@#define countries = 1:2 @#define assets = 1:2 var @#for c in countries yk_@{c} yl_@{c} c_@{c} @#endfor a ze_1 r_1 ; varexo @#for c in countries ek_@{c} el_@{c} @#endfor ; parameters rho eta omega sig_k sig_l ykbar ylbar; rho = 1; psi = 0.7; eta = 0.9; g = 0.25; ykbar = 1; ylbar = 1; cbar = ykbar+ylbar; nu = 0.5; omega = 0.75; sig_k = 0.02; sig_l = 0.01; sig_m = 0; betabar = omega*cbar^(-eta); model; @#for c in countries yk_@{c} = log(ykbar) + sig_k*ek_@{c}; yl_@{c} = log(ylbar) + sig_l*el_@{c}; exp(c_@{c})^(eta-rho) = omega*exp(c_@{c}(+1))^(-rho)*r_1(+1); @#endfor a = a(-1)*r_1 + exp(yk_1) + exp(yl_1) - exp(c_1); -a = -a(-1)*r_1 + exp(yk_2) + exp(yl_2) - exp(c_2); // r_1+ze_1 = ze_1+exp(yk_1-ze_1(-1)); r_1 = exp(yk_1-ze_1(-1))+ze_1-ze_1; end; shocks; @#for c in countries var ek_@{c} = 1; var el_@{c} = 1; @#endfor end; initval; @#for c in countries yk_@{c} = log(ykbar); yl_@{c} = log(ylbar); c_@{c} = log(ykbar+ylbar); @#endfor r_1 = 1/betabar; ze_1 = log(betabar)+yk_1; end; resid(1); steady; model_diagnostics(M_,options_,oo_); check; stoch_simul(order=2,irf=0); o1 = load('ds1_results','oo_'); oo1 = o1.oo_.dr; oo2 = oo_.dr; if any(abs(oo1.ghxx-oo2.ghxx) > 1e-14);error('ds1 with missing variable doesn''t reproduce ds2');end; if any(abs(oo1.ghuu-oo2.ghuu) > 1e-14);error('ds1 with missing variable doesn''t reproduce ds2');end; if any(abs(oo1.ghxu-oo2.ghxu) > 1e-14);error('ds1 with missing variable doesn''t reproduce ds2');end; if any(abs(oo1.ghs2-oo2.ghs2) > 1e-14);error('ds1 with missing variable doesn''t reproduce ds2');end;