function A = extract(B,varargin) % --*-- Unitary tests --*-- % Extract some variables from a database. % Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . A = dseries(); % Get the names of the variables to be extracted from dseries object B. VariableName_ = {}; for i=1:nargin-1 VariableName = varargin{i}; idArobase = strfind(VariableName,'@'); if mod(length(idArobase),2) error('dseries::extract: (Implicit loops) The number of @ symbols must be even!') end = strfind(VariableName,'['); idBracket.close = strfind(VariableName,']'); if ~isequal(length(,length( error('dseries::extract: (Matlab/Octave''s regular expressions) Check opening and closing square brackets!') end if length(idArobase) NumberOfImplicitLoops = .5*length(idArobase); idComma = cell(NumberOfImplicitLoops,1); expressions = cell(NumberOfImplicitLoops,1); for i=0:NumberOfImplicitLoops-1 idComma(i+1) = { strfind(VariableName(idArobase(2*i+1)+1:idArobase(2*i+2)-1),',') }; expressions(i+1) = { VariableName(idArobase(2*i+1)+1:idArobase(2*i+2)-1) }; end if any(cellfun(@isempty,idComma)) error('dseries::extract: (Implicit loops) Wrong syntax!') end switch NumberOfImplicitLoops case 1 expression = expressions{1}; idVariables_ = []; while ~isempty(expression) [token, expression] = strtok(expression,','); candidate = [VariableName(1:idArobase(1)-1), token, VariableName(idArobase(2)+1:end)]; id = find(strcmp(candidate,; if isempty(id) error(['dseries::extract: (Implicit loops) Variable ''' candidate ''' does not exist in dseries object ''' inputname(1) '''!']) else idVariables_ = [idVariables_; id]; end end VariableName =; case 2 idVariables_ = []; expression_1 = expressions{1}; while ~isempty(expression_1) [token_1, expression_1] = strtok(expression_1,','); expression_2 = expressions{2}; while ~isempty(expression_2) [token_2, expression_2] = strtok(expression_2,','); candidate = [VariableName(1:idArobase(1)-1), token_1, VariableName(idArobase(2)+1:idArobase(3)-1), token_2, VariableName(idArobase(4)+1:end)]; id = find(strcmp(candidate,; if isempty(id) error(['dseries::extract: (Implicit loops) Variable ''' candidate ''' does not exist in dseries object ''' inputname(1) '''!']) else idVariables_ = [idVariables_; id]; end end end VariableName =; otherwise error('dseries::extract: (Implicit loops) Cannot unroll more than two implicit loops!') end VariableName_ = vertcat(VariableName_,VariableName); elseif length( % Matlab/Octave's regular expressions. first_block_id = 0; last_block_id = 0; idVariables = find(isnotempty_cell(regexp(,VariableName,'match'))); if isempty(idVariables) error(['dseries::extract: Can''t find any variable matching ' VariableName ' pattern!']) end idVariables_ = []; for j = 1:length(idVariables) first_block_flag = 0; if (first_block_id && strcmp({idVariables(j)}(1:first_block_id),VariableName(1:first_block_id))) || ~first_block_id first_block_flag = 1; end last_block_flag = 0; if (last_block_id && strcmp({idVariables(j)}(end-last_block_id:end),VariableName(end-last_block_id:end))) || ~last_block_id last_block_flag = 1; end if first_block_flag && last_block_flag idVariables_ = [idVariables_; idVariables(j)]; end end VariableName =; VariableName_ = vertcat(VariableName_,VariableName); else VariableName_ = varargin(:); end end % Remove trailing white spaces if any VariableName_ = strtrim(VariableName_); % Get indices of the selected variables idVariableName = NaN(length(VariableName_),1); for i = 1:length(idVariableName) idx = find(strcmp(VariableName_{i},; if isempty(idx) error(['dseries::extract: Variable ' VariableName_{i} ' is not a member of ' inputname(1) '!']) end idVariableName(i) = idx; end =,idVariableName); A.dates = B.dates; =; A.tex = B.tex(idVariableName); function b = isnotempty_cell(CellArray) CellArrayDimension = size(CellArray); b = NaN(CellArrayDimension); for i=1:CellArrayDimension(1) for j = 1:CellArrayDimension(2) b(i,j) = ~isempty(CellArray{i,j}); end end %@test:1 %$ % Define a data set. %$ A = rand(10,24); %$ %$ % Define names %$ A_name = {'GDP_1';'GDP_2';'GDP_3'; 'GDP_4'; 'GDP_5'; 'GDP_6'; 'GDP_7'; 'GDP_8'; 'GDP_9'; 'GDP_10'; 'GDP_11'; 'GDP_12'; 'HICP_1';'HICP_2';'HICP_3'; 'HICP_4'; 'HICP_5'; 'HICP_6'; 'HICP_7'; 'HICP_8'; 'HICP_9'; 'HICP_10'; 'HICP_11'; 'HICP_12';}; %$ %$ % Instantiate a time series object. %$ ts1 = dseries(A,[],A_name,[]); %$ %$ % Call the tested method. %$ a = ts1{'GDP_@1,2,3,4,5@'}; %$ b = ts1{'@GDP,HICP@_1'}; %$ %$ % Expected results. %$ = A(:,1:5); %$ e1.nobs = 10; %$ e1.vobs = 5; %$ = {'GDP_1';'GDP_2';'GDP_3'; 'GDP_4'; 'GDP_5'}; %$ e1.freq = 1; %$ e1.init = dates(1,1); %$ = A(:,[1, 13]); %$ e2.nobs = 10; %$ e2.vobs = 2; %$ = {'GDP_1';'HICP_1'}; %$ e2.freq = 1; %$ e2.init = dates(1,1); %$ %$ % Check results. %$ t(1) = dassert(,; %$ t(2) = dassert(e1.nobs,a.nobs); %$ t(3) = dassert(e1.vobs,a.vobs); %$ t(4) = dassert(,; %$ t(5) = dassert(e1.init,a.init); %$ t(6) = dassert(,; %$ t(7) = dassert(e2.nobs,b.nobs); %$ t(8) = dassert(e2.vobs,b.vobs); %$ t(9) = dassert(,; %$ t(10) = dassert(e2.init,b.init); %$ T = all(t); %@eof:1 %@test:2 %$ % Define a data set. %$ A = rand(10,24); %$ %$ % Define names %$ A_name = {'GDP_1';'GDP_2';'GDP_3'; 'GDP_4'; 'GDP_5'; 'GDP_6'; 'GDP_7'; 'GDP_8'; 'GDP_9'; 'GDP_10'; 'GDP_11'; 'GDP_12'; 'HICP_1';'HICP_2';'HICP_3'; 'HICP_4'; 'HICP_5'; 'HICP_6'; 'HICP_7'; 'HICP_8'; 'HICP_9'; 'HICP_10'; 'HICP_11'; 'HICP_12';}; %$ %$ % Instantiate a time series object. %$ ts1 = dseries(A,[],A_name,[]); %$ %$ % Call the tested method. %$ try %$ a = ts1{'GDP_@1,2,3,4,55@'}; %$ t = 0; %$ catch %$ t = 1; %$ end %$ %$ T = all(t); %@eof:2 %@test:3 %$ % Define a data set. %$ A = rand(10,24); %$ %$ % Define names %$ A_name = {'GDP_1';'GDP_2';'GDP_3'; 'GDP_4'; 'GDP_5'; 'GDP_6'; 'GDP_7'; 'GDP_8'; 'GDP_9'; 'GDP_10'; 'GDP_11'; 'GDP_12'; 'HICP_1';'HICP_2';'HICP_3'; 'HICP_4'; 'HICP_5'; 'HICP_6'; 'HICP_7'; 'HICP_8'; 'HICP_9'; 'HICP_10'; 'HICP_11'; 'HICP_12';}; %$ %$ % Instantiate a time series object. %$ ts1 = dseries(A,[],A_name,[]); %$ %$ % Call the tested method. %$ try %$ a = ts1{'@GDP,HICP@_@1,2,3,4,5@'}; %$ t = 1; %$ catch %$ t = 0; %$ end %$ %$ if t(1) %$ t(2) = dassert(,{'GDP_1';'GDP_2';'GDP_3';'GDP_4';'GDP_5';'HICP_1';'HICP_2';'HICP_3';'HICP_4';'HICP_5'}); %$ end %$ %$ T = all(t); %@eof:3