function [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT] = simpsa(FUN,X0,LB,UB,OPTIONS,varargin) % Finds a minimum of a function of several variables using an algorithm % that is based on the combination of the non-linear smplex and the simulated % annealing algorithm (the SIMPSA algorithm, Cardoso et al., 1996). % In this paper, the algorithm is shown to be adequate for the global optimi- % zation of an example set of unconstrained and constrained NLP functions. % % SIMPSA attempts to solve problems of the form: % min F(X) subject to: LB <= X <= UB % X % % Algorithm partly is based on paper of Cardoso et al, 1996. % % X=SIMPSA(FUN,X0) start at X0 and finds a minimum X to the function FUN. % FUN accepts input X and returns a scalar function value F evaluated at X. % X0 may be a scalar, vector, or matrix. % % X=SIMPSA(FUN,X0,LB,UB) defines a set of lower and upper bounds on the % design variables, X, so that a solution is found in the range % LB <= X <= UB. Use empty matrices for LB and UB if no bounds exist. % Set LB(i) = -Inf if X(i) is unbounded below; set UB(i) = Inf if X(i) is % unbounded above. % % X=SIMPSA(FUN,X0,LB,UB,OPTIONS) minimizes with the default optimization % parameters replaced by values in the structure OPTIONS, an argument % created with the SIMPSASET function. See SIMPSASET for details. % Used options are TEMP_START, TEMP_END, COOL_RATE, INITIAL_ACCEPTANCE_RATIO, % MIN_COOLING_FACTOR, MAX_ITER_TEMP_FIRST, MAX_ITER_TEMP_LAST, MAX_ITER_TEMP, % MAX_ITER_TOTAL, MAX_TIME, MAX_FUN_EVALS, TOLX, TOLFUN, DISPLAY and OUTPUT_FCN. % Use OPTIONS = [] as a place holder if no options are set. % % X=SIMPSA(FUN,X0,LB,UB,OPTIONS,varargin) is used to supply a variable % number of input arguments to the objective function FUN. % % [X,FVAL]=SIMPSA(FUN,X0,...) returns the value of the objective % function FUN at the solution X. % % [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG]=SIMPSA(FUN,X0,...) returns an EXITFLAG that describes the % exit condition of SIMPSA. Possible values of EXITFLAG and the corresponding % exit conditions are: % % 1 Change in the objective function value less than the specified tolerance. % 2 Change in X less than the specified tolerance. % 0 Maximum number of function evaluations or iterations reached. % -1 Maximum time exceeded. % % [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT]=SIMPSA(FUN,X0,...) returns a structure OUTPUT with % the number of iterations taken in OUTPUT.nITERATIONS, the number of function % evaluations in OUTPUT.nFUN_EVALS, the temperature profile in OUTPUT.TEMPERATURE, % the simplexes that were evaluated in OUTPUT.SIMPLEX and the best one in % OUTPUT.SIMPLEX_BEST, the costs associated with each simplex in OUTPUT.COSTS and % from the best simplex at that iteration in OUTPUT.COST_BEST, the amount of time % needed in OUTPUT.TIME and the options used in OUTPUT.OPTIONS. % % See also SIMPSASET, SIMPSAGET % Copyright (C) 2005 Henning Schmidt, FCC, % Copyright (C) 2006 Brecht Donckels, BIOMATH, % Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Dynare Team. % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % handle variable input arguments if nargin < 5 OPTIONS = []; if nargin < 4 UB = 1e5; if nargin < 3 LB = -1e5; end end end % check input arguments if ~ischar(FUN) error('''FUN'' incorrectly