function plot_identification(params,idemoments,idehess,idemodel, idelre, advanced, tittxt, name, IdentifDirectoryName, save_figure) % function plot_identification(params,idemoments,idehess,idemodel, idelre, advanced, tittxt, name, IdentifDirectoryName, save_figure) % % INPUTS % o params [array] parameter values for identification checks % o idemoments [structure] identification results for the moments % o idehess [structure] identification results for the Hessian % o idemodel [structure] identification results for the reduced form solution % o idelre [structure] identification results for the LRE model % o advanced [integer] flag for advanced identification checks % o tittxt [char] name of the results to plot % o name [char] list of names % o IdentifDirectoryName [char] directory name % o save_figure [integer] flag for saving plots (=1) or not (=0) % % OUTPUTS % None % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % None % Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global M_ options_ if nargin<10 || isempty(save_figure), save_figure=0; end [SampleSize, nparam]=size(params); siJnorm = idemoments.siJnorm; siHnorm = idemodel.siHnorm; siLREnorm = idelre.siLREnorm; % if prior_exist, % tittxt = 'Prior mean - '; % else % tittxt = ''; % end if SampleSize == 1, siJ = idemoments.siJ; normJ = max(abs(siJ)')'; figure('Name',[tittxt, ' - Identification using info from observables']), subplot(211) mmm = (idehess.ide_strength_J); [ss, is] = sort(mmm); bar(log([idehess.ide_strength_J(:,is)' idehess.ide_strength_J_prior(:,is)'])) set(gca,'xlim',[0 nparam+1]) set(gca,'xticklabel','') dy = get(gca,'ylim'); for ip=1:nparam, text(ip,dy(1),name{is(ip)},'rotation',90,'HorizontalAlignment','right','interpreter','none') end legend('relative to param value','relative to prior std','Location','Best') if idehess.flag_score, title('Identification strength in the asymptotic Information matrix (log-scale)') else title('Identification strength in the moments (log-scale)') end subplot(212) mmm = (siJnorm)'./max(siJnorm); if advanced, mmm1 = (siHnorm)'./max(siHnorm); mmm=[mmm mmm1]; mmm1 = (siLREnorm)'./max(siLREnorm); offset=length(siHnorm)-length(siLREnorm); mmm1 = [NaN(offset,1); mmm1]; mmm=[mmm mmm1]; end bar(mmm(is,:)) set(gca,'xlim',[0 nparam+1]) set(gca,'xticklabel','') dy = get(gca,'ylim'); for ip=1:nparam, text(ip,dy(1),name{is(ip)},'rotation',90,'HorizontalAlignment','right','interpreter','none') end if advanced, legend('Moments','Model','LRE model','Location','Best') end title('Sensitivity bars') if advanced disp(' ') disp('Press ENTER to display advanced diagnostics'), pause, % identificaton patterns for j=1:size(idemoments.cosnJ,2), pax=NaN(nparam,nparam); fprintf('\n') disp(['Collinearity patterns with ', int2str(j) ,' parameter(s)']) fprintf('%-15s [%-*s] %10s\n','Parameter',(15+1)*j,' Expl. params ','cosn') for i=1:nparam, namx=''; for in=1:j, dumpindx ={i,j}(in); if isnan(dumpindx), namx=[namx ' ' sprintf('%-15s','--')]; else namx=[namx ' ' sprintf('%-15s',name{dumpindx})]; pax(i,dumpindx)=idemoments.cosnJ(i,j); end end fprintf('%-15s [%s] %10.3f\n',name{i},namx,idemoments.cosnJ(i,j)) end figure('name',[tittxt,' - Collinearity patterns with ', int2str(j) ,' parameter(s)']), imagesc(pax,[0 1]); set(gca,'xticklabel','') set(gca,'yticklabel','') for