function [Da,DP1,DLIK,D2a,D2P,Hesst] = univariate_computeDLIK(k,indx,Z,Zflag,v,K,PZ,F,Da,DYss,DP,DH,notsteady,D2a,D2Yss,D2P) % Copyright © 2012-2017 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % AUTHOR(S) persistent DDK DDF DD2K DD2F if notsteady if Zflag Dv = -Z*Da(:,:) - Z*DYss(:,:); DF = zeros(k,1); DK = zeros([rows(K),k]); for j=1:k DF(j)=Z*DP(:,:,j)*Z'+DH; DK(:,j) = (DP(:,:,j)*Z')/F-PZ*DF(j)/F^2; end if nargout>4 D2F = zeros(k,k); D2v = zeros(k,k); D2K = zeros(rows(K),k,k); jcount=0; for j=1:k D2v(:,j) = -Z*D2a(:,:,j) - Z*D2Yss(:,:,j); for i=1:j jcount=jcount+1; D2F(j,i)=Z*dyn_unvech(D2P(:,jcount))*Z'; D2F(i,j)=D2F(j,i); D2K(:,j,i) = (dyn_unvech(D2P(:,jcount))*Z')/F-(DP(:,:,j)*Z')*DF(i)/F^2-(DP(:,:,i)*Z')*DF(j)/F^2- ... PZ*D2F(j,i)/F^2 + 2*PZ/F^3*DF(i)*DF(j); D2K(:,i,j) = D2K(:,j,i); end end end else Dv = -Da(Z,:) - DYss(Z,:); DF = squeeze(DP(Z,Z,:))+DH'; DK = squeeze(DP(:,Z,:))/F-PZ*transpose(DF)/F^2; if nargout>4 D2F = zeros(k,k); D2K = zeros(rows(K),k,k); D2v = squeeze(-D2a(Z,:,:) - D2Yss(Z,:,:)); jcount=0; for j=1:k for i=1:j jcount=jcount+1; tmp = dyn_unvech(D2P(:,jcount)); D2F(j,i) = tmp(Z,Z); D2F(i,j)=D2F(j,i); D2K(:,i,j) = tmp(:,Z)/F; D2K(:,i,j) = D2K(:,i,j) -PZ*D2F(j,i)/F^2 - squeeze(DP(:,Z,i))*DF(j)/F^2 - ... squeeze(DP(:,Z,j))*DF(i)'/F^2 + 2/F^3*PZ*DF(i)'*DF(j); D2K(:,j,i) = D2K(:,i,j); % D2K = squeeze(D2P(:,Z,:,:))/F; end end end end if nargout>4 DD2K(:,indx,:,:)=D2K; DD2F(indx,:,:)=D2F; end DDK(:,indx,:)=DK; DDF(indx,:)=DF; else DK = squeeze(DDK(:,indx,:)); DF = DDF(indx,:)'; if nargout>4 D2K = squeeze(DD2K(:,indx,:,:)); D2F = squeeze(DD2F(indx,:,:)); end if Zflag Dv = -Z*Da(:,:) - Z*DYss(:,:); if nargout>4 D2v = zeros(k,k); for j=1:k D2v(:,j) = -Z*D2a(:,:,j) - Z*D2Yss(:,:,j); end end else Dv = -Da(Z,:) - DYss(Z,:); if nargout>4 D2v = squeeze(-D2a(Z,:,:) - D2Yss(Z,:,:)); end end end DLIK = DF/F + 2*Dv'/F*v - v^2/F^2*DF; if nargout==6 Hesst = D2F/F-1/F^2*(DF*DF') + 2*D2v/F*v + 2*(Dv'*Dv)/F - 2*(DF*Dv)*v/F^2 ... - v^2/F^2*D2F - 2*v/F^2*(Dv'*DF') + 2*v^2/F^3*(DF*DF'); elseif nargout==4 D2a = 1/F^2*(DF*DF') + 2*(Dv'*Dv)/F ; % D2a = -1/F^2*(DF*DF') + 2*(Dv'*Dv)/F + 2*v^2/F^3*(DF*DF') ... % - 2*(DF*Dv)*v/F^2 - 2*v/F^2*(Dv'*DF'); % D2a = +2*(Dv'*Dv)/F + (DF' * DF)/F^2; end Da = Da + DK*v+K*Dv; if nargout>4 D2a = D2a + D2K*v; for j=1:k % D2a(:,:,j) = D2a(:,:,j) + DK*Dv(j) + DK(:,j)*Dv + K*D2v(j,:); for i=1:j D2a(:,j,i) = D2a(:,j,i) + DK(:,i)*Dv(j) + DK(:,j)*Dv(i) + K*D2v(j,i); D2a(:,i,j) = D2a(:,j,i); end end end if notsteady DP1 = DP*0; if Zflag for j=1:k DP1(:,:,j)=DP(:,:,j) - (DP(:,:,j)*Z')*K'-PZ*DK(:,j)'; end else for j=1:k DP1(:,:,j)=DP(:,:,j) - (DP(:,Z,j))*K'-PZ*DK(:,j)'; end end if nargout>4 if Zflag for j=1:k for i=1:j jcount = jcount+1; tmp = dyn_unvech(D2P(:,jcount)); tmp = tmp - (tmp*Z')*K' - (DP(:,:,j)*Z')*DK(:,i)' ... - (DP(:,:,i)*Z')*DK(:,j)' -PZ*D2K(:,j,i)'; D2P(:,jcount) = dyn_vech(tmp); % D2P(:,:,i,j) = D2P(:,:,j,i); end end else DPZ = squeeze(DP(:,Z,:)); jcount = 0; for j=1:k for i=1:j jcount = jcount+1; tmp = dyn_unvech(D2P(:,jcount)); D2PZ = tmp(:,Z); tmp = tmp - D2PZ*K' - DPZ(:,j)*DK(:,i)'- DPZ(:,i)*DK(:,j)' - PZ*squeeze(D2K(:,j,i))'; D2P(:,jcount) = dyn_vech(tmp); % D2P(:,:,i,j) = D2P(:,:,j,i); end end end end else DP1=DP; end