function [ data, SS_out, error_flag] = solve_two_constraints(M_,dr, opts_simul_, solve_DM) % function [ data, SS_out, error_flag] = solve_two_constraints(M_,dr, opts_simul_, solve_DM) % % INPUT: % - M_ [structure] Matlab's structure describing the model (M_). % - dr [structure] decision rules for the model % - opts_simul [structure] Matlab's structure containing the Occbin options (opts_simul). % - solve_DM [double] indicator on whether to recompute decision rules % % OUTPUT: % - data [structure] simulation result containing fields: % - linear: paths for endogenous variables ignoring OBC (linear solution) % - piecewise: paths for endogenous variables satisfying the OBC (occbin/piecewise solution) % - ys: vector of steady state values % - regime_history: information on number and time of regime transitions % - SS_out [structure] State space solution % - T: [n_vars by n_vars by n_shock_period] array of transition matrices % - R: [n_vars by n_exo by n_shock_period] array of shock response matrices % - C: [n_vars by n_shock_period] array of constants % - error_flag [integer] 1 if a problem was encoutered, 0 otherwise % Original authors: Luca Guerrieri and Matteo Iacoviello % Original file downloaded from: % % Adapted for Dynare by Dynare Team. % % This code is in the public domain and may be used freely. % However the authors would appreciate acknowledgement of the source by % citation of any of the following papers: % % Luca Guerrieri and Matteo Iacoviello (2015): "OccBin: A toolkit for solving % dynamic models with occasionally binding constraints easily" % Journal of Monetary Economics 70, 22-38 persistent DM if isempty(DM) solve_DM=true; end data.shocks_sequence= opts_simul_.SHOCKS; % sequence of unforeseen shocks under which one wants to solve the model n_periods = opts_simul_.periods; % simulation horizon (can be longer than the sequence of shocks defined in shockssequence; must be long enough to ensure convergence back to the reference model at the end of the simulation horizon and may need to be varied depending on the sequence of shocks). curb_retrench = opts_simul_.curb_retrench; % 0: updates guess based on previous iteration; 1: updates similar to Gauss-Jacobi scheme, slowing iterations down by updating guess only one period at a time max_iter = opts_simul_.maxit; % maximum number of iterations allowed for the solution algorithm endo_init = opts_simul_.endo_init; % initial condition for state variables, in deviation from steady state in declaration order binding_indicator = opts_simul_.init_binding_indicator; % initial guess for constraint violations regime_history_guess = opts_simul_.init_regime; % initial guess for constraint violations periodic_solution = opts_simul_.periodic_solution; data.exo_pos = opts_simul_.exo_pos; n_shocks_periods = size(data.shocks_sequence,1); if n_periods < n_shocks_periods n_periods = n_shocks_periods; end nperiods_0 = max(opts_simul_.check_ahead_periods,n_periods-n_shocks_periods); error_flag=0; M00_ = M_; % ensure that all models have the same parameters % use the parameters for the base model. %keep the correct auxiliary regime specific parameter values data.ys = dr.ys; if solve_DM %recompute solution matrices [DM.Cbarmat ,DM.Bbarmat, DM.Abarmat, DM.Jbarmat] = occbin.get_deriv(M00_,data.ys); M10_ = M00_; M10_.params(M_.occbin.pswitch(1))= 1; [DM.Cbarmat10, DM.Bbarmat10, DM.Abarmat10, DM.Jbarmat10, DM.Dbarmat10] = occbin.get_deriv(M10_,data.ys); M01_ = M00_; M01_.params(M_.occbin.pswitch(2))= 1; [DM.Cbarmat01, DM.Bbarmat01, DM.Abarmat01, DM.Jbarmat01, DM.Dbarmat01] = occbin.get_deriv(M01_,data.ys); M11_ = M00_; M11_.params(M_.occbin.pswitch(1))= 1; M11_.params(M_.occbin.pswitch(2))= 1; [DM.Cbarmat11, DM.Bbarmat11, DM.Abarmat11, DM.Jbarmat11, DM.Dbarmat11] = occbin.get_deriv(M11_,data.ys); [DM.decrulea,DM.decruleb]=occbin.get_pq(dr); update_flag=true; DM.n_vars = M00_.endo_nbr; DM.n_exo = M00_.exo_nbr; else update_flag=false; end endo_names = M00_.endo_names; exo_names = M00_.exo_names; init_orig_ = endo_init; zdatapiecewise_ = zeros(n_periods,DM.n_vars); if ~exist('binding_indicator','var') binding_indicator = false(nperiods_0+1,2); % This sets the first guess for when % the constraints are going to hold. % The variable is a boolean with two columns. The first column refers to % constrain1_; the second to constrain2_. % Each row is a period in time. % If the boolean is true it indicates the relevant constraint is expected % to evaluate to true. % The default initial guess is consistent with the base model always % holding -- equivalent to the linear solution. else if