function [y, T, oo]= solve_two_boundaries(fname, y, x, params, steady_state, T, y_index, nze, periods, y_kmin_l, y_kmax_l, is_linear, Block_Num, y_kmin, maxit_, solve_tolf, lambda, cutoff, stack_solve_algo,options,M, oo) % Computes the deterministic simulation of a block of equation containing % both lead and lag variables using relaxation methods % % INPUTS % fname [string] name of the file containing the block % to simulate % y [matrix] All the endogenous variables of the model % x [matrix] All the exogenous variables of the model % params [vector] All the parameters of the model % steady_state [vector] steady state of the model % T [matrix] Temporary terms % y_index [vector of int] The index of the endogenous variables of % the block % nze [integer] number of non-zero elements in the % jacobian matrix % periods [integer] number of simulation periods % y_kmin_l [integer] maximum number of lag in the block % y_kmax_l [integer] maximum number of lead in the block % is_linear [logical] Whether the block is linear % Block_Num [integer] block number % y_kmin [integer] maximum number of lag in the model % maxit_ [integer] maximum number of iteration in Newton % solve_tolf [double] convergence criteria % lambda [double] initial value of step size in % Newton % cutoff [double] cutoff to correct the direction in Newton in case % of singular jacobian matrix % stack_solve_algo [integer] linear solver method used in the % Newton algorithm : % - 1 sprse LU % - 2 GMRES % - 3 BicGStab % - 4 Optimal path length % M [structure] Model description % oo [structure] Results % % OUTPUTS % y [matrix] All endogenous variables of the model % T [matrix] Temporary terms % oo [structure] Results % % ALGORITHM % Newton with LU or GMRES or BicGstab % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none. % % Copyright (C) 1996-2020 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . verbose = options.verbosity; cvg=0; iter=0; Per_u_=0; g2 = []; g3 = []; Blck_size=size(y_index,2); correcting_factor=0.01; ilu_setup.droptol=1e-10; ilu_setup.type = 'ilutp'; %ilu_setup.milu = 'col'; ilu_setup.milu = 'off'; ilu_setup.thresh = 1; ilu_setup.udiag = 0; max_resa=1e100; Jacobian_Size=Blck_size*(y_kmin+y_kmax_l +periods); g1=spalloc( Blck_size*periods, Jacobian_Size, nze*periods); reduced = 0; while ~(cvg==1 || iter>maxit_) [r, y, T, g1, g2, g3, b]=feval(fname, y, x, params, steady_state, T, periods, false, y_kmin, Blck_size,options.periods); preconditioner = 2; g1a=g1(:, y_kmin*Blck_size+1:(periods+y_kmin)*Blck_size); term1 = g1(:, 1:y_kmin_l*Blck_size)*reshape(y(1+y_kmin-y_kmin_l:y_kmin,y_index)',1,y_kmin_l*Blck_size)'; term2 = g1(:, (periods+y_kmin_l)*Blck_size+1:(periods+y_kmin_l+y_kmax_l)*Blck_size)*reshape(y(periods+y_kmin+1:periods+y_kmin+y_kmax_l,y_index)',1,y_kmax_l*Blck_size)'; b = b - term1 - term2; [max_res, max_indx]=max(max(abs(r'))); if ~isreal(r) max_res = (-max_res^2)^0.5; end if ~isreal(max_res) || isnan(max_res) cvg = 0; elseif is_linear && iter>0 cvg = 1; else cvg=(max_res0 if ~isreal(max_res) || isnan(max_res) || (max_resa1) if verbose && ~isreal(max_res) disp(['Variable ' M.endo_names{max_indx} ' (' int2str(max_indx) ') returns an undefined value']); end if isnan(max_res) detJ=det(g1aa); if abs(detJ)<1e-7 max_factor=max(max(abs(g1aa))); ze_elem=sum(diag(g1aa)1e-8 lambda=lambda/2; reduced = 1; if verbose disp(['reducing the path length: lambda=' num2str(lambda,'%f')]); end y(1+y_kmin:periods+y_kmin,y_index)=reshape((ya_save+lambda*dx)',length(y_index),periods)'; continue else if verbose if cutoff==0 fprintf('Error in simul: Convergence not achieved in block %d, after %d iterations.