// See fs2000.mod in the examples/ directory for details on the model // This file is the same than fs2000a.mod, except that it is written in non-stationary form // Notational changes: "m" and "dA" in fs2000a.mod are here called "gM" and "gA" var gM ${g^M}$ gA ${g^A}$; trend_var(growth_factor=gA) A; trend_var(growth_factor=gM) M; var(deflator=A) k c y; var(deflator=M(-1)/A) P; var(deflator=M(-1)) W l d; var R n; varexo e_a ${e^A}$ e_m ${e^M}$; parameters alp $\alpha$ bet $\beta$ gam $\gamma$ mst rho $\rho$ psi $\psi$ del $\delta$; alp = 0.33; bet = 0.99; gam = 0.003; mst = 1.011; rho = 0.7; psi = 0.787; del = 0.02; model; gA = exp(gam+e_a); log(gM) = (1-rho)*log(mst) + rho*log(gM(-1))+e_m; c+k = k(-1)^alp*(A*n)^(1-alp)+(1-del)*k(-1); P*c = M; P/(c(+1)*P(+1))=bet*P(+1)*(alp*k^(alp-1)*(A(+1)*n(+1))^(1-alp)+(1-del))/(c(+2)*P(+2)); (psi/(1-psi))*(c*P/(1-n))=W; R = P*(1-alp)*k(-1)^alp*A^(1-alp)*n^(-alp)/W; W = l/n; M-M(-1)+d = l; 1/(c*P)=bet*R/(c(+1)*P(+1)); y = k(-1)^alp*(A*n)^(1-alp); end; initval; k = 6; gM = mst; P = 2.25; c = 0.45; W = 4; R = 1.02; d = 0.85; n = 0.19; l = 0.86; y = 0.6; gA = exp(gam); end; shocks; var e_a; stderr 0.014; var e_m; stderr 0.005; end; steady; check; write_latex_dynamic_model; stoch_simul(nograph);