function [ProposalStateVector, Weights, flag] = conditional_filter_proposal(ReducedForm, y, StateVectors, SampleWeights, Q_lower_triangular_cholesky, H_lower_triangular_cholesky, ... H, ParticleOptions, ThreadsOptions, options_, M_) % Computes the proposal for each past particle using Gaussian approximations % for the state errors and the Kalman filter % % INPUTS % - ReducedForm [structure] Matlab's structure describing the reduced form model. % - y [double] p×1 vector, current observation (p is the number of observed variables). % - StateVectors % - SampleWeights % - Q_lower_triangular_cholesky % - H_lower_triangular_cholesky % - H % - ParticleOptions % - ThreadsOptions % - options_ % - M_ % % OUTPUTS % - ProposalStateVector % - Weights % - flag % Copyright © 2012-2022 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . flag = false; order = options_.order; if ReducedForm.use_k_order_solver dr = ReducedForm.dr; udr = ReducedForm.udr; else % Set local state space model (first-order approximation). ghx = ReducedForm.ghx; ghu = ReducedForm.ghu; % Set local state space model (second-order approximation). ghxx = ReducedForm.ghxx; ghuu = ReducedForm.ghuu; ghxu = ReducedForm.ghxu; ghs2 = ReducedForm.ghs2; if order == 3 % Set local state space model (third order approximation). ghxxx = ReducedForm.ghxxx; ghuuu = ReducedForm.ghuuu; ghxxu = ReducedForm.ghxxu; ghxuu = ReducedForm.ghxuu; ghxss = ReducedForm.ghxss; ghuss = ReducedForm.ghuss; end end constant = ReducedForm.constant; steadystate = ReducedForm.steadystate; state_variables_steady_state = ReducedForm.state_variables_steady_state; mf0 = ReducedForm.mf0; mf1 = ReducedForm.mf1; number_of_state_variables = length(mf0); number_of_observed_variables = length(mf1); number_of_structural_innovations = length(ReducedForm.Q); if ParticleOptions.proposal_approximation.montecarlo nodes = randn(ParticleOptions.number_of_particles/10, number_of_structural_innovations); weights = 1.0/ParticleOptions.number_of_particles; weights_c = weights; elseif ParticleOptions.proposal_approximation.cubature [nodes, weights] = spherical_radial_sigma_points(number_of_structural_innovations); weights_c = weights; elseif ParticleOptions.proposal_approximation.unscented [nodes, weights, weights_c] = unscented_sigma_points(number_of_structural_innovations, ParticleOptions); else error('Estimation: This approximation for the proposal is not implemented or unknown!') end epsilon = Q_lower_triangular_cholesky*nodes'; yhat = repmat(StateVectors-state_variables_steady_state, 1, size(epsilon, 2)); if ReducedForm.use_k_order_solver tmp = local_state_space_iteration_k(yhat, epsilon, dr, M_, options_, udr); else if order == 2 tmp = local_state_space_iteration_2(yhat, epsilon, ghx, ghu, constant, ghxx, ghuu, ghxu, ThreadsOptions.local_state_space_iteration_2); elseif order == 3 tmp = local_state_space_iteration_3(yhat, epsilon, ghx, ghu, ghxx, ghuu, ghxu, ghs2, ghxxx, ghuuu, ghxxu, ghxuu, ghxss, ghuss, steadystate, ThreadsOptions.local_state_space_iteration_3, false); else error('Order > 3: use_k_order_solver should be set to true'); end end PredictedStateMean = tmp(mf0,:)*weights; PredictedObservedMean = tmp(mf1,:)*weights; if ParticleOptions.proposal_approximation.cubature || ParticleOptions.proposal_approximation.montecarlo PredictedStateMean = sum(PredictedStateMean, 2); PredictedObservedMean = sum(PredictedObservedMean, 2); dState = bsxfun(@minus, tmp(mf0,:), PredictedStateMean)'.*sqrt(weights); dObserved = bsxfun(@minus, tmp(mf1,:), PredictedObservedMean)'.*sqrt(weights); PredictedStateVariance = dState*dState'; big_mat = [dObserved dState; H_lower_triangular_cholesky zeros(number_of_observed_variables,number_of_state_variables)]; [~, mat] = qr2(big_mat,0); mat = mat'; PredictedObservedVarianceSquareRoot = mat(1:number_of_observed_variables, 1:number_of_observed_variables); CovarianceObservedStateSquareRoot = mat(number_of_observed_variables+(1:number_of_state_variables),1:number_of_observed_variables); StateVectorVarianceSquareRoot = mat(number_of_observed_variables+(1:number_of_state_variables),number_of_observed_variables+(1:number_of_state_variables)); Error = y-PredictedObservedMean; StateVectorMean = PredictedStateMean+(CovarianceObservedStateSquareRoot/PredictedObservedVarianceSquareRoot)*Error; if ParticleOptions.cpf_weights_method.amisanotristani Weights = SampleWeights.*probability2(zeros(number_of_observed_variables,1), PredictedObservedVarianceSquareRoot, Error); end else dState = bsxfun(@minus, tmp(mf0,:), PredictedStateMean); dObserved = bsxfun(@minus, tmp(mf1,:), PredictedObservedMean); PredictedStateVariance = dState*diag(weights_c)*dState'; PredictedObservedVariance = dObserved*diag(weights_c)*dObserved'+H; PredictedStateAndObservedCovariance = dState*diag(weights_c)*dObserved'; KalmanFilterGain = PredictedStateAndObservedCovariance/PredictedObservedVariance; Error = y-PredictedObservedMean; StateVectorMean = PredictedStateMean+KalmanFilterGain*Error; StateVectorVariance = PredictedStateVariance-KalmanFilterGain*PredictedObservedVariance*KalmanFilterGain'; StateVectorVariance = 0.5*(StateVectorVariance+StateVectorVariance'); [StateVectorVarianceSquareRoot, p] = chol(StateVectorVariance, 'lower') ; if p flag = true; ProposalStateVector = zeros(number_of_state_variables, 1); Weights = 0.0; return end if ParticleOptions.cpf_weights_method.amisanotristani Weights = SampleWeights.*probability2(zeros(number_of_observed_variables, 1), chol(PredictedObservedVariance)', Error); end end ProposalStateVector = StateVectorVarianceSquareRoot*randn(size(StateVectorVarianceSquareRoot, 2), 1)+StateVectorMean; if ParticleOptions.cpf_weights_method.murrayjonesparslow PredictedStateVariance = 0.5*(PredictedStateVariance+PredictedStateVariance'); [PredictedStateVarianceSquareRoot, p] = chol(PredictedStateVariance, 'lower'); if p flag = true; ProposalStateVector = zeros(number_of_state_variables,1); Weights = 0.0; return end Prior = probability2(PredictedStateMean, PredictedStateVarianceSquareRoot, ProposalStateVector); Posterior = probability2(StateVectorMean, StateVectorVarianceSquareRoot, ProposalStateVector); Likelihood = probability2(y, H_lower_triangular_cholesky, measurement_equations(ProposalStateVector, ReducedForm, ThreadsOptions, options_, M_)); Weights = SampleWeights.*Likelihood.*(Prior./Posterior); end