function [x,check] = solve1(func,x,j1,j2,jacobian_flag,bad_cond_flag,gstep,tolf,tolx,maxit,debug,varargin) % function [x,check] = solve1(func,x,j1,j2,jacobian_flag,bad_cond_flag,varargin) % Solves systems of non linear equations of several variables % % INPUTS % func: name of the function to be solved % x: guess values % j1: equations index for which the model is solved % j2: unknown variables index % jacobian_flag=1: jacobian given by the 'func' function % jacobian_flag=0: jacobian obtained numerically % bad_cond_flag=1: when Jacobian is badly conditionned, use an % alternative formula to Newton step % gstep increment multiplier in numercial derivative % computation % tolf tolerance for residuals % tolx tolerance for solution variation % maxit maximum number of iterations % debug debug flag % varargin: list of arguments following bad_cond_flag % % OUTPUTS % x: results % check=1: the model can not be solved % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . nn = length(j1); fjac = zeros(nn,nn) ; g = zeros(nn,1) ; tolmin = tolx ; stpmx = 100 ; check = 0 ; fvec = feval(func,x,varargin{:}); fvec = fvec(j1); i = find(~isfinite(fvec)); if ~isempty(i) disp(['STEADY: numerical initial values incompatible with the following' ... ' equations']) disp(j1(i)') end f = 0.5*fvec'*fvec ; if max(abs(fvec)) < tolf return ; end stpmax = stpmx*max([sqrt(x'*x);nn]) ; first_time = 1; for its = 1:maxit if jacobian_flag [fvec,fjac] = feval(func,x,varargin{:}); fvec = fvec(j1); fjac = fjac(j1,j2); else dh = max(abs(x(j2)),gstep(1)*ones(nn,1))*eps^(1/3); for j = 1:nn xdh = x ; xdh(j2(j)) = xdh(j2(j))+dh(j) ; t = feval(func,xdh,varargin{:}); fjac(:,j) = (t(j1) - fvec)./dh(j) ; g(j) = fvec'*fjac(:,j) ; end end g = (fvec'*fjac)'; if debug disp(['cond(fjac) ' num2str(cond(fjac))]) end if bad_cond_flag && rcond(fjac) < sqrt(eps) fjac2=fjac'*fjac; p=-(fjac2+1e6*sqrt(nn*eps)*max(sum(abs(fjac2)))*eye(nn))\(fjac'*fvec); else p = -fjac\fvec ; end xold = x ; fold = f ; [x,f,fvec,check]=lnsrch1(xold,fold,g,p,stpmax,func,j1,j2,varargin{:}); if debug disp([its f]) disp([xold x]) end if check > 0 den = max([f;0.5*nn]) ; if max(abs(g).*max([abs(x(j2)') ones(1,nn)])')/den < tolmin return else disp (' ') disp (['SOLVE: Iteration ' num2str(its)]) disp (['Spurious convergence.']) disp (x) return end if max(abs(x(j2)-xold(j2))./max([abs(x(j2)') ones(1,nn)])') < tolx disp (' ') disp (['SOLVE: Iteration ' num2str(its)]) disp (['Convergence on dX.']) disp (x) return end elseif max(abs(fvec)) < tolf return end end check = 1; disp(' ') disp('SOLVE: maxit has been reached') % 01/14/01 MJ lnsearch is now a separate function % 01/16/01 MJ added varargin to function evaluation % 04/13/01 MJ added test f < tolf !! % 05/11/01 MJ changed tests for 'check' so as to remove 'continue' which is % an instruction which appears only in version 6