%% Mod-file tests interaction between estimation and shock_decomposition when dseries is used or not var hh nn log_nn; varexo eps_a; parameters alfa nbar lambda betta rho_a std_a nn_init; nn_init = -0.1; alfa = 0.05; lambda = 0.054; betta = 0.99; nbar = 1; rho_a = 0; std_a = 1; model(linear); hh = - alfa * nn + betta * ( hh(+1) + 0 * eps_a(+1) ) + eps_a; log_nn = log_nn(-1) + hh * lambda / (1-lambda); log_nn = ln(nbar) + nn; end; steady_state_model; log_nn = log(nbar); nn = 0; hh = 0; end; shocks; var eps_a; stderr 1; end; estimated_params; alfa, beta_pdf, 0.1, 0.05; std_a, inv_gamma_pdf, 0.05, 1; end; varobs log_nn; %reading Excel sheet from column A on creates quarterly dseries starting in %1950 if isoctave || ~matlab_ver_less_than('7.14') % xlsread is able to read XLSX without Excel installed since R2012a estimation(first_obs=2,datafile='data_uav.xlsx', xls_sheet=Tabelle1, xls_range=a1:b54, mh_replic=2, mh_nblocks=1, mh_jscale=1.1, mh_drop=0.8, plot_priors=0, smoother) log_nn nn hh ; else estimation(first_obs=2,datafile='data_uav.xls', xls_sheet=Tabelle1, xls_range=a1:b54, mh_replic=2, mh_nblocks=1, mh_jscale=1.1, mh_drop=0.8, plot_priors=0, smoother) log_nn nn hh ; end shock_decomposition( parameter_set=posterior_median ) nn hh; %reading Excel sheet from column B on creates annual dseries starting with 1 if isoctave || ~matlab_ver_less_than('7.14') % xlsread is able to read XLSX without Excel installed since R2012a estimation(first_obs=2,datafile='data_uav.xlsx', xls_sheet=Tabelle1, xls_range=b1:b54, mh_replic=2, mh_nblocks=1, mh_jscale=1.1, mh_drop=0.8, plot_priors=0, smoother) log_nn nn hh ; else estimation(first_obs=2,datafile='data_uav.xls', xls_sheet=Tabelle1, xls_range=b1:b54, mh_replic=2, mh_nblocks=1, mh_jscale=1.1, mh_drop=0.8, plot_priors=0, smoother) log_nn nn hh ; end shock_decomposition( parameter_set=posterior_median ) nn hh;