function [CheckCO,minns,minSYS] = get_minimal_state_representation(SYS, derivs_flag) % Derives and checks the minimal state representation % Let x = A*x(-1) + B*u and y = C*x(-1) + D*u be a linear state space % system, then this function computes the following representation % xmin = minA*xmin(-1) + minB*u and and y=minC*xmin(-1) + minD*u % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % INPUTS % SYS [structure] % with the following necessary fields: % A: [nspred by nspred] in DR order % Transition matrix for all state variables % B: [nspred by exo_nbr] in DR order % Transition matrix mapping shocks today to states today % C: [varobs_nbr by nspred] in DR order % Measurement matrix linking control/observable variables to states % D: [varobs_nbr by exo_nbr] in DR order % Measurement matrix mapping shocks today to controls/observables today % and optional fields: % dA: [nspred by nspred by totparam_nbr] in DR order % Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of transition matrix A % dB: [nspred by exo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order % Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of transition matrix B % dC: [varobs_nbr by nspred by totparam_nbr] in DR order % Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of measurement matrix C % dD: [varobs_nbr by exo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order % Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of measurement matrix D % derivs_flag [scalar] % (optional) indicator whether to output parameter derivatives % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % OUTPUTS % CheckCO: [scalar] % equals to 1 if minimal state representation is found % minns: [scalar] % length of minimal state vector % SYS [structure] % with the following fields: % minA: [minns by minns] in DR-order % transition matrix A for evolution of minimal state vector % minB: [minns by exo_nbr] in DR-order % transition matrix B for evolution of minimal state vector % minC: [varobs_nbr by minns] in DR-order % measurement matrix C for evolution of controls, depending on minimal state vector only % minD: [varobs_nbr by minns] in DR-order % measurement matrix D for evolution of controls, depending on minimal state vector only % dminA: [minns by minns by totparam_nbr] in DR order % Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of transition matrix minA % dminB: [minns by exo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order % Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of transition matrix minB % dminC: [varobs_nbr by minns by totparam_nbr] in DR order % Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of measurement matrix minC % dminD: [varobs_nbr by u_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order % Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of measurement matrix minD % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function is called by % * identification.get_jacobians.m (previously getJJ.m) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function calls % * check_minimality (embedded) % * minrealold (embedded) % ========================================================================= % Copyright © 2019-2020 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % ========================================================================= if nargin == 1 derivs_flag = 0; end realsmall = 1e-7; [nspred,exo_nbr] = size(SYS.B); varobs_nbr = size(SYS.C,1); % Check controllability and observability conditions for full state vector CheckCO = check_minimality(SYS.A,SYS.B,SYS.C); if CheckCO == 1 % If model is already minimal, we are finished minns = nspred; minSYS = SYS; else %Model is not minimal try minreal_flag = 1; % In future we will use SLICOT TB01PD.f mex file [to do @wmutschl], currently use workaround [mSYS,U] = minrealold(SYS,realsmall); minns = size(mSYS.A,1); CheckCO = check_minimality(mSYS.A,mSYS.B,mSYS.C); if CheckCO minSYS.A = mSYS.A; minSYS.B = mSYS.B; minSYS.C = mSYS.C; minSYS.D = mSYS.D; if derivs_flag totparam_nbr = size(SYS.dA,3); minSYS.dA = zeros(minns,minns,totparam_nbr); minSYS.dB = zeros(minns,exo_nbr,totparam_nbr); minSYS.dC = zeros(varobs_nbr,minns,totparam_nbr); % Note that orthogonal matrix U is such that (U*dA*U',U*dB,dC*U') is a Kalman decomposition of (dA,dB,dC) % for jp=1:totparam_nbr dA_tmp = U*SYS.dA(:,:,jp)*U'; dB_tmp = U*SYS.dB(:,:,jp); dC_tmp = SYS.dC(:,:,jp)*U'; minSYS.dA(:,:,jp) = dA_tmp(1:minns,1:minns); minSYS.dB(:,:,jp) = dB_tmp(1:minns,:); minSYS.dC(:,:,jp) = dC_tmp(:,1:minns); end minSYS.dD = SYS.dD; end else minSYS = []; minns = []; return; end catch minreal_flag = 0; % if something went wrong use below procedure end if minreal_flag == 0 fprintf('Use naive brute-force approach to find minimal state space system.\n These computations may be inaccurate/wrong as ''minreal'' is not available, please raise an issue on GitLab or the forum\n') % create indices for unnecessary states exogstateindex = find(abs(sum(SYS.A,1))>realsmall); minns = length(exogstateindex); % remove unnecessary states from solution matrices A_2 = SYS.A(exogstateindex,exogstateindex); B_2 = SYS.B(exogstateindex,:); C_2 = SYS.C(:,exogstateindex); D = SYS.D; ind_A2 = exogstateindex; % minimal representation minSYS.A = A_2; minSYS.B = B_2; minSYS.C = C_2; minSYS.D = D; % Check controllability and observability conditions CheckCO = check_minimality(minSYS.A,minSYS.B,minSYS.C); if CheckCO ~=1 % do brute-force search j=1; while (CheckCO==0 && j= 2 for indn = 1:1:n-1 CC = [CC, (a^indn)*b]; % Set up controllability matrix OO = [OO; c*(a^indn)]; % Set up observability matrix end end CheckC = (rank(full(CC))==n); % Check rank of controllability matrix CheckO = (rank(full(OO))==n); % Check rank of observability matrix CheckCO = CheckC&CheckO; % equals 1 if minimal state end % check_minimality end function [mSYS,U] = minrealold(SYS,tol) % This is a temporary replacement for minreal, will be replaced by a mex file from SLICOT TB01PD.f soon a = SYS.A; b = SYS.B; c = SYS.C; [ns,nu] = size(b); [am,bm,cm,U,k] = ControllabilityStaircaseRosenbrock(a,b,c,tol); kk = sum(k); nu = ns - kk; nn = nu; am = am(nu+1:ns,nu+1:ns); bm = bm(nu+1:ns,:); cm = cm(:,nu+1:ns); ns = ns - nu; if ns [am,bm,cm,t,k] = ObservabilityStaircaseRosenbrock(am,bm,cm,tol); kk = sum(k); nu = ns - kk; nn = nn + nu; am = am(nu+1:ns,nu+1:ns); bm = bm(nu+1:ns,:); cm = cm(:,nu+1:ns); end mSYS.A = am; mSYS.B = bm; mSYS.C = cm; mSYS.D = SYS.D; end function [abar,bbar,cbar,t,k] = ObservabilityStaircaseRosenbrock(a,b,c,tol) %Observability staircase form [aa,bb,cc,t,k] = ControllabilityStaircaseRosenbrock(a',c',b',tol); abar = aa'; bbar = cc'; cbar = bb'; end function [abar,bbar,cbar,t,k] = ControllabilityStaircaseRosenbrock(a, b, c, tol) % Controllability staircase algorithm of Rosenbrock, 1968 [ra,ca] = size(a); [rb,cb] = size(b); ptjn1 = eye(ra); ajn1 = a; bjn1 = b; rojn1 = cb; deltajn1 = 0; sigmajn1 = ra; k = zeros(1,ra); if nargin == 3 tol = ra*norm(a,1)*eps; end for jj = 1 : ra [uj,sj,vj] = svd(bjn1); [rsj,csj] = size(sj); %p = flip(eye(rsj),2); p = eye(rsj); p = p(:,end:-1:1); p = permute(p,[2 1 3:ndims(eye(rsj))]); uj = uj*p; bb = uj'*bjn1; roj = rank(bb,tol); [rbb,cbb] = size(bb); sigmaj = rbb - roj; sigmajn1 = sigmaj; k(jj) = roj; if roj == 0, break, end if sigmaj == 0, break, end abxy = uj' * ajn1 * uj; aj = abxy(1:sigmaj,1:sigmaj); bj = abxy(1:sigmaj,sigmaj+1:sigmaj+roj); ajn1 = aj; bjn1 = bj; [ruj,cuj] = size(uj); ptj = ptjn1 * ... [uj zeros(ruj,deltajn1); ... zeros(deltajn1,cuj) eye(deltajn1)]; ptjn1 = ptj; deltaj = deltajn1 + roj; deltajn1 = deltaj; end t = ptjn1'; abar = t * a * t'; bbar = t * b; cbar = c * t'; end end % Main function end