function myoutput=PosteriorIRF_core1(myinputs,fpar,B,whoiam, ThisMatlab) % Generates and stores Posterior IRFs % PARALLEL CONTEXT % This function perfoms in parallel execution a portion of the PosteriorIRF.m code. % This is a special kind of parallel function. Unlike of other parallel functions, % that running in parallel a 'for' cycle, this function run in parallel a % 'while' loop! The parallelization of 'while' loop (when possible) is a more % sophisticated procedure. % % See also the comment in posterior_sampler_core.m funtion. % % INPUTS % See the comment in posterior_sampler_core.m funtion. % % OUTPUTS % o myoutput [struc] % Contained: % OutputFileName_dsge, OutputFileName_param and OutputFileName_bvardsge. % % ALGORITHM % Portion of PosteriorIRF.m function. Specifically the 'while' cycle. % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS. % None. % % Copyright © 2006-2023 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global options_ estim_params_ oo_ M_ bayestopt_ dataset_ dataset_info if nargin<4 whoiam=0; end % Reshape 'myinputs' for local computation. % In order to avoid confusion in the name space, the instruction struct2local(myinputs) is replaced by: IRUN = myinputs.IRUN; irun =myinputs.irun; irun2=myinputs.irun2; npar=myinputs.npar; type=myinputs.type; if ~strcmpi(type,'prior') x=myinputs.x; end nvar=myinputs.nvar; IndxVariables=myinputs.IndxVariables; MAX_nirfs_dsgevar=myinputs.MAX_nirfs_dsgevar; MAX_nirfs_dsge=myinputs.MAX_nirfs_dsge; MAX_nruns=myinputs.MAX_nruns; NumberOfIRFfiles_dsge=myinputs.NumberOfIRFfiles_dsge; NumberOfIRFfiles_dsgevar=myinputs.NumberOfIRFfiles_dsgevar; ifil2=myinputs.ifil2; if options_.dsge_var nvobs=myinputs.nvobs; NumberOfParametersPerEquation = myinputs.NumberOfParametersPerEquation; NumberOfLagsTimesNvobs = myinputs.NumberOfLagsTimesNvobs; Companion_matrix = myinputs.Companion_matrix; stock_irf_bvardsge = zeros(options_.irf,nvobs,M_.exo_nbr,MAX_nirfs_dsgevar); bounds = prior_bounds(bayestopt_,options_.prior_trunc); end if whoiam Parallel=myinputs.Parallel; end % MhDirectoryName = myinputs.MhDirectoryName; if strcmpi(type,'posterior') MhDirectoryName = CheckPath('metropolis',M_.dname); elseif strcmpi(type,'gsa') if options_.opt_gsa.pprior MhDirectoryName = CheckPath(['gsa' filesep 'prior'],M_.dname); else MhDirectoryName = CheckPath(['gsa' filesep 'mc'],M_.dname); end else MhDirectoryName = CheckPath('prior',M_.dname); end RemoteFlag = 0; if whoiam if Parallel(ThisMatlab).Local==0 RemoteFlag =1; end prct0={0,whoiam,Parallel(ThisMatlab)}; else prct0=0; end if strcmpi(type,'posterior') h = dyn_waitbar(prct0,'Bayesian (posterior) IRFs...'); elseif strcmpi(type,'gsa') h = dyn_waitbar(prct0,'GSA (prior) IRFs...'); else h = dyn_waitbar(prct0,'Bayesian (prior) IRFs...'); end OutputFileName_bvardsge = {}; OutputFileName_dsge = {}; OutputFileName_param = {}; fpar = fpar-1; fpar0=fpar; nosaddle=0; if whoiam ifil2=ifil2(whoiam); NumberOfIRFfiles_dsge=NumberOfIRFfiles_dsge(whoiam); NumberOfIRFfiles_dsgevar=NumberOfIRFfiles_dsgevar(whoiam); end % Parallel 'while' very good!!! stock_param=zeros(MAX_nruns,npar); stock_irf_dsge=zeros(options_.irf,nvar,M_.exo_nbr,MAX_nirfs_dsge); if strcmp(type, 'prior') Prior = dprior(bayestopt_, options_.prior_trunc); end while fpar 5e-7 if options_.order>1 && options_.relative_irf % normalize shock to 0.01 before IRF generation for GIRFs; multiply with 100 later y=irf(M_,options_,dr,SS(:,i)./SS(i,i)/100, options_.irf, options_.drop,options_.replic,options_.order); else y=irf(M_,options_,dr,SS(:,i), options_.irf, options_.drop,options_.replic,options_.order); end if options_.relative_irf && options_.order==1 %multiply with 100 for backward compatibility y = 100*y/SS(i,i); end for j = 1:nvar if max(y(IndxVariables(j),:)) - min(y(IndxVariables(j),:)) > 1e-12 stock_irf_dsge(:,j,i,irun) = transpose(y(IndxVariables(j),:)); end end end end if MAX_nirfs_dsgevar IRUN = IRUN+1; [~,~,~,~,~,~,~,PHI,SIGMAu,iXX] = dsge_var_likelihood(deep',dataset_,dataset_info,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,bounds,oo_); dsge_prior_weight = M_.params(strmatch('dsge_prior_weight', M_.param_names)); DSGE_PRIOR_WEIGHT = floor(dataset_.nobs*(1+dsge_prior_weight)); SIGMA_inv_upper_chol = chol(inv(SIGMAu*dataset_.nobs*(dsge_prior_weight+1))); explosive_var = 1; while explosive_var % draw from the marginal posterior of SIGMA SIGMAu_draw = rand_inverse_wishart(dataset_.vobs, DSGE_PRIOR_WEIGHT-NumberOfParametersPerEquation, ... SIGMA_inv_upper_chol); % draw from the conditional posterior of PHI PHI_draw = rand_matrix_normal(NumberOfParametersPerEquation,dataset_.vobs, PHI, ... chol(SIGMAu_draw)', chol(iXX)'); Companion_matrix(1:dataset_.vobs,:) = transpose(PHI_draw(1:NumberOfLagsTimesNvobs,:)); % Check for stationarity explosive_var = any(abs(eig(Companion_matrix))>1.000000001); end % Get the mean mu = zeros(1,dataset_.vobs); % Get rotation if dsge_prior_weight > 0 Atheta(oo_.dr.order_var,:) = oo_.dr.ghu*sqrt(M_.Sigma_e); A0 = Atheta(bayestopt_.mfys,:); OMEGAstar = qr2(A0'); end SIGMAu_chol = chol(SIGMAu_draw)'; SIGMAtrOMEGA = SIGMAu_chol*OMEGAstar'; PHIpower = eye(NumberOfLagsTimesNvobs); irfs = zeros (options_.irf,dataset_.vobs*M_.exo_nbr); tmp3 = PHIpower(1:dataset_.vobs,1:dataset_.vobs)*SIGMAtrOMEGA; irfs(1,:) = tmp3(:)'; for t = 2:options_.irf PHIpower = Companion_matrix*PHIpower; tmp3 = PHIpower(1:dataset_.vobs,1:dataset_.vobs)*SIGMAtrOMEGA; irfs(t,:) = tmp3(:)'+kron(ones(1,M_.exo_nbr),mu); end tmp_dsgevar = kron(ones(options_.irf,1),mu); for j = 1:(dataset_.vobs*M_.exo_nbr) if max(irfs(:,j)) - min(irfs(:,j)) > 1e-10 tmp_dsgevar(:,j) = (irfs(:,j)); end end if IRUN < MAX_nirfs_dsgevar stock_irf_bvardsge(:,:,:,IRUN) = reshape(tmp_dsgevar,options_.irf,dataset_.vobs,M_.exo_nbr); else stock_irf_bvardsge(:,:,:,IRUN) = reshape(tmp_dsgevar,options_.irf,dataset_.vobs,M_.exo_nbr); save([MhDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_irf_bvardsge' int2str(NumberOfIRFfiles_dsgevar) '.mat'], 'stock_irf_bvardsge'); if RemoteFlag==1 OutputFileName_bvardsge = [OutputFileName_bvardsge; {[MhDirectoryName filesep], [M_.fname '_irf_bvardsge' int2str(NumberOfIRFfiles_dsgevar) '.mat']}]; end NumberOfIRFfiles_dsgevar = NumberOfIRFfiles_dsgevar+1; IRUN =0; end end if irun == MAX_nirfs_dsge || irun == B || fpar == B if fpar == B stock_irf_dsge = stock_irf_dsge(:,:,:,1:irun); if MAX_nirfs_dsgevar && (fpar == B || IRUN == B) stock_irf_bvardsge = stock_irf_bvardsge(:,:,:,1:IRUN); save([MhDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_irf_bvardsge' int2str(NumberOfIRFfiles_dsgevar) '.mat'], 'stock_irf_bvardsge'); NumberOfIRFfiles_dsgevar = NumberOfIRFfiles_dsgevar+1; if RemoteFlag==1 OutputFileName_bvardsge = [OutputFileName_bvardsge; {[MhDirectoryName filesep], [M_.fname '_irf_bvardsge' int2str(NumberOfIRFfiles_dsgevar) '.mat']}]; end irun = 0; end end save([MhDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_irf_dsge' int2str(NumberOfIRFfiles_dsge) '.mat'],'stock_irf_dsge'); if RemoteFlag==1 OutputFileName_dsge = [OutputFileName_dsge; {[MhDirectoryName filesep], [M_.fname '_irf_dsge' int2str(NumberOfIRFfiles_dsge) '.mat']}]; end NumberOfIRFfiles_dsge = NumberOfIRFfiles_dsge+1; irun = 0; end if irun2 == MAX_nruns || fpar == B if fpar == B stock_param = stock_param(1:irun2,:); end stock = stock_param; save([MhDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_param_irf' int2str(ifil2) '.mat'],'stock'); if RemoteFlag==1 OutputFileName_param = [OutputFileName_param; {[MhDirectoryName filesep], [M_.fname '_param_irf' int2str(ifil2) '.mat']}]; end ifil2 = ifil2 + 1; irun2 = 0; end dyn_waitbar((fpar-fpar0)/(B-fpar0),h); end dyn_waitbar_close(h); if whoiam==0 if nosaddle disp(['PosteriorIRF :: Percentage of discarded posterior draws = ' num2str(nosaddle/(B+nosaddle))]) end end % Copy the rusults of computation on the call machine (specifically in the % directory on call machine that contain the model). myoutput.OutputFileName = [OutputFileName_dsge; OutputFileName_param; OutputFileName_bvardsge]; myoutput.nosaddle = nosaddle;