function initial_estimation_checks(xparam1,gend,data) global dr1_test bayestopt_ estim_params_ options_ oo_ M_ nv = size(data,1); if nv-size(options_.varobs,1) disp(' ') disp(['Declared number of observed variables = ' int2str(size(options_.varobs,1))]) disp(['Number of variables in the database = ' int2str(nv)]) disp(' ') error(['Estimation can''t take place because the declared number of observed' ... 'variables doesn''t match the number of variables in the database.']) end if nv > M_.exo_nbr+estim_params_.nvn error(['Estimation can''t take place because there are less shocks than' ... 'observed variables']) end r = rank(data); if r < nv error(['Estimation can''t take place because the data are perfectly' ... ' correlated']); end if ~isempty(strmatch('dsge_prior_weight',M_.param_names)) [fval,cost_flag,info] = DsgeVarLikelihood(xparam1,gend); else [fval,cost_flag,ys,trend_coeff,info] = DsgeLikelihood(xparam1,gend,data); end % when their is an analytical steadystate, check that the values % returned by *_steadystate match with the static model if options_.steadystate_flag [oo_.steady_state,check] = feval([M_.fname '_steadystate'],... oo_.steady_state,... [oo_.exo_steady_state; ... oo_.exo_det_steady_state]); % Check if the steady state obtained from the _steadystate file is a % steady state. check1 = 0; if isfield(options_,'unit_root_vars') if isempty(options_.unit_root_vars) check1 = max(abs(feval([M_.fname '_static'],... oo_.steady_state,... [oo_.exo_steady_state; ... oo_.exo_det_steady_state]))) > options_.dynatol ; if check1 error(['The seadystate values returned by ' M_.fname ... '_steadystate.m don''t solve the static model!' ]) end end end end if info(1) > 0 disp('Error in computing likelihood for initial parameter values') print_info(info) end disp(['Initial value of the log posterior (or likelihood): ' num2str(-fval)]);