specified in ''SIMPSA'''); end if ~isfloat(X0) error('''X0'' incorrectly specified in ''SIMPSA'''); end if ~isfloat(LB) error('''LB'' incorrectly specified in ''SIMPSA'''); end if ~isfloat(UB) error('''UB'' incorrectly specified in ''SIMPSA'''); end if length(X0) ~= length(LB) error('''LB'' and ''X0'' have incompatible dimensions in ''SIMPSA'''); end if length(X0) ~= length(UB) error('''UB'' and ''X0'' have incompatible dimensions in ''SIMPSA'''); end % declaration of global variables global NDIM nFUN_EVALS TEMP YBEST PBEST % set EXITFLAG to default value EXITFLAG = -2; % determine number of variables to be optimized NDIM = length(X0); % set default options DEFAULT_OPTIONS = simpsaset('TEMP_START',[],... % starting temperature (if none provided, an optimal one will be estimated) 'TEMP_END',.1,... % end temperature 'COOL_RATE',10,... % small values (<1) means slow convergence,large values (>1) means fast convergence 'INITIAL_ACCEPTANCE_RATIO',0.95,... % when initial temperature is estimated, this will be the initial acceptance ratio in the first round 'MIN_COOLING_FACTOR',0.9,... % minimum cooling factor (<1) 'MAX_ITER_TEMP_FIRST',50,... % number of iterations in the preliminary temperature loop 'MAX_ITER_TEMP_LAST',2000,... % number of iterations in the last temperature loop (pure simplex) 'MAX_ITER_TEMP',10,... % number of iterations in the remaining temperature loops 'MAX_ITER_TOTAL',2500,... % maximum number of iterations tout court 'MAX_TIME',2500,... % maximum duration of optimization 'MAX_FUN_EVALS',20000,... % maximum number of function evaluations 'TOLX',1e-6,... % maximum difference between best and worst function evaluation in simplex 'TOLFUN',1e-6,... % maximum difference between the coordinates of the vertices 'DISPLAY','iter',... % 'iter' or 'none' indicating whether user wants feedback 'OUTPUT_FCN',[]); % string with output function name % update default options with supplied options OPTIONS = simpsaset(DEFAULT_OPTIONS,OPTIONS); % store options in OUTPUT OUTPUT.OPTIONS = OPTIONS; % initialize simplex % ------------------ % create empty simplex matrix p (location of vertex i in row i) P = zeros(NDIM+1,NDIM); % create empty cost vector (cost of vertex i in row i) Y = zeros(NDIM+1,1); % set best vertex of initial simplex equal to initial parameter guess PBEST = X0(:)'; % calculate cost with best vertex of initial simplex YBEST = CALCULATE_COST(FUN,PBEST,LB,UB,varargin{:}); % initialize temperature loop % --------------------------- % set temperature loop number to one TEMP_LOOP_NUMBER = 1; % if no TEMP_START is supplied, the initial temperature is estimated in the first % loop as described by Cardoso et al., 1996 (recommended) % therefore, the temperature is set to YBEST*1e5 in the first loop if isempty(OPTIONS.TEMP_START) TEMP = abs(YBEST)*1e5; else TEMP = OPTIONS.TEMP_START; end % initialize OUTPUT structure % --------------------------- OUTPUT.TEMPERATURE = zeros(OPTIONS.MAX_ITER_TOTAL,1); OUTPUT.SIMPLEX = zeros(NDIM+1,NDIM,OPTIONS.MAX_ITER_TOTAL); OUTPUT.SIMPLEX_BEST = zeros(OPTIONS.MAX_ITER_TOTAL,NDIM); OUTPUT.COSTS = zeros(OPTIONS.MAX_ITER_TOTAL,NDIM+1); OUTPUT.COST_BEST = zeros(OPTIONS.MAX_ITER_TOTAL,1); % initialize iteration data % ------------------------- % start timer tic % set number of function evaluations