size(binding_indicator,1)<(nperiods_0+1) binding_indicator = [binding_indicator; false(nperiods_0+1-size(binding_indicator,1),2)]; end end SS_out.T = NaN(DM.n_vars,DM.n_vars,n_shocks_periods); SS_out.R = NaN(DM.n_vars,DM.n_exo,n_shocks_periods); SS_out.C = NaN(DM.n_vars,n_shocks_periods); if isempty(regime_history_guess) regime_history = struct(); guess_history = false; else guess_history = true; %previous information exists regime_history = regime_history_guess; end if opts_simul_.waitbar hh_fig = dyn_waitbar(0,'Occbin: Solving the model'); set(hh_fig,'Name','Occbin: Solving the model.'); end for shock_period = 1:n_shocks_periods if opts_simul_.waitbar dyn_waitbar(shock_period/n_shocks_periods, hh_fig, sprintf('Period %u of %u', shock_period,n_shocks_periods)); end regime_change_this_iteration=true; nperiods_endogenously_increased = false; iter = 0; guess_history_it = false; if guess_history && (shock_period<=length(regime_history_guess)) %beyond guess regime history guess_history_it = true; end is_periodic=false; is_periodic_loop=false; binding_indicator_history={}; max_err = NaN(max_iter,1); regime_violates_constraint_in_expectation = false(max_iter,1); while (regime_change_this_iteration && iter=opts_simul_.max_check_ahead_periods % enforce endogenously increased nperiods to not violate max_check_ahead_periods binding_indicator = binding_indicator(1:opts_simul_.max_check_ahead_periods+1,:); binding_indicator(end,:)=false(1,2); end if size(binding_indicator,1)<(nperiods_0 + 1) % to ensure the simulation is run for the required nperiods % even beyond max_check_ahead_periods: the latter controls check ahead periods % and NOT how many periods we simulate after we are back to % unconstrained regime (nperiods_0) binding_indicator=[binding_indicator; false(nperiods_0 + 1-size(binding_indicator,1),2)]; end if iter==1 && guess_history_it regime_1 = regime_history_guess(shock_period).regime1; regime_start_1 = regime_history_guess(shock_period).regimestart1; binding_indicator(:,1) = regime_1(end); for ir=1:length(regime_1)-1 binding_indicator(regime_start_1(ir):regime_start_1(ir+1)-1,1) = regime_1(ir); end regime_2 = regime_history_guess(shock_period).regime2; regime_start_2 = regime_history_guess(shock_period).regimestart2; binding_indicator(:,2) = regime_2(end); for ir=1:length(regime_2)-1 binding_indicator(regime_start_2(ir):regime_start_2(ir+1)-1,2) = regime_2(ir); end nperiods_0 = size(binding_indicator,1)-1; %if history is present, update may be required end binding_indicator_history{iter}=binding_indicator; % analyse violvec and isolate contiguous periods in the other regime. [regime_1, regime_start_1, error_code_period(1)]=occbin.map_regime(binding_indicator(:,1),opts_simul_.debug); regime_history(shock_period).regime1 = regime_1; regime_history(shock_period).regimestart1 = regime_start_1; [regime_2, regime_start_2, error_code_period(2)]=occbin.map_regime(binding_indicator(:,2),opts_simul_.debug); regime_history(shock_period).regime2 = regime_2; regime_history(shock_period).regimestart2 = regime_start_2; if shock_period==1 || shock_period>1 && any(data.shocks_sequence(shock_period,:)) % first period or shock happening if iter==1 && opts_simul_.reset_regime_in_new_period if opts_simul_.reset_check_ahead_periods_in_new_period % I re-set check ahead periods to initial value, when in previous period it was endogenously increased nperiods_0 = max(opts_simul_.check_ahead_periods,n_periods-n_shocks_periods); binding_indicator = false(nperiods_0+1,2); else binding_indicator=false(size(binding_indicator)); end binding_indicator_history{iter}=binding_indicator; % analyse violvec and isolate contiguous periods in the other regime. [regime_1, regime_start_1, error_code_period(1)]=occbin.map_regime(binding_indicator(:,1),opts_simul_.debug); regime_history(shock_period).regime1 = regime_1; regime_history(shock_period).regimestart1 = regime_start_1; [regime_2, regime_start_2, error_code_period(2)]=occbin.map_regime(binding_indicator(:,2),opts_simul_.debug); regime_history(shock_period).regime2 = regime_2; regime_history(shock_period).regimestart2 = regime_start_2; end Tmax=max([regime_start_1(end) regime_start_2(end)])-1; [zdatalinear_, SS_out.T(:,:,shock_period), SS_out.R(:,:,shock_period), SS_out.C(:,shock_period), SS, update_flag]=occbin.mkdatap_anticipated_2constraints_dyn(nperiods_0,... DM,Tmax,... binding_indicator,... data.exo_pos,data.shocks_sequence(shock_period,:),endo_init, update_flag); [binding, relax, err]=feval([M_.fname,'.occbin_difference'],zdatalinear_+repmat(dr.ys',size(zdatalinear_,1),1),M_.params,dr.ys); if ~isinf(opts_simul_.max_check_ahead_periods) && opts_simul_.max_check_ahead_periods=find(binding_indicator(1:end_periods,1),1,'last') retrench(max_relax_constraint_1) = true; end max_relax_constraint_2=find(relax.constraint_2(1:end_periods) & binding_indicator(1:end_periods,2),1,'last'); if ~isempty(max_relax_constraint_2) && find(relax.constraint_2(1:end_periods),1,'last')>=find(binding_indicator(1:end_periods,2),1,'last') retrench(max_relax_constraint_2+nperiods_0+1) = true; end binding_indicator = (binding_indicator(:) | binding_constraint_new) & ~ retrench; else binding_indicator = (binding_indicator(:) | binding_constraint_new) & ~(binding_indicator(:) & relaxed_constraint_new); end binding_indicator = reshape(binding_indicator,nperiods_0+1,2); if iter>1 && regime_change_this_iteration && ~nperiods_endogenously_increased % check for periodic solution only if nperiods is not % increased endogenously % first check for infinite loop is_periodic_loop = false(iter-1,1); for kiter=1:iter-1 if size(binding_indicator,1)== size(binding_indicator_history{kiter},1) % vvv = [binding_indicator_history{kiter}; false(size(binding_indicator,1)- size(binding_indicator_history{kiter},1), 1)]; % is_periodic(kiter) = isequal(vvv, binding_indicator); is_periodic_loop(kiter) = isequal(binding_indicator_history{kiter}, binding_indicator); else is_periodic_loop(kiter) = false; end end % is_periodic_loop_all =is_periodic_loop; is_periodic_loop = any(is_periodic_loop); % only accept periodicity where regimes differ by one % period! is_periodic=false(1,iter-1); for kiter=iter-1 if size(binding_indicator,1)== size(binding_indicator_history{kiter},1) % vvv = [binding_indicator_history{kiter}; false(size(binding_indicator,1)- size(binding_indicator_history{kiter},1), 1)]; % is_periodic(kiter) = isequal(vvv, binding_indicator); is_periodic(kiter) = isequal(binding_indicator_history{kiter}, binding_indicator) && length(find(binding_indicator_history{iter}(:,1)-binding_indicator(:,1)))<=1 && length(find(binding_indicator_history{iter}(:,2)-binding_indicator(:,2)))<=1; else is_periodic(kiter)=false; end end is_periodic_all = is_periodic; is_periodic = any(is_periodic); if is_periodic && periodic_solution inx = find(is_periodic_all,1):iter; inx1 = inx(find(~regime_violates_constraint_in_expectation(inx))); if not(isempty(inx1)) inx=inx1; end [min_err,index_min_err]=min(max_err(inx)); inx = inx(index_min_err); binding_indicator=binding_indicator_history{inx}; %select regime history with same result, but smallest error if inx1 SS=SS(2:end); else SS=[]; end if isempty(SS) SS_out.T(:,:,shock_period)= DM.decrulea; SS_out.R(:,:,shock_period)= DM.decruleb; SS_out.C(:,shock_period)= 0; else SS_out.T(:,:,shock_period)= SS(1).T; SS_out.R(:,:,shock_period)= SS(1).R; SS_out.C(:,shock_period)= SS(1).C; end binding_indicator_history{iter}=binding_indicator; end end if regime_change_this_iteration if max_iter>opts_simul_.algo_truncation disp_verbose(['occbin solver: period ' int2str(shock_period) ':'],opts_simul_.debug) if is_periodic disp_verbose('Occbin solver loops between two regimes.',opts_simul_.debug) if periodic_solution disp_verbose(['Max error:' num2str(min_err) '.'],opts_simul_.debug) else error_flag = 310; if opts_simul_.waitbar; dyn_waitbar_close(hh_fig); end return; end else if is_periodic_loop disp_verbose('Did not converge -- infinite loop of guess regimes.',opts_simul_.debug) error_flag = 313; else disp_verbose('Did not converge -- increase maxit.',opts_simul_.debug) error_flag = 311; end if opts_simul_.waitbar; dyn_waitbar_close(hh_fig); end return; end else % if max_iter <= truncation, we force indicator to equal the % last guess binding_indicator = binding_indicator_history{end}; end end if any(error_code_period) disp_verbose('Increase nperiods.',opts_simul_.debug) error_flag = 312; if opts_simul_.waitbar; dyn_waitbar_close(hh_fig); end return; end endo_init = zdatalinear_(1,:); zdatapiecewise_(shock_period,:)=endo_init; endo_init= endo_init'; % update the guess for constraint violations for next period % update is consistent with expecting no additional shocks next period binding_indicator=[binding_indicator(2:end,:); false(1,2)]; end zdatapiecewise_(shock_period+1:end,:)=zdatalinear_(2:n_periods-shock_period+1,:); data.piecewise=zdatapiecewise_; data.regime_history=regime_history; if ~opts_simul_.piecewise_only % get the linear responses data.linear = occbin.mkdata(n_periods,DM.decrulea,DM.decruleb,endo_names,exo_names,[],data.exo_pos,data.shocks_sequence,init_orig_); end if opts_simul_.waitbar dyn_waitbar_close(hh_fig); end