variables: GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive TERM: linux MATLAB_VERSION: R2023b OLD_MATLAB_VERSION: R2014a # The next stanza creates the version number used for the source tarball and the # binary packages. Here are the following possible cases: # - if VERSION was already set (when manually running a pipeline), use it # - if we are in the official Dynare repository: # + if on a tag: use the tag # + if on master: use 6-unstable-$TIMESTAMP-$COMMIT # + on another branch: use $BRANCH-$TIMESTAMP-$COMMIT # - if in a personal repository: use $USER-$TIMESTAMP-$COMMIT before_script: - '[[ -z $VERSION ]] && [[ $CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE == Dynare ]] && [[ -n $CI_COMMIT_TAG ]] && export VERSION=$CI_COMMIT_TAG' - '[[ -z $VERSION ]] && [[ $CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE == Dynare ]] && [[ $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == master ]] && export VERSION=6-unstable-$(date +%F-%H%M)-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA' - '[[ -z $VERSION ]] && [[ $CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE == Dynare ]] && export VERSION=$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME-$(date +%F-%H%M)-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA' - '[[ -z $VERSION ]] && export VERSION=$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE-$(date +%F-%H%M)-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA' stages: - build - test - pkg - sign - deploy build_matlab: stage: build script: - meson setup -Dbuild_for=matlab -Dmatlab_path=/opt/MATLAB/$MATLAB_VERSION -Dbuildtype=release build-matlab - meson compile -v -C build-matlab artifacts: paths: - build-matlab/ expire_in: 3 days build_octave: stage: build script: - meson setup -Dbuild_for=octave -Dbuildtype=release build-octave - meson compile -v -C build-octave artifacts: paths: - build-octave/ expire_in: 3 days build_doc: stage: build script: - meson rewrite kwargs set project / version "$VERSION" - meson setup -Dbuild_for=octave build-doc - meson compile -v -C build-doc doc artifacts: paths: - build-doc/ expire_in: 3 days pkg_source: stage: pkg script: - meson rewrite kwargs set project / version "$VERSION" - rm doc/manual/source/_static/mathjax && sed -i "/^mathjax_path *=/d" doc/manual/source/ - git commit -a -m "Source for $VERSION" - meson setup -Dbuild_for=octave build-src - meson dist -C build-src --no-tests artifacts: paths: - build-src/meson-dist/dynare-*.tar.xz expire_in: 3 days needs: [] pkg_windows: stage: pkg script: - meson rewrite kwargs set project / version "$VERSION" - mkdir -p windows/deps/tarballs && cp /usr/lib/dynare-runner/matlab64-* windows/deps/tarballs/ - make -C windows - rm windows/deps/tarballs/matlab64-* # No need to cache these files cache: - key: "$CI_JOB_NAME-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG" paths: - windows/deps/sources64/ - windows/deps/lib64/ # We do not cache lib64-msys2, mingw64, octave64 and # matlab64, because those are simply extracted from a tarball. It # would be a waste of space and of (re-compression) time. - key: $CI_JOB_NAME # This cache is shared between all branches, to save space paths: - windows/deps/tarballs/ artifacts: paths: - windows/exe/* - windows/7z/* - windows/zip/* expire_in: 3 days needs: [ "build_doc" ] pkg_macOS: stage: pkg script: - meson rewrite kwargs set project / version "$VERSION" - ln -s ~/tarballs macOS/deps/ - arch -x86_64 make -C macOS cache: key: "$CI_JOB_NAME-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG" paths: - macOS/deps/sources64/ - macOS/deps/lib64/ tags: - macOS artifacts: paths: - macOS/pkg/* expire_in: 3 days needs: [ "build_doc" ] test_matlab: stage: test script: - meson test -C build-matlab --no-rebuild --num-processes $(($(nproc) * 3 / 4)) artifacts: paths: - build-matlab/meson-logs/testlog.txt when: always needs: [ "build_matlab" ] test_old_matlab: stage: test script: - meson setup -Dbuild_for=matlab -Dmatlab_path=/opt/MATLAB/$OLD_MATLAB_VERSION -Dbuildtype=release build-old-matlab - meson compile -v -C build-old-matlab - meson test -C build-old-matlab --num-processes $(($(nproc) * 3 / 4)) artifacts: paths: - build-old-matlab/meson-logs/testlog.txt when: always when: manual test_octave: stage: test variables: OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS: 1 script: - meson test -C build-octave --no-rebuild artifacts: paths: - build-octave/meson-logs/testlog.txt when: always needs: [ "build_octave" ] when: manual # For the sign and deploy jobs, we don’t use the “needs” keyword, since we # don’t want those jobs to start before the “test” and “pkg” stages have # succeeded. Hence we stick to the “dependencies” keyword. sign_windows: stage: sign rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE == "Dynare" && $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "master"' when: on_success - when: never tags: - sign dependencies: - pkg_windows script: - f=(windows/exe/*) && mkdir -p windows/exe-signed/ && osslsigncode sign -pkcs11module /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -key "pkcs11:id=%01;type=private;pin-value=$YUBIKEY_PIN" -certs ~/cepremap-code-signing-comodo-sectigo.pem -n Dynare -i -t -in ${f[0]} -out windows/exe-signed/${f[0]##*/} artifacts: paths: - windows/exe-signed/* expire_in: 3 days deploy_manual_unstable: stage: deploy rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE == "Dynare" && $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "master"' when: on_success - when: never tags: - deploy dependencies: - build_doc script: - rm -rf build-doc/dynare-manual.html/_static/mathjax - ln -s /usr/share/javascript/mathjax build-doc/dynare-manual.html/_static/mathjax - rsync --recursive --links --delete build-doc/dynare-manual.html/ /srv/ deploy_snapshot_unstable: stage: deploy rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE == "Dynare" && $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "master"' when: on_success - when: never tags: - deploy dependencies: - pkg_source - pkg_windows - sign_windows - pkg_macOS script: - cp build-src/meson-dist/*.tar.xz /srv/ && ln -sf *.tar.xz /srv/ - f=(windows/exe-signed/*) && cp ${f[0]} /srv/ && ln -sf ${f[0]##*/} /srv/ - f=(windows/7z/*) && cp ${f[0]} /srv/ && ln -sf ${f[0]##*/} /srv/ - f=(windows/zip/*) && cp ${f[0]} /srv/ && ln -sf ${f[0]##*/} /srv/ - f=(macOS/pkg/*) && cp ${f[0]} /srv/ && ln -sf ${f[0]##*/} /srv/ - ~/ - curl -X POST -F token="$WEBSITE_PIPELINE_TRIGGER_TOKEN" -F ref=master