function DynareInfo = dynare(fname, varargin) % This command runs dynare with specified model file in argument % Filename. % The name of model file begins with an alphabetic character, % and has a filename extension of .mod or .dyn. % When extension is omitted, a model file with .mod extension % is processed. % % INPUTS % fname: file name % varargin: list of arguments following fname % % OUTPUTS % none % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright © 2001-2023 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . if nargout DynareInfo.time.preprocessor = 0; DynareInfo.time.compute = 0; end if ~nargin || strcmpi(fname,'help') skipline() disp(['This is Dynare version ' dynare_version() '.']) skipline() disp('USAGE: dynare FILENAME[.mod,.dyn] [OPTIONS]') skipline() disp('The dynare command executes instruction included in FILENAME.mod.') disp('See the reference manual for the available options.') skipline() return end % The following needs to come early, to avoid spurious warnings (especially under Octave) warning_config; % Handle nopathchange option % Note that it is only handled if it appears on the command-line, and not at % the top of the .mod file (since the treatment needs to take place very early, % even before we make the various checks on the filename) change_path_flag = true; if nargin>1 id = ismember(varargin, 'nopathchange'); if any(id) change_path_flag = false; varargin(id) = []; end end check_matlab_path(change_path_flag); % Detect if MEX files are present; if not, use alternative M-files dynareroot = dynare_config(); if isoctave % The supported_octave_version.m file is not in git nor in the source % package, it is manually added in binary packages distributed on if exist('supported_octave_version', 'file') && ~strcmp(supported_octave_version, version) skipline() warning(['This version of Octave is not supported. Consider installing ' ... 'version %s of Octave\n' ... 'from, otherwise m files will be used instead ' ... 'of precompiled mex files and some\nfeatures, like solution ' ... 'of models approximated at third order, will not be available.'], supported_octave_version()) skipline() elseif octave_ver_less_than('7.1.0') % Should match the test in, and also the one in matlab/modules/dseries/src/initialize_dseries_class.m skipline() warning(['This version of Dynare has only been tested on Octave 7.1.0 and above. Dynare may fail to run or give unexpected result. Consider upgrading your version of Octave.']) skipline() end else if matlab_ver_less_than('9.5') % Should match the test in skipline() warning('This version of Dynare has only been tested on MATLAB 9.5 (R2018b) and above. Since your MATLAB version is older than that, Dynare may fail to run, or give unexpected results. Consider upgrading your MATLAB installation, or switch to Octave.'); skipline() end end % sets default format for save() command if isoctave save_default_options('-mat') end if nargin < 1 error('Dynare: you must provide the name of the .mod file in argument') end if ~ischar(fname) error('Dynare: argument of dynare must be a text string') end % Testing if filename has more than one period (not allowed). dot_location=strfind(fname,'.'); if length(dot_location)>1 error('Dynare: Periods in filenames are only allowed for .mod or .dyn extensions') end if dot_location==length(fname) error('Dynare: Periods in filenames are only allowed for .mod or .dyn extensions') end % Add dyn or mod extension to the file name if not already provided. if isempty(dot_location) fnamelength = length(fname); fname1 = [fname '.dyn']; d = dir(fname1); if length(d) == 0 fname1 = [fname '.mod']; end fname = fname1; else % Check provided file extension. if ~strcmpi(fname(dot_location+1:end), 'mod') && ~strcmpi(fname(dot_location+1:end), 'dyn') error('Dynare: argument must be a filename with .mod or .dyn extensions') end fnamelength = length(fname) - 4; end if fnamelength + length('.set_auxiliary_variables') > namelengthmax() error('Dynare: the name of your .mod file is too long, please shorten it') end if ~isempty(strfind(fname,filesep)) fprintf('\nIt seems you are trying to call a .mod file not located in the "Current Folder". This is not possible (the %s symbol is not allowed in the name of the .mod file).