function model_info(varargin); %function model_info; % Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global M_; fprintf(' Informations about %s\n',M_.fname); fprintf(strcat(' ===================',char(ones(1,length(M_.fname))*'='),'\n\n')); if(isfield(M_,'block_structure')) nb_blocks=length(M_.block_structure.block); fprintf('The model has %d equations and is decomposed in %d blocks as follow:\n',M_.endo_nbr,nb_blocks); fprintf('===============================================================================================================\n'); fprintf('| %10s | %10s | %30s | %14s | %31s |\n','Block no','Size','Block Type',' Equation','Dependent variable'); fprintf('|============|============|================================|================|=================================|\n'); for i=1:nb_blocks size_block=length(M_.block_structure.block(i).equation); if(i>1) fprintf('|------------|------------|--------------------------------|----------------|---------------------------------|\n'); end; for j=1:size_block if(j==1) fprintf('| %10d | %10d | %30s | %14d | %-6d %24s |\n',i,size_block,Sym_type(M_.block_structure.block(i).Simulation_Type),M_.block_structure.block(i).equation(j),M_.block_structure.block(i).variable(j),M_.endo_names(M_.block_structure.block(i).variable(j),:)); else fprintf('| %10s | %10s | %30s | %14d | %-6d %24s |\n','','','',M_.block_structure.block(i).equation(j),M_.block_structure.block(i).variable(j),M_.endo_names(M_.block_structure.block(i).variable(j),:)); end; end; end; fprintf('===============================================================================================================\n'); fprintf('\n'); for k=1:M_.maximum_endo_lag+M_.maximum_endo_lead+1 if(k==M_.maximum_endo_lag+1) fprintf('%-30s %s','the variable','is used in equations Contemporaneously'); elseif(k0) IM=sortrows(M_.block_structure.incidence(k).sparse_IM,2); else IM=[]; end; size_IM=size(IM,1); last=99999999; for i=1:size_IM if(last~=IM(i,2)) fprintf('\n%-30s',M_.endo_names(IM(i,2),:)); end; fprintf(' %5d',IM(i,1)); last=IM(i,2); end; fprintf('\n\n'); end; %printing the gross incidence matrix IM_star = char([kron(ones(M_.endo_nbr, M_.endo_nbr-1), double(blanks(3))) double(blanks(M_.endo_nbr)')]); for i = 1:3 n = size(M_.block_structure.incidence(i).sparse_IM,1); for j = 1:n if ismember(M_.block_structure.incidence(i).sparse_IM(j,2), M_.state_var) IM_star(M_.block_structure.incidence(i).sparse_IM(j,1), 3 * (M_.block_structure.incidence(i).sparse_IM(j,2) - 1) + 1) = 'X'; else IM_star(M_.block_structure.incidence(i).sparse_IM(j,1), 3 * (M_.block_structure.incidence(i).sparse_IM(j,2) - 1) + 1) = '1'; end; end; end; seq = 1: M_.endo_nbr; blank = [ blanks(size(M_.endo_names,2)); blanks(size(M_.endo_names,2))]; for i = 1:M_.endo_nbr if i == 1 var_names = [blank; M_.endo_names(i,:)]; else var_names = [var_names; blank; M_.endo_names(i,:)]; end; end; if nargin == 1 && strcmp(varargin{1},'incidence') topp = [char(kron(double(blanks(ceil(log10(M_.endo_nbr)))),ones(size(M_.endo_names,2),1))) var_names' ]; bott = [int2str(seq') blanks(M_.endo_nbr)' blanks(M_.endo_nbr)' IM_star]; fprintf('\n Gross incidence matrix\n'); fprintf(' =======================\n'); disp([topp; bott]); %printing the reordered incidence matrix IM_star_reordered = char([kron(ones(M_.endo_nbr, M_.endo_nbr-1), double(blanks(3))) double(blanks(M_.endo_nbr)')]); eq(M_.block_structure.equation_reordered) = seq; va(M_.block_structure.variable_reordered) = seq; barre_blank = [ barre(size(M_.endo_names,2)); blanks(size(M_.endo_names,2))]; cur_block = 1; for i = 1:M_.endo_nbr past_block = cur_block; while ismember(M_.block_structure.variable_reordered(i), M_.block_structure.block(cur_block).variable) == 