function []=dynare(fname) // Copyright (C) 2001 Michel Juillard // // DYNARE ( 'Filename' ) // This command runs the .MOD file specified in Filename. // Filename could be enter with or without the .MOD extension. if ~(type(fname)==10) then error('The argument in DYNARE must be a text string.'); end k = strindex(fname,'.') if k then fname = part(fname,1:k-1); end command = 'e:/dynare/scilab/dynare_s '+fname; disp(command); unix_w(command); exec(fname+'.sci',-1) ; endfunction // MJ 2/9/99: replace clear function by clear ff_ // MJ 4/7/00: change the path of dynare_m // MJ 02/26/01: replaced local variable x by fname // MJ 09/14/01: Scilab translation