function bvar_forecast(nlags) global options_ options_ = set_default_option(options_, 'bvar_replic', 2000); if options_.forecast == 0 error('bvar_forecast: you must specify "forecast" option') end [ny, nx, posterior, prior, forecast_data] = bvar_toolbox(nlags); sims_no_shock = NaN(options_.forecast, ny, options_.bvar_replic); sims_with_shocks = NaN(options_.forecast, ny, options_.bvar_replic); S_inv_chol = chol(inv(posterior.S)); XXi_lower_chol = chol(posterior.XXi, 'lower'); k = ny*nlags+nx; for d = 1:options_.bvar_replic Sigma = rand_inverse_wishart(ny, posterior.df, S_inv_chol); Sigma_lower_chol = chol(Sigma, 'lower'); Phi = rand_matrix_normal(k, ny, posterior.PhiHat, XXi_lower_chol, Sigma_lower_chol); % Without shocks lags_data = forecast_data.initval; for t = 1:options_.forecast X = [ reshape(flipdim(lags_data, 1)', 1, ny*nlags) forecast_data.xdata(t, :) ]; y = X * Phi; lags_data = [ lags_data(2:end, :); y ]; sims_no_shock(t, :, d) = y; end % With shocks lags_data = forecast_data.initval; for t = 1:options_.forecast X = [ reshape(flipdim(lags_data, 1)', 1, ny*nlags) forecast_data.xdata(t, :) ]; shock = (Sigma_lower_chol * randn(ny, 1))'; y = X * Phi + shock; lags_data = [ lags_data(2:end, :); y ]; sims_with_shocks(t, :, d) = y; end end % Plot graphs sims_no_shock_mean = mean(sims_no_shock, 3); sort_idx = round((0.5 + [-options_.conf_sig, options_.conf_sig]/2) * options_.bvar_replic); sims_no_shock_sort = sort(sims_no_shock, 3); sims_no_shock_down_conf = sims_no_shock_sort(:, :, sort_idx(1)); sims_no_shock_up_conf = sims_no_shock_sort(:, :, sort_idx(2)); sims_with_shocks_sort = sort(sims_with_shocks, 3); sims_with_shocks_down_conf = sims_with_shocks_sort(:, :, sort_idx(1)); sims_with_shocks_up_conf = sims_with_shocks_sort(:, :, sort_idx(2)); dynare_graph_init(sprintf('BVAR forecasts (nlags = %d)', nlags), ny, {'b-' 'g-' 'g-' 'r-' 'r-'}); for i = 1:ny dynare_graph([ sims_no_shock_mean(:, i) ... sims_no_shock_up_conf(:, i) sims_no_shock_down_conf(:, i) ... sims_with_shocks_up_conf(:, i) sims_with_shocks_down_conf(:, i) ], ... options_.varobs(i, :)); end dynare_graph_close; % Compute RMSE if ~isempty(forecast_data.realized_val) sq_err_cumul = zeros(1, ny); lags_data = forecast_data.initval; for t = 1:size(forecast_data.realized_val, 1) X = [ reshape(flipdim(lags_data, 1)', 1, ny*nlags) forecast_data.realized_xdata(t, :) ]; y = X * posterior.PhiHat; lags_data = [ lags_data(2:end, :); y ]; sq_err_cumul = sq_err_cumul + (y - forecast_data.realized_val(t, :)) .^ 2; end rmse = sqrt(sq_err_cumul / size(sq_err_cumul, 1)); fprintf('RMSE of BVAR(%d):\n', nlags); for i = 1:size(options_.varobs, 1) fprintf('%s: %10.4f\n', options_.varobs(i, :), rmse(i)); end end function G = rand_inverse_wishart(m, v, H_inv_chol) % rand_inverse_wishart Pseudo random matrices drawn from an % inverse Wishart distribution % % G = rand_inverse_wishart(m, v, H_inv_chol) % % Returns an m-by-m matrix drawn from an inverse-Wishart distribution. % % m: dimension of G and H_inv_chol. % v: degrees of freedom, greater or equal than m. % H_inv_chol: (upper) cholesky decomposition of the inverse of the % matrix parameter. % The (upper) cholesky of the inverse is requested here % in order to avoid to recompute it at every random draw. % H_inv_chol = chol(inv(H)) % % In other words: % G ~ IW(m, v, H) where H = inv(H_inv_chol'*H_inv_chol) % or, equivalently, using the correspondence between Wishart and % inverse-Wishart: % inv(G) ~ W(m, v, S) where S = H_inv_chol'*H_inv_chol = inv(H) X = NaN(v, m); for i = 1:v X(i, :) = randn(1, m) * H_inv_chol; end % At this point, X'*X is Wishart distributed % G = inv(X'*X); % Rather compute inv(X'*X) using the SVD [U,S,V] = svd(X, 0); SSi = 1 ./ (diag(S) .^ 2); G = (V .* repmat(SSi', m, 1)) * V'; function B = rand_matrix_normal(n, p, M, Omega_lower_chol, Sigma_lower_chol) % rand_matrix_normal Pseudo random matrices drawn from a % matrix-normal distribution % % B = rand_matrix_normal(n, p, M, Omega_lower_chol, Sigma_lower_chol) % % Returns an n-by-p matrix drawn from a Matrix-normal distribution % Same notations than: % M is the mean, n-by-p matrix % Omega_lower_chol is n-by-n, lower Cholesky decomposition of Omega % (Omega_lower_chol = chol(Omega, 'lower')) % Sigma_lower_chol is p-by-p, lower Cholesky decomposition of Sigma % (Sigma_lower_chol = chol(Sigma, 'lower')) % % Equivalent to vec(B) ~ N(vec(Mu), kron(Sigma, Omega)) % B1 = randn(n * p, 1); B2 = kron(Sigma_lower_chol, Omega_lower_chol) * B1; B3 = reshape(B2, n, p); B = B3 + M;