to one nFUN_EVALS = 1; % set number of iterations to zero nITERATIONS = 0; % temperature loop: run SIMPSA till stopping criterion is met % ----------------------------------------------------------- while 1 % detect if termination criterium was met % --------------------------------------- % if a termination criterium was met, the value of EXITFLAG should have changed % from its default value of -2 to -1, 0, 1 or 2 if EXITFLAG ~= -2 break end % set MAXITERTEMP: maximum number of iterations at current temperature % -------------------------------------------------------------------- if TEMP_LOOP_NUMBER == 1 MAXITERTEMP = OPTIONS.MAX_ITER_TEMP_FIRST*NDIM; % The initial temperature is estimated (is requested) as described in % Cardoso et al. (1996). Therefore, we need to store the number of % successful and unsuccessful moves, as well as the increase in cost % for the unsuccessful moves. if isempty(OPTIONS.TEMP_START) [SUCCESSFUL_MOVES,UNSUCCESSFUL_MOVES,UNSUCCESSFUL_COSTS] = deal(0); end elseif TEMP < OPTIONS.TEMP_END TEMP = 0; MAXITERTEMP = OPTIONS.MAX_ITER_TEMP_LAST*NDIM; else MAXITERTEMP = OPTIONS.MAX_ITER_TEMP*NDIM; end % construct initial simplex % ------------------------- % 1st vertex of initial simplex P(1,:) = PBEST; Y(1) = CALCULATE_COST(FUN,P(1,:),LB,UB,varargin{:}); % if output function given then run output function to plot intermediate result if ~isempty(OPTIONS.OUTPUT_FCN) feval(OPTIONS.OUTPUT_FCN,transpose(P(1,:)),Y(1)); end % remaining vertices of simplex for k = 1:NDIM % copy first vertex in new vertex P(k+1,:) = P(1,:); % alter new vertex P(k+1,k) = LB(k)+rand*(UB(k)-LB(k)); % calculate value of objective function at new vertex Y(k+1) = CALCULATE_COST(FUN,P(k+1,:),LB,UB,varargin{:}); end % store information on what step the algorithm just did ALGOSTEP = 'initial simplex'; % add NDIM+1 to number of function evaluations nFUN_EVALS = nFUN_EVALS + NDIM; % note: % dimensions of matrix P: (NDIM+1) x NDIM % dimensions of vector Y: (NDIM+1) x 1 % give user feedback if requested if strcmp(OPTIONS.DISPLAY,'iter') if nITERATIONS == 0 disp(' Nr Iter Nr Fun Eval Min function Best function TEMP Algorithm Step'); else disp(sprintf('%5.0f %5.0f %12.6g %15.6g %12.6g %s',nITERATIONS,nFUN_EVALS,Y(1),YBEST,TEMP,'best point')); end end % run full metropolis cycle at current temperature % ------------------------------------------------ % initialize vector COSTS, needed to calculate new temperature using cooling % schedule as described by Cardoso et al. (1996) COSTS = zeros((NDIM+1)*MAXITERTEMP,1); % initialize ITERTEMP to zero ITERTEMP = 0; % start for ITERTEMP = 1:MAXITERTEMP % add one to number of iterations nITERATIONS = nITERATIONS + 1; % Press and Teukolsky (1991) add a positive logarithmic distributed variable, % proportional to the control temperature T to the function value associated with % every vertex of the simplex. Likewise,they subtract a similar random variable % from the function value at every new replacement point. % Thus, if the replacement point corresponds to a lower cost, this method always % accepts a true down hill step. If, on the other hand, the replacement point % corresponds to a higher cost, an uphill move may be accepted, depending on the % relative COSTS of the perturbed values. % (taken from Cardoso et al.,1996) % add