function [residuals, info] = calibrateresiduals(dbase, info, DynareModel) % Compute residuals in a backward model. Residuals are unobserved exogenous % variables appearing additively in equations and without lags. An equation % cannot have more than one residual, and a residual cannot appear in more % than one equation. % % INPUTS % - dbase [dseries] Object containing all the endogenous and observed exogenous variables. % - info [struct] Informations about the residuals. % - DynareModel [struct] M_ as produced by the preprocessor. % % OUTPUTS % - residuals [dseries] Object containing the identified residuals. % - info [struct] Informations about the residuals. % % REMARKS % The first two input arguments are the output of checkdatabaseforinversion % routine. % Copyright (C) 2017 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % Get function handle for the dynamic model model_dynamic = str2func([DynareModel.fname,'.dynamic']); % Get data for all the endogenous variables. ydata = dbase{info.endonames{:}}.data; % Define function to retrieve an equation name eqname = @(z) DynareModel.equations_tags{cellfun(@(x) x==z, DynareModel.equations_tags(:,1)) & cellfun(@(x) isequal(x, 'name'), DynareModel.equations_tags(:,2)),3}; % Get data for all the exogenous variables. Missing exogenous variables, to be solved for, have NaN values. exogenousvariablesindbase = intersect(info.exonames,; residuals = dseries(NaN(dbase.nobs, length(info.residuals)), dbase.init, info.residuals); allexogenousvariables = [dbase{exogenousvariablesindbase{:}}, residuals]; allexogenousvariables = allexogenousvariables{info.exonames{:}}; xdata =; % Evaluate the dynamic equation n = size(ydata, 2); c = find(DynareModel.lead_lag_incidence'); y = [ydata(1,:)'; ydata(2,:)']; y = y(c); r = model_dynamic(y, xdata, DynareModel.params, zeros(n, 1), 2); % Check that the number of equations evaluating to NaN matches the number of residuals idr = find(isnan(r)); if ~isequal(length(idr), residuals.vobs) error('Each residual should appear in only one equation, and an equation cannot have more than one residual!') end % Check that the non NaN equations have zero residuals (model and data consistency). ido = setdiff(1:n, idr); if ~isempty(find(abs(r(ido))>1e-6)) disp('Provided data and model are not consistent in equations:') idx = find(abs(r)>1e-6); c1 = 'Equation'; c1 = strvcat(c1, '--------'); for i = 1:length(idx) c1 = strvcat(c1, sprintf(' %s', num2str(idx(i)))); end c2 = 'Residual'; c2 = strvcat(c2, '--------'); for i = 1:length(idx) c2 = strvcat(c2, sprintf('%s', num2str(r(idx(i))))); end c2 = strvcat(c2(1, :), repmat('-', 1, size(c2, 2)), c2(3:end,:)); c5 = 'Equation name'; c5 = strvcat(c5, '-------------'); for i = 1:length(idx) c5 = strvcat(c5, sprintf(' %s', eqname(idx(i)))); end c3 = repmat(' | ', size(c2, 1), 1); c4 = repmat(' ', size(c2, 1), 1); cc = [c4, c1, c3, c2, c3, c5]; skipline() disp(cc) skipline() disp('Please check model and dataset.') end % Associate the residuals with equations equations evaluating to NaNs. info.equations = cell(residuals.vobs, 1); info.residualindex = cell(residuals.vobs, 1); for i = 1:residuals.vobs residualname ={i}; info.residualindex(i) = {strmatch(residualname,, 'exact')}; tmpxdata = xdata; tmpxdata(2, info.residualindex{i}) = 0; r = model_dynamic(y, tmpxdata, DynareModel.params, zeros(n, 1), 2); info.equations(i) = { idr(find(~isnan(r(idr))))}; end c1 = 'Residual'; for i=1:length(info.residuals) c1 = strvcat(c1, sprintf('%s', info.residuals{i})); end c1 = strvcat(c1(1,:), repmat('-', 1, size(c1, 2)), c1(2:end,:)); c2 = 'Equation'; for i=1:length(info.residuals) c2 = strvcat(c2, sprintf(' %s', num2str(info.equations{i}))); end c2 = strvcat(c2(1,:), repmat('-', 1, size(c2, 2)), c2(2:end,:)); c3 = repmat(' | ', size(c2, 1), 1); c4 = repmat(' ', size(c2, 1), 1); cc = [c4, c1, c3, c2]; skipline() disp(cc) skipline() % Compute residuals xdata(:,cell2mat(info.residualindex)) = 0; rdata = NaN(residuals.nobs, residuals.vobs); for t=2:size(xdata, 1) y = transpose([ydata(t-1,:); ydata(t,:)]); r = model_dynamic(y(c), xdata, DynareModel.params, zeros(n, 1), t); rdata(t,:) = transpose(r(cell2mat(info.equations))); end residuals = dseries(rdata, dbase.init, info.residuals);