\n', filesep) [pathtomodfile,basename] = fileparts(fname); if exist(pathtomodfile,'dir') filesindirectory = dir(pathtomodfile); filesindirectory = struct2cell(filesindirectory); filesindirectory = filesindirectory(1,:); if ~isempty(strmatch([basename '.mod'],filesindirectory)) || ~isempty(strmatch([basename '.dyn'],filesindirectory)) fprintf('Please set your "Current Folder" to the folder where the .mod file is located using the following command:\n') fprintf('\n >> cd %s\n\n',pathtomodfile) else fprintf('The file %s[.mod,.dyn] could not be located!\n\n',basename) end end error(['Dynare: can''t open ' fname, '.']) end if ~exist(fname,'file') || isequal(fname,'dir') fprintf('\nThe file %s could not be located in the "Current Folder". Check whether you typed in the correct filename\n',fname) fprintf('and whether the file is really located in the "Current Folder".\n') try list_of_mod_files = ls('*.mod'); fprintf('\nCurrent folder is %s, and contains the following .mod files:\n\n',pwd) disp(list_of_mod_files) catch fprintf('\nCurrent folder is %s, and does not contain any .mod files.\n\n',pwd) end error(['Dynare: can''t open ' fname]) end if ~isvarname(fname(1:end-4)) error('Dynare: argument of dynare must conform to MATLAB''s convention for naming functions, i.e. start with a letter and not contain special characters. Please rename your .mod file.') end % pre-dynare-preprocessor-hook if exist(fname(1:end-4),'dir') && exist([fname(1:end-4) filesep 'hooks'],'dir') && exist([fname(1:end-4) filesep 'hooks/priorprocessing.m'],'file') run([fname(1:end-4) filesep 'hooks/priorprocessing']) end % Parse some options, either for the command-line or from the top of the .mod file file_opts = parse_options_line(fname); preprocessoroutput = ~ismember('nopreprocessoroutput', varargin) && ... ~ismember('nopreprocessoroutput', file_opts); nolog = ismember('nolog', varargin) || ismember('nolog', file_opts); onlymacro = ismember('onlymacro', varargin) || ismember('onlymacro', file_opts); onlyjson = ismember('onlyjson', varargin) || ismember('onlyjson', file_opts); fast = ismember('fast', varargin) || ismember('fast', file_opts); % Start journal diary off if ~nolog logfile = [ fname(1:end-4) '.log' ]; if exist(logfile, 'file') delete(logfile) end diary(logfile) end if preprocessoroutput fprintf(['Starting Dynare (version ' dynare_version() ').\n']); fprintf('Calling Dynare with arguments: '); if isempty(varargin) disp('none') else disp(strjoin(varargin, ' ')); end end build_dir = get_build_dir(dynareroot); if isempty(build_dir) preprocessor_dir = [ dynareroot '..' filesep 'preprocessor' ]; else disp(['Using build directory: ' build_dir ]) preprocessor_dir = [ build_dir filesep 'preprocessor' filesep 'src' ]; end command = ['"' preprocessor_dir filesep 'dynare-preprocessor" ' fname]; command = [ command ' mexext=' mexext ' "matlabroot=' matlabroot '"']; % Properly quote arguments before passing them to the shell if ~isempty(varargin) varargincopy = varargin; % Escape backslashes and double-quotes varargincopy = strrep(varargincopy, '\', '\\'); varargincopy = strrep(varargincopy, '"', '\"'); if ~ispc % On GNU/Linux and macOS, also escape dollars and backquotes varargincopy = strrep(varargincopy, '$', '\$'); varargincopy = strrep(varargincopy, '`', '\`'); end % Finally, enclose arguments within double quotes dynare_varargin = ['"' strjoin(varargincopy, '" "') '"']; command = [command ' ' dynare_varargin]; end % On MATLAB+Windows, the +folder