random fluctuations to function values of current vertices YFLUCT = Y+TEMP*abs(log(rand(NDIM+1,1))); % reorder YFLUCT, Y and P so that the first row corresponds to the lowest YFLUCT value help = sortrows([YFLUCT,Y,P],1); YFLUCT = help(:,1); Y = help(:,2); P = help(:,3:end); % store temperature at current iteration OUTPUT.TEMPERATURE(nITERATIONS) = TEMP; % store information about simplex at the current iteration OUTPUT.SIMPLEX(:,:,nITERATIONS) = P; OUTPUT.SIMPLEX_BEST(nITERATIONS,:) = PBEST; % store cost function value of best vertex in current iteration OUTPUT.COSTS(nITERATIONS,:) = Y; OUTPUT.COST_BEST(nITERATIONS) = YBEST; if strcmp(OPTIONS.DISPLAY,'iter') disp(sprintf('%5.0f %5.0f %12.6g %15.6g %12.6g %s',nITERATIONS,nFUN_EVALS,Y(1),YBEST,TEMP,ALGOSTEP)); end % if output function given then run output function to plot intermediate result if ~isempty(OPTIONS.OUTPUT_FCN) feval(OPTIONS.OUTPUT_FCN,transpose(P(1,:)),Y(1)); end % end the optimization if one of the stopping criteria is met %% 1. difference between best and worst function evaluation in simplex is smaller than TOLFUN %% 2. maximum difference between the coordinates of the vertices in simplex is less than TOLX %% 3. no convergence,but maximum number of iterations has been reached %% 4. no convergence,but maximum time has been reached if (abs(max(Y)-min(Y)) < OPTIONS.TOLFUN) && (TEMP_LOOP_NUMBER ~= 1) if strcmp(OPTIONS.DISPLAY,'iter') disp('Change in the objective function value less than the specified tolerance (TOLFUN).') end EXITFLAG = 1; break end if (max(max(abs(P(2:NDIM+1,:)-P(1:NDIM,:)))) < OPTIONS.TOLX) && (TEMP_LOOP_NUMBER ~= 1) if strcmp(OPTIONS.DISPLAY,'iter') disp('Change in X less than the specified tolerance (TOLX).') end EXITFLAG = 2; break end if (nITERATIONS >= OPTIONS.MAX_ITER_TOTAL*NDIM) || (nFUN_EVALS >= OPTIONS.MAX_FUN_EVALS*NDIM*(NDIM+1)) if strcmp(OPTIONS.DISPLAY,'iter') disp('Maximum number of function evaluations or iterations reached.'); end EXITFLAG = 0; break end if toc/60 > OPTIONS.MAX_TIME if strcmp(OPTIONS.DISPLAY,'iter') disp('Exceeded maximum time.'); end EXITFLAG = -1; break end % begin a new iteration %% first extrapolate by a factor -1 through the face of the simplex %% across from the high point,i.e.,reflect the simplex from the high point [YFTRY,YTRY,PTRY] = AMOTRY(FUN,P,-1,LB,UB,varargin{:}); %% check the result if YFTRY <= YFLUCT(1) %% gives a result better than the best point,so try an additional %% extrapolation by a factor 2 [YFTRYEXP,YTRYEXP,PTRYEXP] = AMOTRY(FUN,P,-2,LB,UB,varargin{:}); if YFTRYEXP < YFTRY P(end,:) = PTRYEXP; Y(end) = YTRYEXP; ALGOSTEP = 'reflection and expansion'; else P(end,:) = PTRY; Y(end) = YTRY; ALGOSTEP = 'reflection'; end elseif YFTRY >= YFLUCT(NDIM) %% the reflected point is worse than the second-highest, so look %% for an intermediate lower point, i.e., do a one-dimensional %% contraction [YFTRYCONTR,YTRYCONTR,PTRYCONTR] = AMOTRY(FUN,P,-0.5,LB,UB,varargin{:}); if YFTRYCONTR < YFLUCT(end) P(end,:) = PTRYCONTR; Y(end) = YTRYCONTR; ALGOSTEP = 'one dimensional contraction'; else %% can't seem to get rid of that high point, so better contract %% around the lowest (best) point X = ones(NDIM,NDIM)*diag(P(1,:)); P(2:end,:) = 0.5*(P(2:end,:)+X); for k=2:NDIM Y(k) = CALCULATE_COST(FUN,P(k,:),LB,UB,varargin{:}); end