function aggregate(ofile, varargin) % Agregates cherry-picked models. % Copyright (C) 2019 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . MAX_NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS = 10000; warning off MATLAB:subscripting:noSubscriptsSpecified % Get parameters. for i=1:length(varargin) fid = fopen(sprintf('%s/', varargin{i})); if fid<0 % No parameters in the cherrypicked (sub)model, go to the % next cherrypicked model. continue end statement = fgetl(fid); if exist('plist', 'var') plist = union(plist, strsplit(statement, {'parameters', ' ', ';'})); else plist = strsplit(statement, {'parameters', ' ', ';'}); end plist(cellfun(@(x) all(isempty(x)), plist)) = []; fclose(fid); end % Get equations eqlist = cell(MAX_NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS, 4); tagnum = 1; eqnum = 0; for i=1:length(varargin) model = importdata(sprintf('%s/', varargin{i})); eqtag = false; for j=1:length(model) if isequationtag(model{j}) if eqtag error('An equation tag must be followed by an equation.') end eqlist{tagnum,4} = model{j}; eqtag = true; else eqnum = eqnum+1; [lhs, rhs] = getequation(model{j}); endovar = getendovar(lhs); eqlist{eqnum,1} = endovar{1}; eqlist{eqnum,2} = lhs; eqlist{eqnum,3} = rhs; eqtag = false; tagnum = tagnum+1; end end end eqlist = eqlist(1:eqnum,:); % Get endogenous variables. elist = cell(MAX_NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS, 2); enum = 0; for i=1:length(varargin) fid = fopen(sprintf('%s/', varargin{i})); cline = fgetl(fid); while ischar(cline) if ~isequal(cline, 'var') enum = enum+1; cline = regexprep(cline, '\t', ''); cline = regexprep(cline, ';', ''); [v, t] = getvarandtag(cline); elist(enum,1) = {v}; elist(enum,2) = {t}; end cline = fgetl(fid); end fclose(fid); end elist = elist(1:enum,:); % Get exogenous variables. xlist = cell(MAX_NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS, 2); xnum = 0; for i=1:length(varargin) fid = fopen(sprintf('%s/', varargin{i})); if fid<0 % No exogenous variables in the cherrypicked (sub)model, go to the % next cherrypicked model. continue end cline = fgetl(fid); while ischar(cline) if ~isequal(cline, 'varexo') xnum = xnum+1; cline = regexprep(cline, '\t', ''); cline = regexprep(cline, ';', ''); [v, t] = getvarandtag(cline); xlist(xnum,1) = {v}; xlist(xnum,2) = {t}; end cline = fgetl(fid); end fclose(fid); end xlist = xlist(1:xnum,:); % Get parameter values. calibration = ''; for i=1:length(varargin) fid = fopen(sprintf('%s/', varargin{i})); if fid<0 % No calibrations in the cherrypicked (sub)model, go to the % next cherrypicked model. continue end cline = fgetl(fid); while ischar(cline) calibration = sprintf('%s\n%s', calibration, cline); cline = fgetl(fid); end fclose(fid); end % Move the endogenous variables which are not LHS of an equation % into the set of exogenous variables. [~, i1] = intersect(elist(:,1), eqlist(:,1)); if ~isequal(length(i1),rows(eqlist)) error('Something is wrong with the endogenous variables.') end i2 = setdiff(1:rows(elist), i1); xlist = [xlist; elist(i2,:)]; [~,idx] = unique(xlist(:,1)); % Ensure that the exogenous variable names are unique. xlist=[xlist(idx,1) xlist(idx,2)]; % We do not test that the tags are the same. elist = elist(i1,:); % Print all cherry-picked models in one mod-file. [filepath, filename, fileext] = fileparts(ofile); if ~isempty(filepath) && ~exist(filepath, 'dir') mkdir(filepath); end if isempty(filepath) fid = fopen(sprintf('%s%s', filename, fileext), 'w'); else fid = fopen(sprintf('%s%s%s%s', filepath, filesep(), filename, fileext), 'w'); end fprintf(fid, 'var\n'); for i=1:rows(elist) if isempty(elist{i,2}) fprintf(fid, '\t%s\n', elist{i,1}); else fprintf(fid, '\t%s %s\n', elist{i,1}, elist{i,2}); end end if ~isempty(plist) fprintf(fid, ';\n\n'); fprintf(fid, 'parameters\n'); for i=1:length(plist) fprintf(fid, '\t%s\n', plist{i}); end fprintf(fid, ';\n\n'); fprintf(fid, calibration); end if ~isempty(xlist) fprintf(fid, '\n\n'); fprintf(fid, 'varexo\n'); for i=1:rows(xlist) if isempty(xlist{i,2}) fprintf(fid, '\t%s\n', xlist{i,1}); else fprintf(fid, '\t%s %s\n', xlist{i,1}, xlist{i,2}); end end end fprintf(fid, ';\n\n'); fprintf(fid, 'model;\n\n'); for i=1:rows(eqlist) if isempty(eqlist{i,4}) fprintf(fid, '\t%s = %s;\n\n', eqlist{i,2}, eqlist{i,3}); else fprintf(fid, '\t%s\n', eqlist{i,4}); fprintf(fid, '\t%s = %s;\n\n', eqlist{i,2}, eqlist{i,3}); end end fprintf(fid, 'end;'); fclose(fid); warning off MATLAB:subscripting:noSubscriptsSpecified function b = isequationtag(str) b = true; if isempty(regexp(str, '\[.*\]','once')) b = false; end function [lhs, rhs] = getequation(str) terms = strsplit(str, {'=',';'}); terms(cellfun(@(x) all(isempty(x)), terms)) = []; terms(1) = {strrep(terms{1}, ' ', '')}; lhs = regexp(terms{1}, '^(diff\(\w*\)|log\(\w*\)|diff\(diff\(\w*\)\)|diff\(log\(\w*\)\)|diff\(diff\(log\(\w*\)\)\)|\w*)', 'match'); if ~isempty(lhs) lhs = lhs{1}; rhs = terms{2}; else error('Malformed equation.') end function v = getendovar(lhs) v = strsplit(lhs, {'diff','log','(',')'}); v(cellfun(@(x) all(isempty(x)), v)) = []; function [v, t] = getvarandtag(str) tmp = regexp(str, '(?\w+)\s*(?\(.*\))', 'names'); if isempty(tmp) tmp = regexp(str, '(?\w+)\s*', 'names'); v =; t = ''; else v =; t = tmp.tag; end