0; cur_block = cur_block + 1; end; if i == 1 var_names = [blank; M_.endo_names(M_.block_structure.variable_reordered(i),:)]; else if past_block ~= cur_block var_names = [var_names; barre_blank; M_.endo_names(M_.block_structure.variable_reordered(i),:)]; else var_names = [var_names; blank; M_.endo_names(M_.block_structure.variable_reordered(i),:)]; end end; end; topp = [char(kron(double(blanks(ceil(log10(M_.endo_nbr)))),ones(size(M_.endo_names,2),1))) var_names' ]; n_state_var = length(M_.state_var); IM_state_var = zeros(n_state_var, n_state_var); inv_variable_reordered(M_.block_structure.variable_reordered) = 1:M_.endo_nbr; state_equation = M_.block_structure.equation_reordered(inv_variable_reordered(M_.state_var)); for i = 1:3 n = size(M_.block_structure.incidence(i).sparse_IM,1); for j = 1:n [tf, loc] = ismember(M_.block_structure.incidence(i).sparse_IM(j,2), M_.state_var); if tf IM_star_reordered(eq(M_.block_structure.incidence(i).sparse_IM(j,1)), 3 * (va(M_.block_structure.incidence(i).sparse_IM(j,2)) - 1) + 1) = 'X'; [tfi, loci] = ismember(M_.block_structure.incidence(i).sparse_IM(j,1), state_equation); if tfi IM_state_var(loci, loc) = 1; end; else IM_star_reordered(eq(M_.block_structure.incidence(i).sparse_IM(j,1)), 3 * (va(M_.block_structure.incidence(i).sparse_IM(j,2)) - 1) + 1) = '1'; end; end; end; fprintf('1: non nul element, X: non nul element related to a state variable\n'); cur_block = 1; i_last = 0; block = {}; for i = 1:n_state_var; past_block = cur_block; while ismember(M_.state_var(i), M_.block_structure.block(cur_block).variable) == 0; cur_block = cur_block + 1; end; if (past_block ~= cur_block) || (past_block == cur_block && i == n_state_var) block(past_block).IM_state_var(1:(i - 1 - i_last), 1:i - 1) = IM_state_var(i_last+1:i - 1, 1:i - 1); i_last = i - 1; end; end; cur_block = 1; for i = 1:M_.endo_nbr past_block = cur_block; while ismember(M_.block_structure.variable_reordered(i), M_.block_structure.block(cur_block).variable) == 0; cur_block = cur_block + 1; end; if past_block ~= cur_block for j = 1:i-1 IM_star_reordered(j, 3 * (i - 1) - 1) = '|'; end; end; end bott = [int2str(M_.block_structure.equation_reordered') blanks(M_.endo_nbr)' blanks(M_.endo_nbr)' IM_star_reordered]; fprintf('\n Reordered incidence matrix\n'); fprintf(' ==========================\n'); disp([topp; bott]); fprintf('1: non nul element, X: non nul element related to a state variable\n'); end; else fprintf('There is no block decomposition of the model.\nUse ''block'' model''s option.\n'); end; function ret=Sym_type(type) UNKNOWN=0; EVALUATE_FORWARD=1; EVALUATE_BACKWARD=2; SOLVE_FORWARD_SIMPLE=3; SOLVE_BACKWARD_SIMPLE=4; SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_SIMPLE=5; SOLVE_FORWARD_COMPLETE=6; SOLVE_BACKWARD_COMPLETE=7; SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE=8; EVALUATE_FORWARD_R=9; EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R=10; switch (type) case (UNKNOWN), ret='UNKNOWN '; case {EVALUATE_FORWARD,EVALUATE_FORWARD_R}, ret='EVALUATE FORWARD '; case {EVALUATE_BACKWARD,EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R}, ret='EVALUATE BACKWARD '; case SOLVE_FORWARD_SIMPLE, ret='SOLVE FORWARD SIMPLE '; case SOLVE_BACKWARD_SIMPLE, ret='SOLVE BACKWARD SIMPLE '; case SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_SIMPLE, ret='SOLVE TWO BOUNDARIES SIMPLE '; case SOLVE_FORWARD_COMPLETE, ret='SOLVE FORWARD COMPLETE '; case SOLVE_BACKWARD_COMPLETE, ret='SOLVE BACKWARD COMPLETE '; case SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE, ret='SOLVE TWO BOUNDARIES COMPLETE'; end; function ret = barre(n) s = []; for i=1:n; s = [s '|']; end; ret = s;