# Dynare Reporting Originally designed to provide reporting functionality for [Dynare](https://www.dynare.org), it has been moved to its own repository in the hopes that it can be used without obliging the user to download Dynare in its entirety. # License Dynare Reporting is covered by the GNU General Public Licence version 3 or later (see [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) in the Dynare Reporting distribution for specifics). # Obtain the code that Dynare Reporting depends on Dynare ```reporting``` depends on the Dynare [```dseries```](https://git.dynare.org/Dynare/dseries) repository and on utility functions from the [```dynare```](https://git.dynare.org/Dynare/dynare) repository, located in ```dynare/matlab/utilities/general``` # Use the Dynare Reporting code - Open MATLAB/Octave - Change into the ```reporting``` directory - Ensure that the [```dseries```](https://git.dynare.org/Dynare/dseries) directory is in your path and initialized correctly (follow the directions on the repository site) - Add ```<>/matlab/utilities/general``` to your path where ```<>``` refers to the base of your Dynare installation - Run ```initialize_reporting_toolbox``` - Use the reporting code as outlined in the Dynare documentation # Run the example code - Follow the steps above - Change into the ```reporting/test``` directory - Modify the paths in ```reporting/test/runtest.m``` appropriately - Run the ```runtest``` matlab script