function [fval,cost_flag,info,PHI,SIGMAu,iXX,prior] = DsgeVarLikelihood(xparam1,gend) % function [fval,cost_flag,info,PHI,SIGMAu,iXX] = DsgeVarLikelihood(xparam1,gend) % Evaluates the posterior kernel of the bvar-dsge model. % % INPUTS % o xparam1 [double] Vector of model's parameters. % o gend [integer] Number of observations (without conditionning observations for the lags). % % OUTPUTS % o fval [double] Value of the posterior kernel at xparam1. % o cost_flag [integer] Zero if the function returns a penalty, one otherwise. % o info [integer] Vector of informations about the penalty. % o PHI [double] Stacked BVAR-DSGE autoregressive matrices (at the mode associated to xparam1). % o SIGMAu [double] Covariance matrix of the BVAR-DSGE (at the mode associated to xparam1). % o iXX [double] inv(X'X). % o prior [double] a matlab structure describing the dsge-var prior. % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % None. % Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global bayestopt_ estim_params_ M_ options_ nvx = estim_params_.nvx; nvn = estim_params_.nvn; ncx = estim_params_.ncx; ncn = estim_params_.ncn; np =; nx = nvx+nvn+ncx+ncn+np; ns = nvx+nvn+ncx+ncn; NumberOfObservedVariables = size(options_.varobs,1); NumberOfLags = options_.varlag; NumberOfParameters = NumberOfObservedVariables*NumberOfLags ; if ~options_.noconstant NumberOfParameters = NumberOfParameters + 1; end mYY = evalin('base', 'mYY'); mYX = evalin('base', 'mYX'); mXY = evalin('base', 'mXY'); mXX = evalin('base', 'mXX'); fval = []; cost_flag = 1; if options_.mode_compute ~= 1 & any(xparam1 < k = find(xparam1 <; fval = bayestopt_.penalty+sum((^2); cost_flag = 0; info = 41; return; end if options_.mode_compute ~= 1 & any(xparam1 > bayestopt_.ub) k = find(xparam1 > bayestopt_.ub); fval = bayestopt_.penalty+sum((xparam1(k)-bayestopt_.ub(k)).^2); cost_flag = 0; info = 42; return; end Q = M_.Sigma_e; for i=1:estim_params_.nvx k = estim_params_.var_exo(i,1); Q(k,k) = xparam1(i)*xparam1(i); end offset = estim_params_.nvx; if estim_params_.nvn disp('DsgeVarLikelihood :: Measurement errors are implemented!') return end if estim_params_.ncx disp('DsgeVarLikelihood :: Correlated structural innovations are not implemented!') return end M_.params(estim_params_.param_vals(:,1)) = xparam1(offset+1:end); M_.Sigma_e = Q; %% Weight of the dsge prior: dsge_prior_weight = M_.params(strmatch('dsge_prior_weight',M_.param_names)); % Is the DSGE prior proper? if dsge_prior_weight<(NumberOfParameters+NumberOfObservedVariables)/gend; fval = bayestopt_.penalty+abs(gend*dsge_prior_weight-(NumberOfParameters+NumberOfObservedVariables)); cost_flag = 0; info = 51; return; end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % 2. call model setup & reduction program %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [T,R,SteadyState,info] = dynare_resolve(bayestopt_.restrict_var_list,... bayestopt_.restrict_columns,... bayestopt_.restrict_aux); if info(1) == 1 | info(1) == 2 | info(1) == 5 fval = bayestopt_.penalty+1; cost_flag = 0; return elseif info(1) == 3 | info(1) == 4 | info(1) == 20 fval = bayestopt_.penalty+info(2)^2; cost_flag = 0; return end if ~options_.noconstant if options_.loglinear constant = transpose(log(SteadyState(bayestopt_.mfys))); else constant = transpose(SteadyState(bayestopt_.mfys)); end else constant = zeros(1,NumberOfObservedVariables); end if bayestopt_.with_trend == 1 disp('DsgeVarLikelihood :: Linear trend is not yet implemented!') return end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % 3. theoretical moments (second order) %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tmp0 = lyapunov_symm(T,R*Q*R',options_.qz_criterium);% I compute the