function dcontrib(varargin) % Computes dynamic contributions to a subset of endogenous variables in a semi structural model. % % EXAMPLE % % >> dcontrib --model sandbox.mod --tags zpac eq:x1 --database ds --output results --range 2023Q1:2073Q1 % % zpac and eq:x1 are the equation tags of the equations determining the endogenous variables for which we want to compute % the contributions of the other (exogenous) variables, sandbox.mod is the name of the file from which we exctract these % equations, ds is a dseries object containing the data, 2023Q1:2073Q1 is the time range over which we compute the % contributions, and results the name of the structure containing the contributions (as dseries objects) for each endogenous % variable. % % INPUTS % --model name of a mod file (with extension) % --tags list of equations (equation tags assocated to the endogenous variables for which we want to compute the contributions) % --database dseries object % --baseline dseries object (path for the exogenous variables) % --range followed by a dates range % % REMARKS % [1] --baseline and --range are not compatible. % [2] --variables is followed by a space separated list of names, it is assumed that each variable is associated with an equation tag. % Copyright © 2023 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global M_ if nargin==1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, '--help') skipline() disp('--model followed by the name of a mod file (with extension) [mandatory]') disp('--tags followed by a list of equation tags [mandatory]') disp('--database followed by dseries object [mandatory]') disp('--baseline followed by dseries object (path for the exogenous variables)') disp('--range followed by a dates range') disp('--output followed by a name for the structure holding the results [mandatory]') skipline() return end model = getmodel(varargin); % First call to dynare to obtain the json verison of the model. dynare(model(1:end-4), 'nopreprocessoroutput', 'notime', 'json=compute') delete(sprintf('%s.log', model(1:end-4))) eqtags = geteqtags(varargin); variables = cell(length(eqtags), 1); for i=1:length(eqtags) variables(i) = get_variables_and_parameters_in_expression(get_lhs_and_rhs(eqtags{i}, M_, true)); end % Cherry pick equations required for the decomposition. cherrypickdir = sprintf('cherry-pick-%s', randomstring(10)); cherrypick(model(1:end-4), cherrypickdir, eqtags, false); rmdir(model(1:end-4), 's') rmdir(sprintf('+%s', model(1:end-4)), 's') modfilename = sprintf('dcontrib_%s.mod', randomstring(10)); aggregate(modfilename, {}, '', cherrypickdir); rmdir(cherrypickdir, 's') % Second call to dynare (on the exctracted equations) dynare(modfilename(1:end-4), 'nopreprocessoroutput', 'notime', 'json=compute') % Get dataset dname = getdatasetname(varargin); ds = evalin('caller', dname); if ~isdseries(ds) error('dcontrib:getdataset: --dataset must be followed by a dseries object.') end % Create a dseries object for the paths of the exogenous variables xvariables = ds{M_.exo_names{:}}; % Get initial and terminal periods (if defined) [firstperiod, lastperiod] = getperiods(varargin); if firstperiod<=ds.dates(1)+M_.orig_maximum_lag error('dcontrib:: Try increase firstperiod (>%s).', char(ds.dates(1)+M_.orig_maximum_lag)) end if lastperiod>ds.dates(end) error('dcontrib:: Try reduce lastperiod (<=%s).', char(ds.dates(end))) end % Load baseline (if it makes sense) if isempty(firstperiod) baselinename = getbaselinename(varargin); baseline = evalin('caller', baselinename); if ~isdseries(baseline) error('dcontrib:getdataset: --baseline must be followed by a dseries object.') end firstperiod = baseline.dates(1); lastperiod = baseline.dates(end); baseline = baseline{M_.exo_names{:}}; else % Set default baseline (exogenous variable levels in firstperiod-1) baseline = xvariables(firstperiod-1); baseline = repmat(, lastperiod-firstperiod+1, 1); baseline = dseries(baseline, firstperiod, M_.exo_names); end % Restrict the observations for the exogenous variables to the pertinent tim range xvariables = xvariables(firstperiod:lastperiod); % Set initial conditions for the simulation. initialconditions = ds(ds.dates(1):firstperiod-1); % Simulation on the baseline (track the effects of the initial state if the model is autoregressive) S.baseline = simul_backward_model(initialconditions, lastperiod-firstperiod+1, baseline); % contributions is a dseries object holding the marginal contribution of the baseline and % each exogenous variable to endogenous variable z % contributions.baseline = S.baseline(firstperiod:lastperiod); % Add exogenous variables one by one and simulate the model (-> cumulated contributions) for i=1:xvariables.vobs name ={i}; baseline{name} = xvariables{name}; S.(name) = simul_backward_model(initialconditions, lastperiod-firstperiod+1, baseline); end % Compute marginal contributions for j=1:length(variables) cumulatedcontribs = S.baseline{variables{j}}(firstperiod:lastperiod).data; contributions.