmes) disp(warn09) end x=xrec; f=frec; g=grec; ng=norm(g); krerun=krerun+1; h=h1*max([dx,detxr*norm(x)])/krerun; warnno=2; break else h=h*10; end elseif abs(f-frec)> optim.TolFun*abs(f) && ... norm(x-xrec)=limxterm ) if stopf if dx<=laststep if warnno==1 && ng=limxterm exitflag=-14; if dispwarn disp(termwarn1) disp(endwarn(4,:)) if app disp(appwarn) end end x=xrec; f=frec; if trx x=x'; end return else stopf=0; end end end % ITERATIONS LIMIT if(k==optim.MaxIter) exitflag=-9; if trx x=x'; end if dispwarn disp(wrnmes) disp(warn4) end return end % ----} % ZERO GRADIENT ----{ if constr if ng<=ZeroGrad if dispwarn disp(termwarn1) disp(warn1) end exitflag=-8; if trx x=x'; end return end else if ng<=ZeroGrad nzero=nzero+1; if dispwarn disp(wrnmes) disp(warn1) end if nzero>=3 exitflag=-8; if trx x=x'; end return end g0=-h*g0/2; for i=1:10 x=x+g0; if trx f=feval(fun,x',varargin{:}); else f=feval(fun,x,varargin{:}); end n_f_evals=n_f_evals+1; if abs(f)==Inf if dispwarn disp(errmes) disp(error32) end exitflag=-3; if trx x=x'; end return elseif isnan(f) if dispwarn disp(errmes) disp(error32) end exitflag=-3; if trx x=x'; end return end if app deltax=sign(g0); idx=find(deltax==0); deltax(idx)=ones(size(idx)); deltax=h1*ddx*deltax; if trx g=apprgrdn(x',f,fun,deltax',1,varargin{:}); else g=apprgrdn(x,f,fun,deltax,1,varargin{:}); end n_f_evals=n_f_evals+n; else if trx g=feval(grad,x',varargin{:}); else g=feval(grad,x,varargin{:}); end n_grad_evals=n_grad_evals+1; end if size(g,2)==1 g=g'; end ng=norm(g); if ng==Inf if dispwarn disp(errmes) disp(error42) end exitflag=-4; if trx x=x'; end return elseif isnan(ng) if dispwarn disp(errmes) disp(error41) end exitflag=-4; if trx x=x'; end return end if ng>ZeroGrad break end end if ng<=ZeroGrad if dispwarn disp(termwarn1) disp(warn1) end exitflag=-8; if trx x=x'; end return end h=h1*dx; break end end % ----} % FUNCTION IS FLAT AT THE POINT ----{ if ~constr && abs(f-fopt)5 && ng<1 idx=find(abs(g)<=epsnorm2); ni=size(idx,2); if ni>=1 && ni<=n/2 && kflat<=3 kflat=kflat+1; if dispwarn disp(wrnmes) disp(warn31) end warnno=1; x1=x; fm=f; for j=idx y=x(j); f2=fm; if y==0 x1(j)=1; elseif abs(y)<1 x1(j)=sign(y); else x1(j)=y; end for i=1:20 x1(j)=x1(j)/1.15; if trx f1=feval(fun,x1',varargin{:}); else f1=feval(fun,x1,varargin{:}); end n_f_evals=n_f_evals+1; if abs(f1)~=Inf && ~isnan(f1) if h1*f1>h1*fm y=x1(j); fm=f1; elseif h1*f2>h1*f1 break elseif f2==f1 x1(j)=x1(j)/1.5; end f2=f1; end end x1(j)=y; end if h1*fm>h1*f if app deltax=h1*ddx*ones(size(deltax)); if trx gt=apprgrdn(x1',fm,fun,deltax',1,varargin{:}); else gt=apprgrdn(x1 ,fm,fun,deltax ,1,varargin{:}); end n_f_evals=n_f_evals+n; else if trx gt=feval(grad,x1',varargin{:}); else gt=feval(grad,x1,varargin{:}); end n_grad_evals=n_grad_evals+1; end if size(gt,2)==1 gt=gt'; end ngt=norm(gt); if ~isnan(ngt) && ngt>epsnorm2 if dispwarn disp(warn32) end optim.TolFun=optim.TolFun/5; x=x1; g=gt; ng=ngt; f=fm; h=h1*dx/3; break end end end end % ----} end % iterations end % restart % end of the function % end