function [pacmodl, lhs, rhs, pnames, enames, xnames, rname, pid, eid, xid, pnames_, ipnames_, params, data, islaggedvariables, eqtag] = ... init(M_, oo_, eqname, params, data, range) % Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % Get the original equation to be estimated [LHS, RHS] = get_lhs_and_rhs(eqname, M_, true); % Check that the equation has a PAC expectation term. if ~contains(RHS, 'pac_expectation', 'IgnoreCase', true) error('This is not a PAC equation.') end % Get the name of the PAC model. pattern = '(\(model_name\s*=\s*)(?\w+)\)'; pacmodl = regexp(RHS, pattern, 'names'); pacmodl =; % Get the transformed equation to be estimated. [lhs, rhs] = get_lhs_and_rhs(eqname, M_); % Get the equation tag (in M_.pac.(pacmodl).equations) eqtag = M_.pac.(pacmodl).tag_map{strcmp(M_.pac.(pacmodl).tag_map(:,1), eqname),2}; % Get the parameters and variables in the PAC equation. [pnames, enames, xnames, pid, eid, xid] = get_variables_and_parameters_in_equation(lhs, rhs, M_); % Get the list of estimated parameters pnames_ = fieldnames(params); % Check that the estimated parameters are used in the PAC equation. ParametersNotInPAC = setdiff(pnames_, pnames); if ~isempty(ParametersNotInPAC) skipline() if length(ParametersNotInPAC)>1 list = sprintf(' %s\n', ParametersNotInPAC{:}); remk = sprintf(' The following parameters:\n\n%s\n do not appear in the PAC equation.', list); else remk = sprintf(' Parameter %s does not appear in the PAC equation.', ParametersNotInPAC{1}); end disp(remk) skipline() error('The estimated parameters must be used in equation %s.', eqname) end % Get indices of estimated parameters. ipnames_ = zeros(size(pnames_)); for i=1:length(ipnames_) ipnames_(i) = find(strcmp(pnames_{i}, M_.param_names)); end % If equation is estimated by recursive OLS, ensure that the error % correction parameter comes first, followed by the autoregressive % parameters (in increasing order w.r.t. the lags). stack = dbstack; ipnames__ = ipnames_; % The user provided order. if isequal(stack(2).name, 'iterative_ols') ipnames_ = [M_.pac.(pacmodl).equations.(eqtag).ec.params; M_.pac.(pacmodl).equations.(eqtag).ar.params']; if isfield(M_.pac.(pacmodl).equations.(eqtag), 'optim_additive') ipnames_ = [ipnames_; M_.pac.(pacmodl).equations.(eqtag).optim_additive.params(~isnan(M_.pac.(pacmodl).equations.(eqtag).optim_additive.params))']; end if isfield(M_.pac.(pacmodl).equations.(eqtag), 'additive') ipnames_ = [ipnames_; M_.pac.(pacmodl).equations.(eqtag).additive.params(~isnan(M_.pac.(pacmodl).equations.(eqtag).additive.params))']; end if isfield(M_.pac.(pacmodl).equations.(eqtag), 'share_of_optimizing_agents_index') ipnames_ = [ipnames_; M_.pac.(pacmodl).equations.(eqtag).share_of_optimizing_agents_index]; end for i=1:length(ipnames_) if ~ismember(ipnames_(i), ipnames__) % This parameter is not estimated. ipnames_(i) = NaN; end end end % Remove calibrated parameters (if any). ipnames_(isnan(ipnames_)) = []; % Reorder params if needed. [~, permutation] = ismember(ipnames__, ipnames_); pnames_ = pnames_(permutation); params = orderfields(params, permutation); % Add the auxiliary variables in the dataset. data = feval([M_.fname '.dynamic_set_auxiliary_series'], data, M_.params); % Check that the data for endogenous variables have values. if any(isnan(data{enames{:}}(range).data(:))) error('Some variable values are missing in the database.') end % Set the number of exogenous variables. xnbr = length(xnames); % Test if we have a residual and get its name (-> rname). if isequal(xnbr, 1) rname = M_.exo_names{strcmp(xnames{1}, M_.exo_names)}; if ~all(isnan(data{xnames{1}}.data)) error('The residual (%s) must have NaN values in the provided database.', xnames{1}) end else % We have observed exogenous variables in the PAC equation. tmp = data{xnames{:}}(range).data; idx = find(all(~isnan(tmp))); % Indices for the observed exogenous variables. if isequal(length(idx), length(xnames)) error('There is no residual in this equation, all the exogenous variables are observed.') else if length(idx)