\n Increase "options_.simul.maxit".\n',Block_Num, iter); else fprintf('Error in simul: Convergence not achieved in block %d, after %d iterations.\n Increase "options_.simul.maxit" or set "cutoff=0" in model options.\n',Block_Num, iter); end end oo.deterministic_simulation.status = 0; oo.deterministic_simulation.error = max_res; oo.deterministic_simulation.iterations = iter; oo.deterministic_simulation.block(Block_Num).status = 0;% Convergency failed. oo.deterministic_simulation.block(Block_Num).error = max_res; oo.deterministic_simulation.block(Block_Num).iterations = iter; return end else if lambda<1 lambda=max(lambda*2, 1); end end end ya = reshape(y(y_kmin+1:y_kmin+periods,y_index)',1,periods*Blck_size)'; ya_save=ya; g1aa=g1a; ba=b; max_resa=max_res; if stack_solve_algo==0 dx = g1a\b- ya; ya = ya + lambda*dx; y(1+y_kmin:periods+y_kmin,y_index)=reshape(ya',length(y_index),periods)'; elseif stack_solve_algo==1 for t=1:periods first_elem = (t-1)*Blck_size+1; last_elem = t*Blck_size; next_elem = (t+1)*Blck_size; Elem = first_elem:last_elem; Elem_1 = last_elem+1:next_elem; B1_inv = inv(g1a(Elem, Elem)); if (t < periods) S1 = B1_inv * g1a(Elem, Elem_1); end g1a(Elem, Elem_1) = S1; b(Elem) = B1_inv * b(Elem); g1a(Elem, Elem) = ones(Blck_size, Blck_size); if t0 if preconditioner==2 [L1, U1]=ilu(g1a,ilu_setup); elseif preconditioner==3 Size = Blck_size; gss1 = g1a(Size + 1: 2*Size,Size + 1: 2*Size) + g1a(Size + 1: 2*Size,2*Size+1: 3*Size); [L1, U1]=lu(gss1); L(1:Size,1:Size) = L1; U(1:Size,1:Size) = U1; gss2 = g1a(Size + 1: 2*Size,1: Size) + g1a(Size + 1: 2*Size,Size+1: 2*Size) + g1a(Size + 1: 2*Size,2*Size+1: 3*Size); [L2, U2]=lu(gss2); L(Size+1:(periods-1)*Size,Size+1:(periods-1)*Size) = kron(eye(periods-2), L2); U(Size+1:(periods-1)*Size,Size+1:(periods-1)*Size) = kron(eye(periods-2), U2); gss2 = g1a(Size + 1: 2*Size,1: Size) + g1a(Size + 1: 2*Size,Size+1: 2*Size); [L3, U3]=lu(gss2); L((periods-1)*Size+1:periods*Size,(periods-1)*Size+1:periods*Size) = L3; U((periods-1)*Size+1:periods*Size,(periods-1)*Size+1:periods*Size) = U3; L1 = L; U1 = U; elseif preconditioner==4 Size = Blck_size; gss1 = g1a(1: 3*Size, 1: 3*Size); [L, U] = lu(gss1); L1 = kron(eye(ceil(periods/3)),L); U1 = kron(eye(ceil(periods/3)),U); L1 = L1(1:periods * Size, 1:periods * Size); U1 = U1(1:periods * Size, 1:periods * Size); end [za,flag1] = gmres(g1a,b,Blck_size,1e-6,Blck_size*periods,L1,U1); if (flag1>0 || reduced) if verbose if flag1==1 disp(['Error in simul: No convergence inside GMRES after ' num2str(periods*10,'%6d') ' iterations, in block ' num2str(Blck_size,'%3d')]); elseif flag1==2 disp(['Error in simul: Preconditioner is ill-conditioned, in block ' num2str(Blck_size,'%3d')]); elseif flag1==3 disp(['Error in simul: GMRES stagnated (Two consecutive iterates were the same.), in block ' num2str(Blck_size,'%3d')]); end end ilu_setup.droptol = ilu_setup.droptol/10; reduced = 0; else dx = za - ya; ya = ya + lambda*dx; y(1+y_kmin:periods+y_kmin,y_index)=reshape(ya',length(y_index),periods)'; end end elseif stack_solve_algo==3 flag1=1; while flag1>0 if preconditioner==2 [L1, U1]=ilu(g1a,ilu_setup); [za,flag1] = bicgstab(g1a,b,1e-7,Blck_size*periods,L1,U1); elseif preconditioner==3 Size = Blck_size; gss0 = g1a(Size + 1: 2*Size,1: Size) + g1a(Size + 1: 2*Size,Size+1: 2*Size) + g1a(Size + 1: 2*Size,2*Size+1: 3*Size); [L1, U1]=lu(gss0); P1 = eye(size(gss0)); Q1 = eye(size(gss0)); L = kron(eye(periods),L1); U = kron(eye(periods),U1); P = kron(eye(periods),P1); Q = kron(eye(periods),Q1); [za,flag1] = bicgstab1(g1a,b,1e-7,Blck_size*periods,L,U, P, Q); else Size = Blck_size; gss0 = g1a(Size + 1: 2*Size,1: Size) + g1a(Size + 1: 2*Size,Size+1: 2*Size) + g1a(Size + 1: 2*Size,2*Size+1: 3*Size); [L1, U1]=lu(gss0); L1 = kron(eye(periods),L1); U1 = kron(eye(periods),U1); [za,flag1] = bicgstab(g1a,b,1e-7,Blck_size*periods,L1,U1); end if flag1>0 || reduced if verbose if flag1==1 disp(['Error in simul: No convergence inside BICGSTAB after ' num2str(periods*10,'%6d') ' iterations, in block ' num2str(Blck_size,'%3d')]); elseif flag1==2 disp(['Error in simul: Preconditioner is ill-conditioned, in block ' num2str(Blck_size,'%3d')]); elseif flag1==3 disp(['Error in simul: GMRES stagnated (Two consecutive iterates were the same.), in block ' num2str(Blck_size,'%3d')]); end end ilu_setup.droptol = ilu_setup.droptol/10; reduced = 0; else dx = za - ya; ya = ya + lambda*dx; y(1+y_kmin:periods+y_kmin,y_index)=reshape(ya',length(y_index),periods)'; end end elseif stack_solve_algo==4 ra = reshape(r(:, y_kmin+1:periods+y_kmin),periods*Blck_size, 1); stpmx = 100 ; stpmax = stpmx*max([sqrt(ya'*ya);size(y_index,2)]); nn=1:size(ra,1); g = (ra'*g1a)'; f = 0.5*ra'*ra; p = -g1a\ra; [yn,f,ra,check]=lnsrch1(ya,f,g,p,stpmax,'lnsrch1_wrapper_two_boundaries',nn,nn, options.solve_tolx, fname, y, y_index,x, params, steady_state, T, periods, y_kmin, Blck_size,options.periods); dx = ya - yn; y(1+y_kmin:periods+y_kmin,y_index)=reshape(yn',length(y_index),periods)'; end end iter=iter+1; if verbose disp(['iteration: ' num2str(iter,'%d') ' error: ' num2str(max_res,'%e')]); end end if (iter>maxit_) if verbose printline(41) %disp(['No convergence after ' num2str(iter,'%4d') ' iterations in Block ' num2str(Block_Num,'%d')]) end oo.deterministic_simulation.status = 0; oo.deterministic_simulation.error = max_res; oo.deterministic_simulation.iterations = iter; oo.deterministic_simulation.block(Block_Num).status = 0;% Convergency failed. oo.deterministic_simulation.block(Block_Num).error = max_res; oo.deterministic_simulation.block(Block_Num).iterations = iter; return end oo.deterministic_simulation.status = 1; oo.deterministic_simulation.error = max_res; oo.deterministic_simulation.iterations = iter; oo.deterministic_simulation.block(Block_Num).status = 1;% Convergency obtained. oo.deterministic_simulation.block(Block_Num).error = max_res; oo.deterministic_simulation.block(Block_Num).iterations = iter;