(variables{j}) = dseries(cumulatedcontribs, firstperiod, 'baseline'); for i=1:xvariables.vobs name ={i}; ts = S.(name); data = ts{variables{j}}(firstperiod:lastperiod).data; contributions.(variables{j}) = [contributions.(variables{j}), dseries(data-cumulatedcontribs, firstperiod, name)]; cumulatedcontribs = data; end contributions.(variables{j}) = contributions.(variables{j})(firstperiod:lastperiod); end % Save output in caller workspace oname = getoutputname(varargin); assignin('caller', oname, contributions) % Cleanup rmdir(modfilename(1:end-4), 's') rmdir(sprintf('+%s', modfilename(1:end-4)), 's') delete(sprintf('%s.mod', modfilename(1:end-4))) delete(sprintf('%s.log', modfilename(1:end-4))) end function model = getmodel(cellarray) % Return variables for which we want to compute the contributions. % % INPUTS % - cellarray [char] 1×n cell array of row char arrays. % % OUTPUTS % - var [char] name of the model (with extension) mpos = positions(cellarray); model = cellarray{mpos+1}; end function eqtags = geteqtags(cellarray) % Return equation tags for the equations we want to compute the contributions. % % INPUTS % - cellarray [char] 1×n cell array of row char arrays. % % OUTPUTS % - eqtags [char] 1×p cell array of row char arrays. [~, vpos, ~, ~, ~, ~, indices] = positions(cellarray); lastvalue = indices(find(indices==vpos)+1)-1; eqtags = cellarray(vpos+1:lastvalue); end function dname = getdatasetname(cellarray) % Return the name of the dataset. % % INPUTS % - cellarray [char] 1×n cell array of row char arrays. % % OUTPUTS % - dname [char] dataset name for endogenous and exogenous variables [~, ~, dpos] = positions(cellarray); dname = cellarray{dpos+1}; end function [firstperiod, lastperiod] = getperiods(cellarray) % Return variables for which we want to compute the contributions. % % INPUTS % - cellarray [char] 1×n cell array of row char arrays. % % OUTPUTS % - ds [dseries] dataset for endogenous and exogenous variables [~, ~, ~, rpos] = positions(cellarray); firstperiod = dates(); lastperiod = dates(); if ~isempty(rpos) try tmp = strsplit(cellarray{rpos+1},':'); firstperiod = dates(tmp{1}); lastperiod = dates(tmp{2}); catch error('dcontrib:getperiods: Cannot convert the --range argument to dates objects.') end if lastperiod<=firstperiod error('dcontrib:getperiods: In --range A:B we must have B>A.') end end end function dname = getbaselinename(cellarray) % Return the name of the dataset. % % INPUTS % - cellarray [char] 1×n cell array of row char arrays. % % OUTPUTS % - dname [char] baseline name for endogenous and exogenous variables [~, ~, ~, ~, bpos] = positions(cellarray); dname = cellarray{bpos+1}; end function oname = getoutputname(cellarray) % Return the name of the output. % % INPUTS % - cellarray [char] 1×n cell array of row char arrays. % % OUTPUTS % - dname [char] baseline name for endogenous and exogenous variables [~, ~, ~, ~, ~, opos] = positions(cellarray); oname = cellarray{opos+1}; end function [mpos, vpos, dpos, rpos, bpos, opos, indices] = positions(cellarray) % Return positions of the arguments. % % INPUTS % - cellarray [char] 1×n cell array of row char arrays. % % OUTPUTS % - mpos [integer] scalar, index for the --model argument. % - vpos [integer] scalar, index for the --tags arguments. % - dpos [integer] scalar, index for the --database argument. % - rpos [integer] scalar, index for the --range argument. % - bpos [integer] scalar. index for the --baseline argument. % - opos [integer] scalar, index for the --output argument. % Index for --model argument mpos = find(strcmp('--model', cellarray)); if isempty(mpos) error('dcontrib::positions: --model argument is mandatory.') elseif length(mpos)>1 error('dplot::positions: Only one --model argument is allowed.') end % Index for --tags argument vpos = find(strcmp('--tags', cellarray)); if isempty(vpos) error('dplot::positions: --tags argument is mandatory.') elseif length(vpos)>1 error('dplot::positions: Only one --tags argument is allowed.') end % Index for the --initialconditions argument dpos = find(strcmp('--database', cellarray)); if isempty(dpos) error('dplot::positions: --database argument is mandatory.') elseif length(dpos)>1 error('dplot::positions: Only one --database argument is allowed.') end % Index for the --range argument rpos = find(strcmp('--range', cellarray)); if length(rpos)>1 error('dplot::positions: Only one --range argument is allowed.') end % Index for the --baseline argument bpos = find(strcmp('--baseline', cellarray)); if length(bpos)>1 error('dplot::positions: Only one --baseline argument is allowed.') end if ~isempty(rpos) && ~isempty(bpos) error('dplot::positions: --baseline and --range arguments are not allowed simultaneously.') end % Index for the --output argument. opos = find(strcmp('--output', cellarray)); if isempty(opos) error('dplot::positions: --output argument is mandatory.') elseif length(opos)>1 error('dplot::positions: Only one --periods argument is allowed.') end % Sorted vector of indices indices = sort([mpos; vpos; dpos; rpos; bpos; opos]); end