ip=1:nparam, text(ip,(0.5),name{ip},'rotation',90,'HorizontalAlignment','left','interpreter','none') text(0.5,ip,name{ip},'rotation',0,'HorizontalAlignment','right','interpreter','none') end colorbar; ax=colormap; ax(1,:)=[0.9 0.9 0.9]; colormap(ax); if nparam>10, set(gca,'xtick',(5:5:nparam)) set(gca,'ytick',(5:5:nparam)) end set(gca,'xgrid','on') set(gca,'ygrid','on') if save_figure saveas(gcf,[IdentifDirectoryName,'/',M_.fname,'_ident_collinearity_', int2str(j)]) eval(['print -depsc2 ' IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_ident_collinearity_', int2str(j)]); eval(['print -dpdf ' IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_ident_collinearity_', int2str(j)]); if options_.nograph, close(gcf); end end end disp('') if idehess.flag_score, [U,S,V]=svd(idehess.AHess,0); if nparam<5, f1 = figure('name',[tittxt,' - Identification patterns (Information matrix)']); else f1 = figure('name',[tittxt,' - Identification patterns (Information matrix): SMALLEST SV']); f2 = figure('name',[tittxt,' - Identification patterns (Information matrix): HIGHEST SV']); end else [U,S,V]=svd(siJ./normJ(:,ones(nparam,1)),0); if nparam<5, f1 = figure('name',[tittxt,' - Identification patterns (moments)']); else f1 = figure('name',[tittxt,' - Identification patterns (moments): SMALLEST SV']); f2 = figure('name',[tittxt,' - Identification patterns (moments): HIGHEST SV']); end end for j=1:min(nparam,8), if j<5, figure(f1), jj=j; else figure(f2), jj=j-4; end subplot(4,1,jj), if j<5 bar(abs(V(:,end-j+1))), Stit = S(end-j+1,end-j+1); else bar(abs(V(:,jj))), Stit = S(jj,jj); end set(gca,'xticklabel','') if j==4 || j==nparam || j==8, for ip=1:nparam, text(ip,-0.02,name{ip},'rotation',90,'HorizontalAlignment','right','interpreter','none') end end title(['Singular value ',num2str(Stit)]) end if save_figure, figure(f1); saveas(f1,[IdentifDirectoryName,'/',M_.fname,'_ident_pattern_1']) eval(['print -depsc2 ' IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_ident_pattern_1']); eval(['print -dpdf ' IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_ident_pattern_1']); if nparam>4, figure(f2), saveas(f2,[IdentifDirectoryName,'/',M_.fname,'_ident_pattern_2']) eval(['print -depsc2 ' IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_ident_pattern_2']); eval(['print -dpdf ' IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_ident_pattern_2']); end end end else figure('Name',['MC sensitivities']), mmm = (idehess.ide_strength_J); [ss, is] = sort(mmm); mmm = mean(siJnorm)'; mmm = mmm./max(mmm); if advanced, mmm1 = mean(siHnorm)'; mmm=[mmm mmm1./max(mmm1)]; mmm1 = mean(siLREnorm)'; offset=size(siHnorm,2)-size(siLREnorm,2); mmm1 = [NaN(offset,1); mmm1./max(mmm1)]; mmm=[mmm mmm1]; end bar(mmm(is,:)) set(gca,'xlim',[0 nparam+1]) set(gca,'xticklabel','') dy = get(gca,'ylim'); for ip=1:nparam, text(ip,dy(1),name{is(ip)},'rotation',90,'HorizontalAlignment','right','interpreter','none') end if advanced, legend('Moments','Model','LRE model','Location','Best') end title('MC mean of sensitivity measures') if advanced, disp(' ') disp('Press ENTER to display advanced diagnostics'), pause, options_.nograph=1; figure('Name','MC Condition Number'), subplot(221) hist(log10(idemodel.cond)) title('log10 of Condition number in the