function y=ff1_(x) % function y=ff1_(x) % splits the input argument x into endogenous and exogenous variables and calls the 'static' function % % INPUTS % x: argument splitted between endogenous and exogenous % % OUTPUTS % y: 'static' function residuals % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % % part of DYNARE, copyright Dynare Team (2001-2008) % Gnu Public License. global it_ M_ oo_ n1 = size(x,1) - M_.exo_nbr; oo_.exo_simul(it_+M_.maximum_lag-M_.maximum_lag,:) = x(n1+1:end)'; fh = str2func([M_.fname '_static']); y=feval(fh,x(1:n1),oo_.exo_simul, M_.params);