ALGOSTEP = 'multiple contraction'; end else %% if YTRY better than second-highest point, use this point P(end,:) = PTRY; Y(end) = YTRY; ALGOSTEP = 'reflection'; end % the initial temperature is estimated in the first loop from % the number of successfull and unsuccesfull moves, and the average % increase in cost associated with the unsuccessful moves if TEMP_LOOP_NUMBER == 1 && isempty(OPTIONS.TEMP_START) if Y(1) > Y(end) SUCCESSFUL_MOVES = SUCCESSFUL_MOVES+1; elseif Y(1) <= Y(end) UNSUCCESSFUL_MOVES = UNSUCCESSFUL_MOVES+1; UNSUCCESSFUL_COSTS = UNSUCCESSFUL_COSTS+(Y(end)-Y(1)); end end end % stop if previous for loop was broken due to some stop criterion if ITERTEMP < MAXITERTEMP break end % store cost function values in COSTS vector COSTS((ITERTEMP-1)*NDIM+1:ITERTEMP*NDIM+1) = Y; % calculated initial temperature or recalculate temperature % using cooling schedule as proposed by Cardoso et al. (1996) % ----------------------------------------------------------- if TEMP_LOOP_NUMBER == 1 && isempty(OPTIONS.TEMP_START) TEMP = -(UNSUCCESSFUL_COSTS/(SUCCESSFUL_MOVES+UNSUCCESSFUL_MOVES))/log(((SUCCESSFUL_MOVES+UNSUCCESSFUL_MOVES)*OPTIONS.INITIAL_ACCEPTANCE_RATIO-SUCCESSFUL_MOVES)/UNSUCCESSFUL_MOVES); elseif TEMP_LOOP_NUMBER ~= 0 STDEV_Y = std(COSTS); COOLING_FACTOR = 1/(1+TEMP*log(1+OPTIONS.COOL_RATE)/(3*STDEV_Y)); TEMP = TEMP*min(OPTIONS.MIN_COOLING_FACTOR,COOLING_FACTOR); end % add one to temperature loop number TEMP_LOOP_NUMBER = TEMP_LOOP_NUMBER+1; end % return solution X = transpose(PBEST); FVAL = YBEST; % store number of function evaluations OUTPUT.nFUN_EVALS = nFUN_EVALS; % store number of iterations OUTPUT.nITERATIONS = nITERATIONS; % trim OUTPUT data structure OUTPUT.TEMPERATURE(nITERATIONS+1:end) = []; OUTPUT.SIMPLEX(:,:,nITERATIONS+1:end) = []; OUTPUT.SIMPLEX_BEST(nITERATIONS+1:end,:) = []; OUTPUT.COSTS(nITERATIONS+1:end,:) = []; OUTPUT.COST_BEST(nITERATIONS+1:end) = []; % store the amount of time needed in OUTPUT data structure OUTPUT.TIME = toc; return % ============================================================================== % AMOTRY FUNCTION % --------------- function [YFTRY,YTRY,PTRY] = AMOTRY(FUN,P,fac,LB,UB,varargin) % Extrapolates by a factor fac through the face of the simplex across from % the high point, tries it, and replaces the high point if the new point is % better. global NDIM TEMP % calculate coordinates of new vertex psum = sum(P(1:NDIM,:))/NDIM; PTRY = psum*(1-fac)+P(end,:)*fac; % evaluate the function at the trial point. YTRY = CALCULATE_COST(FUN,PTRY,LB,UB,varargin{:}); % substract random fluctuations to function values of current vertices YFTRY = YTRY-TEMP*abs(log(rand(1))); return % ============================================================================== % COST FUNCTION EVALUATION % ------------------------ function [YTRY] = CALCULATE_COST(FUN,PTRY,LB,UB,varargin) global YBEST PBEST NDIM nFUN_EVALS for i = 1:NDIM % check lower bounds if PTRY(i) < LB(i) YTRY = 1e12+(LB(i)-PTRY(i))*1e6; return end % check upper bounds if PTRY(i) > UB(i) YTRY = 1e12+(PTRY(i)-UB(i))*1e6; return end end % calculate cost associated with PTRY YTRY = feval(FUN,PTRY(:),varargin{:}); % add one to number of function evaluations nFUN_EVALS = nFUN_EVALS + 1; % save the best point ever if YTRY < YBEST YBEST = YTRY; PBEST = PTRY; end return