model') subplot(222) hist(log10(idemoments.cond)) title('log10 of Condition number in the moments') subplot(223) hist(log10(idelre.cond)) title('log10 of Condition number in the LRE model') saveas(gcf,[IdentifDirectoryName,'/',M_.fname,'_ident_COND']) eval(['print -depsc2 ' IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_ident_COND']); eval(['print -dpdf ' IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_ident_COND']); if options_.nograph, close(gcf); end ncut=floor(SampleSize/10*9); [~,is]=sort(idelre.cond); [proba, dproba] = stab_map_1(params, is(1:ncut), is(ncut+1:end), 'MC_HighestCondNumberLRE', 1, [], IdentifDirectoryName, 0.1); [~,is]=sort(idemodel.cond); [proba, dproba] = stab_map_1(params, is(1:ncut), is(ncut+1:end), 'MC_HighestCondNumberModel', 1, [], IdentifDirectoryName, 0.1); [~,is]=sort(idemoments.cond); [proba, dproba] = stab_map_1(params, is(1:ncut), is(ncut+1:end), 'MC_HighestCondNumberMoments', 1, [], IdentifDirectoryName, 0.1); % [proba, dproba] = stab_map_1(idemoments.Mco', is(1:ncut), is(ncut+1:end), 'HighestCondNumberMoments_vs_Mco', 1, [], IdentifDirectoryName); % for j=1:nparam, % % ibeh=find(idemoments.Mco(j,:)<0.9); % % inonbeh=find(idemoments.Mco(j,:)>=0.9); % % if ~isempty(ibeh) && ~isempty(inonbeh) % % [proba, dproba] = stab_map_1(params, ibeh, inonbeh, ['HighestMultiCollinearity_',name{j}], 1, [], IdentifDirectoryName); % % end % [~,is]=sort(idemoments.Mco(:,j)); % [proba, dproba] = stab_map_1(params, is(1:ncut), is(ncut+1:end), ['MC_HighestMultiCollinearity_',name{j}], 1, [], IdentifDirectoryName, 0.15); % end if nparam<5, f1 = figure('name',[tittxt,' - MC Identification patterns (moments)']); else f1 = figure('name',[tittxt,' - MC Identification patterns (moments): SMALLEST SV']); f2 = figure('name',[tittxt,' - MC Identification patterns (moments): HIGHEST SV']); end nplots=min(nparam,8); if nplots>4, nsubplo=ceil(nplots/2); else nsubplo=nplots; end for j=1:nplots, if (nparam>4 && j<=ceil(nplots/2)) || nparam<5, figure(f1), jj=j; VVV=squeeze(abs(idemoments.V(:,:,end-j+1))); SSS = idemoments.S(:,end-j+1); else figure(f2), jj=j-ceil(nplots/2); VVV=squeeze(abs(idemoments.V(:,:,jj))); SSS = idemoments.S(:,jj); end subplot(nsubplo,1,jj), for i=1:nparam, [post_mean, post_median(:,i), post_var, hpd_interval(i,:), post_deciles] = posterior_moments(VVV(:,i),0,0.9); end bar(post_median) hold on, plot(hpd_interval,'--*r'), Stit=mean(SSS); set(gca,'xticklabel','') if j==4 || j==nparam || j==8, for ip=1:nparam, text(ip,-0.02,name{ip},'rotation',90,'HorizontalAlignment','right','interpreter','none') end end title(['MEAN Singular value ',num2str(Stit)]) end if save_figure, figure(f1); saveas(f1,[IdentifDirectoryName,'/',M_.fname,'_MC_dent_pattern_1']) eval(['print -depsc2 ' IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_MC_ident_pattern_1']); eval(['print -dpdf ' IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_MC_ident_pattern_1']); if nparam>4, figure(f2), saveas(f2,[IdentifDirectoryName,'/',M_.fname,'_MC_ident_pattern_2']) eval(['print -depsc2 ' IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_MC_ident_pattern_2']); eval(['print -dpdf ' IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_MC_ident_pattern_2']); end end end end % disp_identification(params, idemodel, idemoments, name)