may be locked by MATLAB, preventing its % removal by the preprocessor. % Trying to delete it here will actually fail, but surprisingly this allows % the preprocessor to actually remove the folder (see ModFile::writeMOutput()) % For an instance of this bug, see: % if ~fast if ispc && ~isoctave && exist(['+',fname(1:end-4)],'dir') [~,~]=rmdir(['+', fname(1:end-4)],'s'); end end % Under Windows, make sure the MEX file is unloaded (in the use_dll case), % otherwise the preprocessor can't recompile it if isoctave clear([fname(1:end-4) '.static'], [fname(1:end-4) '.dynamic']) clear([fname(1:end-4) '.sparse.static_resid'], [fname(1:end-4) '.sparse.static_g1'], [fname(1:end-4) '.sparse.static_g2']) clear([fname(1:end-4) '.sparse.dynamic_resid'], [fname(1:end-4) '.sparse.dynamic_g1'], [fname(1:end-4) '.sparse.dynamic_g2'], [fname(1:end-4) '.sparse.dynamic_g3']) else clear(['+' fname(1:end-4) '/static'], ['+' fname(1:end-4) '/dynamic']) clear(['+' fname(1:end-4) '/sparse/static_resid'], ['+' fname(1:end-4) '/sparse/static_g1'], ['+' fname(1:end-4) '/sparse/static_g2']) clear(['+' fname(1:end-4) '/sparse/dynamic_resid'], ['+' fname(1:end-4) '/sparse/dynamic_g1'], ['+' fname(1:end-4) '/sparse/dynamic_g2'], ['+' fname(1:end-4) '/sparse/dynamic_g3']) end pTic = tic; if preprocessoroutput status = system(command); %immediately flush output else [status, result] = system(command); %save output for output in case of failure if status ~= 0 || preprocessoroutput disp(result) end end if status ~= 0 || preprocessoroutput pToc = toc(pTic); dprintf('Preprocessing time: %s.', dynsec2hms(pToc)) if nargout DynareInfo.time.preprocessor = pToc; end end if onlymacro if preprocessoroutput disp('Preprocessor stopped after macroprocessing step because of ''onlymacro'' option.'); end return end if onlyjson if preprocessoroutput disp('Preprocessor stopped after preprocessing step because of ''onlyjson'' option.'); end return; end % post-dynare-prerocessor-hook if exist(fname(1:end-4),'dir') && exist([fname(1:end-4) filesep 'hooks'],'dir') && exist([fname(1:end-4) filesep 'hooks/postprocessing.m'],'file') run([fname(1:end-4) filesep 'hooks/postprocessing']) end if status diary off % Should not use "error(result)" since message will be truncated if too long error('Dynare: preprocessing failed') end if ~ isempty(find(abs(fname) == 46)) fname = fname(:,1:find(abs(fname) == 46)-1) ; end % We need to clear the driver (and only the driver, because the "clear all" % within the driver will clean the rest) clear(['+' fname '/driver']) try cTic = tic; evalin('base',[fname '.driver']); cToc = toc(cTic); if nargout DynareInfo.time.compute = cToc; end catch ME W = evalin('caller','whos'); diary off if ismember(fname,{W(:).name}) error('Your workspace already contains a variable with the same name as the mod-file. You need to delete it or rename the mod-file.') else rethrow(ME) end end diary off end % Looks for an options list in the first non-empty line of the .mod file % Should be kept in sync with the function of the same name in preprocessor/src/ % % Note that separating options with commas is accepted, but is deprecated (and undocumented) % % Also, the parser does not handle correctly some corner cases: for example, it % will fail on something like -Dfoo="a b,c" (will split at whitespace and comma) function opts = parse_options_line(fname) opts = {}; fid = fopen(fname, 'r'); while true firstline = fgetl(fid); if firstline == -1 fclose(fid); return end if ~isempty(firstline) break end end fclose(fid); t = regexp(firstline, '^\s*//\s*--\+\s*options:([^\+]*)\+--', 'tokens'); if isempty(t) return end opts = regexp(t{1}{1}, '[^,\s]+', 'match'); if ismember(opts, 'nopathchange') warning('The ''nopathchange'' option is not taken into account when it appears at the top of ''.mod'' file. You should rather pass it on the command-line.') end end