variance-covariance matrix mf = bayestopt_.mf1; % of the restricted state vector. % Get the non centered second order moments TheoreticalAutoCovarianceOfTheObservedVariables = ... zeros(NumberOfObservedVariables,NumberOfObservedVariables,NumberOfLags+1); TheoreticalAutoCovarianceOfTheObservedVariables(:,:,1) = tmp0(mf,mf)+constant'*constant; for lag = 1:NumberOfLags tmp0 = T*tmp0; TheoreticalAutoCovarianceOfTheObservedVariables(:,:,lag+1) = tmp0(mf,mf) ... + constant'*constant; end % Build the theoretical "covariance" between Y and X GYX = zeros(NumberOfObservedVariables,NumberOfParameters); for i=1:NumberOfLags GYX(:,(i-1)*NumberOfObservedVariables+1:i*NumberOfObservedVariables) = ... TheoreticalAutoCovarianceOfTheObservedVariables(:,:,i+1); end if ~options_.noconstant GYX(:,end) = constant'; end % Build the theoretical "covariance" between X and X GXX = kron(eye(NumberOfLags), ... TheoreticalAutoCovarianceOfTheObservedVariables(:,:,1)); for i = 1:NumberOfLags-1 tmp1 = diag(ones(NumberOfLags-i,1),i); tmp2 = diag(ones(NumberOfLags-i,1),-i); GXX = GXX + kron(tmp1,TheoreticalAutoCovarianceOfTheObservedVariables(:,:,i+1)); GXX = GXX + kron(tmp2,TheoreticalAutoCovarianceOfTheObservedVariables(:,:,i+1)'); end if ~options_.noconstant % Add one row and one column to GXX GXX = [GXX , kron(ones(NumberOfLags,1),constant') ; [ kron(ones(1,NumberOfLags),constant) , 1] ]; end GYY = TheoreticalAutoCovarianceOfTheObservedVariables(:,:,1); assignin('base','GYY',GYY); assignin('base','GXX',GXX); assignin('base','GYX',GYX); if ~isinf(dsge_prior_weight) tmp0 = dsge_prior_weight*gend*TheoreticalAutoCovarianceOfTheObservedVariables(:,:,1) + mYY ; tmp1 = dsge_prior_weight*gend*GYX + mYX; tmp2 = inv(dsge_prior_weight*gend*GXX+mXX); SIGMAu = tmp0 - tmp1*tmp2*tmp1'; clear('tmp0'); if ~ispd(SIGMAu) v = diag(SIGMAu); k = find(v<0); fval = bayestopt_.penalty + sum(v(k).^2); info = 52; cost_flag = 0; return; end SIGMAu = SIGMAu / (gend*(1+dsge_prior_weight)); PHI = tmp2*tmp1'; clear('tmp1'); prodlng1 = sum(gammaln(.5*((1+dsge_prior_weight)*gend- ... NumberOfObservedVariables*NumberOfLags ... +1-(1:NumberOfObservedVariables)'))); prodlng2 = sum(gammaln(.5*(dsge_prior_weight*gend- ... NumberOfObservedVariables*NumberOfLags ... +1-(1:NumberOfObservedVariables)'))); lik = .5*NumberOfObservedVariables*log(det(dsge_prior_weight*gend*GXX+mXX)) ... + .5*((dsge_prior_weight+1)*gend-NumberOfParameters)*log(det((dsge_prior_weight+1)*gend*SIGMAu)) ... - .5*NumberOfObservedVariables*log(det(dsge_prior_weight*gend*GXX)) ... - .5*(dsge_prior_weight*gend-NumberOfParameters)*log(det(dsge_prior_weight*gend*(GYY-GYX*inv(GXX)*GYX'))) ... + .5*NumberOfObservedVariables*gend*log(2*pi) ... - .5*log(2)*NumberOfObservedVariables*((dsge_prior_weight+1)*gend-NumberOfParameters) ... + .5*log(2)*NumberOfObservedVariables*(dsge_prior_weight*gend-NumberOfParameters) ... - prodlng1 + prodlng2; else iGXX = inv(GXX); SIGMAu = GYY - GYX*iGXX*transpose(GYX); PHI = iGXX*transpose(GYX); lik = gend * ( log(det(SIGMAu)) + NumberOfObservedVariables*log(2*pi) + ... trace(inv(SIGMAu)*(mYY - transpose(mYX*PHI) - mYX*PHI + transpose(PHI)*mXX*PHI)/gend)); lik = .5*lik;% Minus likelihood end lnprior = priordens(xparam1,bayestopt_.pshape,bayestopt_.p1,bayestopt_.p2,bayestopt_.p3,bayestopt_.p4); fval = (lik-lnprior); if (nargout == 6) if isinf(dsge_prior_weight) iXX = iGXX; else iXX = tmp2; end end if (nargout==7) if isinf(dsge_prior_weight) iXX = iGXX; else iXX = tmp2; end iGXX = inv(GXX); prior.SIGMAstar = GYY - GYX*iGXX*GYX'; prior.PHIstar = iGXX*transpose(GYX); prior.ArtificialSampleSize = fix(dsge_prior_weight*gend); prior.DF = prior.ArtificialSampleSize - NumberOfParameters - NumberOfObservedVariables; prior.iGXX = iGXX; end